Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 587: Xiba! Chairman! Wrong! I Cao! Three Presidents

"Huh? Why are we here."

As he became the chairman, his memory was tampered with, and he couldn't help but look around blankly in the car accident.

next moment.

When he saw the two presidents beside him, his expression changed:

"My Cao! Exorcist!"

at the same time.


"President of the Defamation Law Association?!"

The two guild leaders beside them also yelled. They also saw the two guild leaders, felt the terrifying aura emanating from them, and knelt down in fright on the spot.

【Ding! Car accident ghosts... I Cao? ! Another two scary ghostbusters, wait, why did I say again? 】

[Host obtains system points +30]


Facing the 'horrible existence' exuding half-step town-level aura, they knew that it was impossible to escape, so without saying a word, they knelt down immediately and begged for mercy with one voice:

"Master, don't kill me."

"President, I know you are the president, please don't kill me, I'm a good ghost."

"I'm just passing by, don't kill me."

Words speak.

【Ding! The car accident ghosts were stunned... Huh? Why has my voice changed like this? No, my voice is the same as these two ghost exorcists, and it's not right, these two ghost exorcists look alike! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

They coincidentally discovered that their voices had suddenly become old. Soon, they discovered that their clothes seemed to have changed, and their hands had also become old. They even found that their appearance had changed as they discovered one after another.

Not only that.

"No, how come there are two presidents?"

The only ghost among the car accident ghosts who had seen the president of the Association of Defamation Laws realized the two presidents in front of him, and through follow-up inspection, he saw that he had also become the president.


The sudden change made them talk instinctively and understand each other's identities.

"My Cao?! Brother, how did we become the president?"

"I said brother, you keep saying who the president is? And how did we become like this?"

"What's going on?"

"The president is the president of the Law Defamation Association. What we are now is the current president of the Law Defamation Association."


Knowing the situation, the car accident ghosts were stunned, looking at each other, looking at each other's president's appearance, and feeling the half-step township-level aura emanating from their bodies, a strange idea popped up...

【Ding! Car accident ghosts... Xiba! Have we become president? Then don't we...]

[Host obtains system points +50]


the other side.

Listening to the system prompt sounding in his head, Zhang Wei smiled.

"Brother Wei, what are you laughing at?"

Yu Xiaoqi watched Zhang Wei come out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and was about to ask if he wanted lol, but suddenly choked, and asked instead:

"It's so fun to take a bath, Brother Wei, are you masturbating inside? Or, I'll ask the monitor to come over, and I'll go out and stay overnight?"

"What are you talking about? You're the only one masturbating. I have Xiaoxue around, so I don't need to masturbate."

"That's right, brother Wei, why are you smiling so happily?"

"Just knowing something happy."

"What a happy thing, Brother Wei said it, and it made me happy."

"It's nothing, it's my enemy, and it may be bad luck recently."

"Oh? Brother Wei, you still have enemies, yes, there are many geniuses who are jealous of your talent."

heard the words.

Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"By the way, Xiao Qi, it's Saturday after class is over tomorrow. Do you want to go out for a stroll? It's a rare time to come to the country. Anyway, it's a place where farts are bigger. Let's go to other places in the country."

Letting Zhang Chao and Wu Nian look for ghosts is still rare. Zhang Wei plans to do less himself. Anyway, he has the ability to do whatever he wants and can change the memory of ghosts. He is not afraid of being discovered, and he does not need to get close to ghosts, just look at them from a distance. .


In Zhang Wei's view, three "chairmen" are not enough, and more points are needed, the more the better!


Time flies.

With the arrival of Saturday, Zhang Wei took Lu Lianxue and Yu Xiaoqi out of Seoul together to visit other places in the country.

Relying on the strength of Banbu Town's national level.

Zhang Wei found many ghosts.

For example, walking in the busy streets of Jeju Island, Zhang Wei noticed the crowds of people coming and going, and noticed that there were a few little ghosts in the crowd, and those little ghosts were attached to a few ordinary people, apparently wanting to To inhale.

“Zhang Wei has a few brats there.”

Lu Lianxue also found out, and originally planned to make a move, but thought that this was stealing the country, so she gave up, but she remembered that Zhang Wei was looking for ghosts, so she hurriedly tugged on Zhang Wei's sleeve.

"I saw."

Zhang Wei rubbed Lu Lianxue's head with a smile, but he took a deep look at the little ghosts.


In Lu Lianxue's eyes, Zhang Wei just took a few glances, did nothing, and took himself to eat kimchi rice.

She doesn't know.

After I waited for the people to leave, until night, when those little ghosts were about to take advantage of the sleep of the ordinary people they were attached to, and when they were about to suck their energy, they hugged their heads in pain, and then all the little ghosts turned into the appearance of the president of the Law Defamation Association, The breath has changed.

It's not just these brats.

Over the next few days.

Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao, and Wu Nian kept looking for ghosts. Without exception, all the ghosts they saw were all turned into the president of the Law Defamation Association by Zhang Wei afterwards.

Also, as more and more 'Presidents of the Defamation Law Association' appear...

the other side.

On a street in Seoul on Sunday.

at this time.

Four ghost exorcists from the Defamation Association walked the streets, doing routine patrols.

"Looks like today is another boring day, why don't we go to the bar later, the ktv we often go to today, I heard that the boss has brought some very flirtatious-looking bartenders, should we have a go?"

"Haha, that's not good. If the higher-ups find out that we skipped duty during the patrol, we will definitely be punished."

"What are you afraid of? It's already 12 o'clock in the evening, everyone is sleeping, and who will check whether the patrols are doing a good job? You say it is...Xiba! President!! No, I am Cao! Three Chairman?!"

Just in the middle of the former's speech, Yu Guang glanced away, and his smile stopped abruptly. At first, his face turned green from fright, but soon he showed surprise.

"Pu Yuan, what are you talking about? Where is the president?"

The others were also taken aback. When they heard that it was the president, they hurriedly looked around, but they didn't see anything.

To this.

Pu Yuan quickly pointed to an alley in front of him:

"I saw the president. The president was looking at us at that place just now, and there seemed to be three presidents."


The other three members of the Law Defamation Association were all stunned, looking at Park Yuan strangely:

"Pu Yuan, you are drinking, right? What are you talking about drunk, three presidents? Are you the president triplets?"

"Haha, I think Pu Yuan was frightened by what you said just now, and hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes."

"This guy is probably intimidated by the president's stinky face recently. After all, the president recently... Cough, let the Defamation Law Association lose a half-step national-level magic weapon. The president has indeed been quite hot-tempered recently."

Feeling the disbelief of his companions, Pu Yuan shook his head violently and said:

"No, that's really the president. I shouldn't be dazzled. I really saw it just now, and... I also saw that the three presidents were, were, carrying a woman into the alley."

As soon as his words came out.


The members of the three law defamation associations were all stunned.


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