Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 586 Make Trouble, Find A Ghost To Take A Look

Zhang Wei's voice was not too loud, and he spoke in a low voice to avoid being heard by others, but Zhang Chao who was beside him heard it.


Zhang Chao came up and said:

"I'll know tonight? Zhang Wei, how are you going to take revenge? Do you want me to help you?"


"Wori, you answered so quickly, I'm just saying it politely."

Zhang Chao was stunned, smiled and raised his middle finger. Although he said so verbally, he still said:

"How can I help you?"

"It's very simple. If you are free, help me find more ghosts. If you find ghosts, send me a video call to let me know."

"Huh? So simple?"

"Yeah, that's it, what do you think?"

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Zhang Chao looked at Zhang Wei a little strangely. In his opinion, to take revenge on the president of a country's ghost exorcist organization would require a big move, some manpower and material resources, and so on. For this reason, Zhang Chao was ready to call Talk to the Maoshan faction and ask someone to help.


Lu Lianxue thought the same way, and she planned to call grandpa later and ask Longhushan to help.


Zhang Wei gave orders, and Zhang Chao and the others didn't think too much about it. Anyway, Zhang Wei has a lot of tricky ideas, so just follow his ideas.

"Then Wu Nian and I watched the ball, and after we celebrate, we'll help you find the ghost."

"Amitabha, why did you drag the little monk along?"

"Will you go and look for Wu Nian together?"

"Amitabha, go!"


That night.

A residential area on the outskirts of Seoul City.

at this time.

11:30 p.m.

Except for the lit street lights, the street was empty as far as the eye could see, so quiet that one could hear the heartbeat.

Also at this time.

A strange scene appeared, a soda can on the side of the road flew up without warning, with a clang, as if an invisible foot kicked the soda can away. The outer wall, over the wall, flew into the community.

If anyone with yin and yang eyes is here.

It must be seen.

The strange scene was not a scientific phenomenon, but three figures invisible to the naked eye were standing in the place of the soda cans. They were bleeding all over and looked bloody and bloody. They were three ghosts who died in a car accident.

"It's almost turning into a red-clothed ghost."

The car accident ghost standing in the middle opened his mouth, staring at the community in front of him, and asked the car accident ghost beside him:

"Are you sure there is someone born in a cloudy year and a cloudy moon here?"

"Sure, I followed with my own eyes."

"Very well, then let's act quickly, eat that man, and I can be promoted to the red-clothed ghost."

Can't help it.

The three car accident ghosts hurriedly walked towards the community, eager to eat the man to improve their strength, but they all stopped when they approached the community.

Just listen to a long Buddha voice:


sound up.

They were all startled, followed by the sound, and their pupils shrank suddenly. There were two figures standing in front of the fence of the community in front of them, beside the street lamp. One was looking at them with a bright smile, and the other was wearing cassock, looking dusty and ethereal.

Also at this time.

Zhang Chao looked at the three car accident ghosts in front of him and said with a smile:

"I searched all night, and I met a ghost. It's really not easy, but fortunately, the hard work is worth it. Once you find it, you will find three ghosts."

It's not loud, but they all heard the car accident ghost.

"Ghost exorcist?!"

Feeling Zhang Chao's smile and their fearless appearance, even though their strength is restrained, the car accident ghost realized that they are ghost exorcists.

No further words.

The car accident caused them to turn around and run away.


Just like the resentful ghosts before, the car accident ghosts turned around and ran away, but at some point behind them, an invisible wall appeared, and a Maoshan yellow talisman was suspended on it. Ghost them.

"What are you running for? If a few red-clothed ghosts can't reach you, if you still want to run away in front of me, then I can't be fooled."

Zhang Chao walked over chewing gum with his pocket in his pocket.

Words come out.

The car accident ghost and the others were terrified. Looking at the Maoshan yellow talisman, they knew that they were unlucky. When they met two powerful ghost exorcists, they knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Sir, we are good ghosts, don't kill us."

"Sir, master, don't kill us, please, we are just passing by."

To this.

Zhang Chao didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly:

"Okay, stop screaming, we won't kill you, we just have something to do with you."

As soon as they heard that they would not be killed, the car accident ghosts and the others immediately regained their spirits, and hurriedly said:

"You two gentlemen, master, what do you want us to do, as long as we can help, we will do our best to help, heartbroken..."

"Hold on."

Zhang Chao didn't listen to them, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Wei's video call.


The video call was connected, and Zhang Wei appeared on the screen.

"Hey, Zhang Wei didn't sleep, look what I found for you, Jiang Jiang~ It's three ghosts."

Zhang Chao pointed the phone camera at the three car accident victims, and continued:

"Zhang Wei, I got caught by you, what do you want us to do next."

"Just let me see the ghost."


Not to mention Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, even the three car accident ghosts in anxiety were stunned.

From their point of view, Zhang Chao looking for ghosts for people needs ghosts to do something, but now Zhang Wei just asks to see a ghost, which makes them a little confused.

【Ding! Car accident ghosts... looking for ghosts in the middle of the night, just to see ghosts? Damn, the way of thinking of rich people is really different from that of us assholes. 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

At this moment.

Zhang Chao was also a little confused and said:

"Just look at ghosts?"

"Yes, let me look at the three ghosts. It doesn't matter if you are weak or weak, as long as you are a ghost."

Although he didn't understand Zhang Wei's idea, Zhang Chao did as he wanted, and put the mobile phone close to the three car accident ghosts, so that Zhang Wei could see the three traffic accident ghosts clearly.

"How? Did you see it clearly?"

"See clearly."

Zhang Wei said, and continued:

"Okay, I've finished reading Zhang Chao, so you don't need to read it, you and Wu Nian can continue looking for ghosts."

"Ah? Then what about the three car accident ghosts?"

"Let go."

Wu Nian and Zhang Chao: "????"

【Ding! The ghosts of the car accident are confused... This is called Zhang Wei, is he sick, catch a ghost, just to take a look at us? That's it? ha? 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian looked at each other, and finally chose to listen to Zhang Wei's words and let them go.

To this.

【Ding! The car accident ghosts are overjoyed... Haha, it seems that today is not unlucky, very lucky, I thought I was going to die]

[Host obtains system points +50]


The car accident ghost didn't dare to stay for a long time, and scrambled away from here, for fear that Zhang would regret it for them.

Wait until the car accident ghosts go away.

Zhang Chao finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked:

"Zhang Wei, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? You asked us to look for ghosts, just to catch a glimpse of ghosts? Is there any other meaning?"

"I really want to take a look. Only the follow-up will definitely have a follow-up, but you are not needed. You just need to help me find more ghosts and take a look."

in words.

In the video, Zhang Wei grinned.

Also this moment.

Zhang Wei glanced at his watch and murmured:

"It's almost time."

The voice starts.

at the same time.

The three car accident ghosts who had just gone away were suddenly nailed to the spot as if petrified, and then began to scream in pain. They were like swollen sponges, their bodies constantly swelled and agitated, and their faces began to distort out of shape.

Just a few blinks.

Looking at the car accident ghosts again, they are no longer the horrible image they were before. The three of them have become exactly the same. They have become a middle-aged and elderly man in a suit and collar. If there are people from the Law Defamation Association here, they will definitely recognize this middle-aged and elderly person. , that is the president of the Defamation Law Association.


No matter in terms of temperament or even the aura they exude, except for their low real strength, they are exactly the same as the president of the Defamation Law Association.

Zhang Wei took advantage of his ability to 'do whatever he wants', watched the car accident ghosts from a distance through video, and then activated the ability of 'do whatever he wants', making them permanently change into the appearance of the president after a certain period of time, with the same breath , and changed their memories of seeing themselves, Zhang Chao, and Wu Nian.


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