Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 589 The Frying Pot Of The Defamation Law Association

Seeing the 'President' falling from the sky, Pu Yuan and the others were all stunned, and they didn't come back to their senses until the 'President' fell to the ground.

at the same time.

The 'President' who fell down cursed and got up and said:

"Ma De, what's going on, my body hurts, huh? I'm Cao!"

As it was cursing, it felt as if several pairs of eyes were looking at itself, and subconsciously looked around. Seeing this, it froze in place in fright.

I see.

Surrounded by four people wearing the logo of the Defamation Law Association, their eyes were like torches, standing around and looking at him. In addition, there were three twin middle-aged and elderly people looking at him.

the other side.

Looking at the surprised 'President', the three twin presidents were also stunned.

【Ding! The car accident ghosts are in a daze... the master is coming? ! Or another counterfeit? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Same time.

Park Yuan and the others are also confused:

"Xiba, why is he a president again?"

"What's the situation, there are so many?"

for a while.

The three parties look at each other.

But even though they were confused, Pu Yuan and the others quickly reacted, and regardless of who was the real president, they stopped the four presidents present to prevent them from leaving, and then picked up the The mobile phone dialed the number of the Communication Department of the Defamation Law Association.

In order to facilitate the support and exorcism of ghosts, ghost exorcist organizations in various countries have set up communication departments, which allow ghost exorcists to contact the department at the first time, and facilitate the adjustment of manpower support and so on.


the other side.

Defamation Law Society, within the Department of Communications.

at this time.

A female staff member sat down with a cup of coffee, looked at the computer in front of her boredly, and complained:

"Another lonely and boring night."

Facing his words, the colleague next to him took the earphones from his ears to the back of his ears, and joked with a smile:

"What's wrong, I want to make a fuss in the middle of the night."

"You're just getting mad. I'm just bored. Every night shift is basically boring."

"Isn't it good to be bored? This means that there are fewer supernatural events and we can relax a bit."

"That's right, but I just feel bored. Sitting in front of the computer in a daze, I can only watch TV dramas and can't chat. I'm afraid that if I can't receive the communication, I will be scolded."

"I think you are lonely, wrong, you want a man when you lose your temper, and you need a man to calm your restlessness at night."

"That's what you said, don't just talk, you provide me with a man, I want a handsome and big man."

"Where can I find you a handsome and big one? I'm missing it myself. Oh, no, there is one. Zhang Wei from Daxia is pretty good. Although he embarrassed the president, I have to say that his appearance The duty is on my heart."

"I don't think it grows in your heart, it's in your pen, you are also a scratch..."

I haven't waited for the ridicule to end.

Jingle Bell.

A phone call came from his earphones, and immediately, the former was busy answering the call:

"This is the Defamation Law Association, what's the matter?"

Immediately afterwards.

Park Yuan's voice came from the phone:

"Let me ask, is the president now in the Defamation Law Association?"


The female correspondent was stunned, a little confused, but she answered honestly:

"I'm not in the Defamation Law Association anymore. I just went out to pour coffee and saw the president come back from the office. What's the matter with you? If there are no supernatural events or other important matters, just ask the president. Please don't take up the communication phone. You can call the president yourself, or notify the president's assistant."

Park Yuan was not angry when he heard the words, coughed and said:

"Don't hang up the phone. I did encounter an incident. I need to report it. I am Park Yuan. I am from the Seoul patrol team tonight. I was patrolling just now and met the president. To be precise, I met three presidents. I saw The three presidents carried a woman into the alley."

"Judging from the scene, the three presidents are suspected of wanting to eat women. Of course, it is also possible that they want that. After all, listening to them say 'eating' may also be another kind of 'eating'."

"in addition."

"After my colleagues and I took action to prevent this, we met the fourth president, who jumped from a tall building. At present, the four presidents have been detained by me and my colleagues, so I want to ask if the president is in the Defamation Law Association."

As soon as his words came out.

The female correspondent was stunned, thinking for a while that she had encountered a mental illness and made an interfering call, but out of duty, she confirmed the matter again and again, and then said:

"Okay, I will report this matter now, wait a moment."

The words fell.

The female correspondent hurriedly got up to report to the minister.

at this time.

"Did something happen? I seem to have heard you say that the president jumped off the building? Is it true? The president couldn't bear the blow of losing the half-step town's national magic weapon, can't he think about it?"

The female colleague who chatted with her earlier asked curiously.

Not only her.

The other correspondents in the communication room were all curious.

To this.

The female correspondent even shook her head and said:

"No, no, it's true that a president jumped off the building, but I don't know if it's the president, and there are three presidents who say they molested female passers-by in the alley."

Everyone: "????"

When the female colleague heard it, she also thought she was hallucinating, and said bluntly:

"I said, are you sure you know what you're talking about?"

The female correspondent saw her doubts, and briefly told her the ins and outs of the future.

Words speak.

The female colleague was a little dumbfounded. She was about to speak, but at this moment, the phone rang through her earphones. She couldn't help but pick up the phone and had to deal with the situation first.


"Here is the newsletter of the Law Defamation Association... Uh... Wait, what did you say? Ah?! Say it again?! President? You have met several presidents too?...Don't worry about why I said it, You tell me the situation again first."

The female colleague hadn't even finished her opening remarks, but with the contents of the phone, the dumbfounded expression of the female colleague who hadn't slowed down before became even more dumbfounded.

This scene.

The female correspondent, who was just about to turn around to report, suddenly turned her head and looked:

"What did you just say? What call did you get?"


After the female colleague answered the phone, she looked over in astonishment:

"I also received a call from Jeju Island, saying that someone over there saw the president inhaling energy, Xiba, this..."

As soon as his words came out.

The female correspondent was about to say something, but at this moment, like a domino effect, the incoming calls rang one after another, ringing from the earphones of other correspondents.

They answered the phone one after another.

Immediately afterwards.

All of them had the same expressions of bewilderment, astonishment, etc. by coincidence.

"Huh? What are you talking about? You also saw the president?"

"Have you seen the president? How many are there?... How do I know there are more than one president? Don't ask, just answer my question first."

"Damn, you also met the president. What did the president you see do? Jump off a building or something?... Why do I ask this? It's a long story, so you answer what I said first."

"Ah?! Really? Did you see ten presidents? Are you sure? Xiba, so many?! I, Cao, you saw the most!"


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