Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 588 Another President! Many Presidents

Can't help it.

The people from the three law defamation associations couldn't laugh or cry:

"Pu Yuan, can you still be outrageous? It's fine to see three presidents, and you can also see a woman being lifted. If the president hears your words, the president will probably screw your head off."

"Damn, although I know that Park Yuan is losing his mind, but what he said, my mind is full of three presidents carrying a woman into an alley, and know that kind of scene, right? In the action movie of Sakura Kingdom screen."

"Xiba, me too. Fuck it, it's all Pu Yuan's nonsense. I can't get rid of the pictures in my brain. Hey, what are you doing, Pu Yuan?"

Just when they complain.

But seeing Pu Yuan hesitated for a moment, then ran to the alley, as if he wanted to prove that he was not lying, to verify the authenticity.

The other three also saw Park Yuan's intentions, and they all chased after him:

"Fuck, you're still out of breath, right?"

"Pu Yuan, are you crazy? What are you doing? You don't really think you're right."

Pu Yuan ignored it.

Whether he has drunk himself is the most clear, and he is afraid of the president, but that is only the fear of the strong, not so afraid that he will have hallucinations, besides, he feels that even if he is really afraid of the president, he will not be so afraid The hallucination of the president will be that the three presidents will carry the woman into the alley, is this afraid? No, this feeling is exciting.

He wanted to know if he was wrong.


They reached the alley.

Immediately afterwards.

Everyone, including Pu Yuan, was stunned. At the exit of the alley, there was a high-heeled shoe dropped there. Look carefully, the female high-heeled shoe is intact. When you smell it closely, it still exudes a faint fragrance of perfume. It was obviously not that the high heels were broken and discarded, and feeling the residual temperature on them, it was obvious that the high heels had just been dropped.

To this.

Park Yuan was excited with the high heels in his hand:

"Look! I'm not lying, there really is a woman. What I saw just now, the three presidents carried the woman in. That woman was wearing red high heels and black silk! Really, you hear, this The shoes still smell of perfume, and the temperature."

While talking, Pu Yuan didn't know whether it was to prove that he was right, or to satisfy his perversion, so he picked up the high heels and smelled them, his face was full of excitement.

Seeing this, his companion didn't have time to complain about Park Yuan's behavior, and all his attention was on the high heels in his hand.

This scene.

Quite weird.

In a deserted alley, four men who stole the country, one of them smelled the high-heeled shoes with excitement on his face, and the other three were all staring at the high-heeled shoes. Fortunately, this is an alley, midnight At that time, no one passed by here.

Immediately afterwards.

Regardless of what his companions were thinking, Pu Yuan hurriedly went deep into the alley with his high heels:

"Is Pu Yuan not mistaken?"

"Go, follow and have a look."


Regarding the high-heeled shoes that Park Yuan found, the other three people all had an unbelievable idea... Hasn't Park Yuan seen it? There is really a president carrying a woman into the alley, what is the president doing? To vent out the anger of these days? Just why are there three?

Just thinking about it.

They had already gone deep into the alley, and at this moment, they all felt:

"Someone! This breath..."

"It's the president's breath!"

Their pupils shrank suddenly, and they felt the president's aura remaining in the alley, which belonged to the national level of Banbu Town, there was nothing wrong with it, and the aura remained very strong.

for a while.

They all looked at Pu Yuan, their eyes full of astonishment... I, Cao? ! Pu Yuan, you read that right, he is really the president!

Pu Yuan was equally excited.

He said in a low voice:

"Look, I said it, I'm really not mistaken, I really saw the president, hurry up, let's catch up and have a look."

Driven by strong curiosity, Park Yuan and the others flinched when they didn't know that it was the president, and chose to follow their breath.


Following all the way, they came to the end of the alley, and finally met the president, to be exact, three presidents.


"Xiba, I don't have vertigo."

Their eyes widened, and they poked their heads to look at the three presidents at the end of the corner. Everyone was stunned, their faces full of disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost... It was exactly as Park Yuan said, with special features. What three presidents! !

Same time.

Not only did they see the three presidents, but they also saw what the three presidents were doing.

I saw...

As Park Yuan said, the three presidents carried a girl with heavy make-up together. It can be seen that the girl only wore one high-heeled shoe, and the other foot was not. The high heels happened to be a pair, and it was the girl Park Yuan saw.


Things didn't go as they thought, 'The chairman brought the woman into the alley to vent his anger these days', but to eat the girl.


The three presidents didn't notice Pu Yuan and the others, they just thought that their house was brought in, but they were not found. When they carried the girl into the depths of the alley, they couldn't wait to put the girl down, and then they were ready to eat:

"Girl in the cloudy year, haha, this is absolutely delicious."

One of the presidents said.

The words fell.

The president opened his mouth straight and bit the girl's hand. The other two presidents were also not to be outdone, and opened their mouths to bite the girl's other parts, no matter how they looked, they wanted to eat people.

See here.

How could Pu Yuan and the others stand still, they all rushed out:


"President! What are you doing!"

They shouted, rushed out together, and stretched out their arms to embrace the three presidents. At the same time, the three presidents were startled by the sudden appearance of the four people. It has changed.

"Defamation Law Association?!"

But soon.

Listening to Pu Yuan's shouting, they also remembered their own situation, and pretended to be calm:

"What are you doing! Let me go!"

"Stop what, stop, can't you see who I am?!"

"It's against you, don't you know who I am!"

Feeling the state-level atmosphere of the half-step town exuded by the three presidents, Pu Yuan and the others were all stunned for a moment, only then did they realize how outrageous their behavior was. The national-level president made a move, and the Maokeng lighting is not so courting death.

the other side.

Pu Yuan's reaction was seen by the three presidents, and he couldn't help feeling happy:

"Go away, I'm doing something, what are you getting involved in?"

"It's just a patrol officer, don't you want a job?"

Seeing the three presidents put on airs.

Park Yuan and the others all shrank their necks, the majesty of the president penetrated into the bone marrow, but when they looked at the three presidents in front of them, they were a little confused again, is this the president? But why are there three?

Although Pu Yuan and the others doubted whether the three presidents in front of them were fakes, they were a little bit discouraged when they felt their half-step township-level aura.

But after thinking about it, it was wrong, three and a half steps to the national level? They hadn't heard that the president was triplets, but they knew how many half-step townships there were in their country. They had never heard that there were half-step townships who looked like the president, or two.

Can't help it.

Park Yuan couldn't help asking:

"That... president, who is the president among you?"

As soon as his words came out.

The three presidents looked at each other, and the leader was just about to answer.


A shrill ghost scream sounded.

Together with the three presidents, Pu Yuan and the others were startled, subconsciously raised their heads to look up, at this sight, the pupils of the three presidents, Pu Yuan and the others shrank, and they all exclaimed in surprise:

"I am Cao!"

see you...

Overhead, to be precise, was the roof of the building next door. A figure fell down. It was a middle-aged and elderly man, dressed in a suit. Look carefully at his face...

That's... the president!

To be exact, it was a ghost that Zhang Wei glanced at not long ago, and when the time was up, the ghost turned into the president. The ghost accidentally fell from upstairs.

"Another president?!"

"Wori, are you kidding me?"


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