The voices of the other correspondents did not restrain themselves, and the female correspondent heard it all, and stared at the scene in front of her with dumbfounded eyes.

next second.

Without even thinking about it, she turned around and rushed out of the communications department.

"Where are you going."

asked the female colleague.

The female correspondent didn't even turn her head, and rushed out with the next sentence:

"Tell the minister, there are many presidents!"


Following the report of the female correspondent, not to mention the president of the Law Defamation Association, the news was like a typhoon, sweeping through the entire Law Defamation Association, and even spread throughout the entire country, and the Law Defamation Association was blown up.

this night.

Everyone in the Defamation Law Association knows that a large number of presidents have appeared in various parts of the country. They look exactly the same as the president, and even have the same aura, which is the aura of Banbu Township.

Also for this.

These presidents once made many ghosts and ghost exorcists think it was the Law Defamation Association, thinking that they saw the president of the Law Defamation Association doing bad things, and spread the news as soon as possible.

Can't help it.

Before the news of 'many presidents appearing in the country', news about the president doing bad things came out one by one:

[The president of the Defamation Law Association has a human face and a beast heart, I think he is babysitting a female ghost. 】

[It's so beautiful, I saw the president of the Association of Defamation of Laws, staying with a group of ghosts, it seems that he wants to form a ghost force, this old guy secretly wants to develop his own power, this is]

[Beast, what a beast, I didn't expect the president to be such a person. He actually rushed into my house in the middle of the night and peeked at me taking a shower! 】

[You may not believe me, I saw the president squatting on the ground eating shit...]

As Zhang Wei turned all the ghosts and even dog monsters into the appearance of the president, a lot of outrageous news about the president came out, each one was more outrageous than the other, but without exception, none of them was good for the president news.


After the news came out one by one, the Law Defamation Association had no time to send out the news that "there are presidents all over the country, these are all fake presidents". international forum.

for a while.

Although it is more than 12 o'clock in the evening, the international forum is more lively than ever, even more lively than during the day:

"Haha, the president of the Law Defamation Association must have been driven mad by Zhang Wei. He actually ate shit. That photo made me laugh to death."

"It's no wonder that the Defamation Law Association has been unable to catch the mastermind of the disappearance case. It's not that Kim Jung-hyuk hid it well, but he is the president with a human face and a heart, and he doesn't do anything about personnel."

"The president of the Law Defamation Association strongly demands to step down, insulting the reputation of ghost exorcists."

"You don't understand, this is the well-intentioned chairman of the National Law Defamation Association. He used his bad reputation to attract fire, let the world criticize him, and divert the embarrassment of the former Law Defamation Association. Selflessness and great love."

"Hahaha, yes yes yes."

"It doesn't seem right. Why are there so many news about the president in one night, which news is true?"

"The same question, which one is the real president, or are they all true? Or are they all fake? Come and analyze the emperor."

"I heard the latest news that there are many presidents in Thief, the number exceeds 100, my God, 100 national-level characters from Banbu Town are making trouble, it's amazing, who is the real president?"

"Maybe the real president is also thinking, who is the real president."

Overwhelming news swept the international forum.

at the same time.

The sound of bang bang bang kept coming from the office of the president of the Law Defamation Association.

That is the president.

Not long ago, the president was awakened from his sleep and learned of this incident. Suddenly, he woke up and rushed to the office overnight to find out the situation.

And at this moment.

He took a tablet and swiped all kinds of remarks about him in the international forums, especially when he saw his clear picture of "the president will grow up and eat shit". , Frantically, everyone smashed the table, and the whole table was smashed to pieces.

"Xiba! Xiba! Xiba! Damn it, what is going on, have you notified the international forum, and asked them to suppress comments?"

The president held the tablet in his hand, and his fingers were about to crush the tablet, and his voice was almost roaring.

The assistant was a little embarrassed for a moment:

"President, we have contacted the international forum as soon as possible and asked them to help delete comments and posts, but there are too many."

The president's eyelids twitch:

"Then did you also send out the news that I appeared in various parts of the country? Give me a notice and tell them that it is not me, someone is pretending to be me, damn it, who the hell is pretending to be me, and what method is used to fake it. "

The president became more and more angry. After he returned to the Defamation Law Association, he immediately went to see those "chairmen" to see what they had become. The curse made them speak the truth.


No matter how you look at it, you can't find the true faces of the 'guild leaders', what they show is the appearance of the chairman, it seems that their true faces are the chairman, and I can't find any clues, I only know that they seem to be inexplicably become the chairman look like.

Think here.

Looking at the remarks on the international forum on the tablet in his hand, the chairman couldn't hold back anymore, and asked directly:

"Tell me, how many incidents of presidents have appeared, and what they have done, and show me the information."

"The president is here."

Hearing this, the assistant hurriedly answered the phone from the communication department in his hand, and handed the sorted records to the president.

This look.

The president was about to faint. There were more than a dozen A4 sheets of incident records, all of which were filled with dense incidents. If he picked up one of them and glanced at it, it was full of vicious incidents that would ruin his reputation.

See here.

The president couldn't hold back anymore, he roared and cursed:

"Drafting it!! Who the hell did this shit!!!"

He knew that even though the Defamation Law Association quickly issued a notice, but with so many incidents, it is impossible for everyone to believe the notice. Some people will definitely suspect that the incident was done by themselves. Believe.

Thinking of this, the president feels like he is about to faint, his brain is a little lack of oxygen, and his reputation may be gone in the future, but this is not the point, the point is that if there are other "chairmen" outside who have not been caught, When they continue to commit crimes, must they continue to add black material?

"Arrange manpower for me! Search all over the country for people and ghosts who look exactly like me, no matter whether there are criminals or not, catch them if you see them!"

"Okay, President, that... President, I have something to report to you."

After the assistant finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, but he still spoke.

its move.

Being noticed by the president, I couldn't help but thumped my heart and said:

"What's up?"

"President, I just received the news that... tonight there is an ordinary plane flying to Greece. There is a person on it who looks the same as the president. It went to Greece, and then I heard that there is another cargo ship bound for Africa. The president also appeared on the ferry, some people saw it, they..."

The assistant looked at the chairman's increasingly dull face, and continued:

"They thought they read it wrong, and now they have learned about the news of the presidents in many places and reported them, so I suspect that maybe... several presidents have gone abroad, I Cao! President! President! Wake up! Quick, someone, call 120!"

I saw...

At the moment when the assistant finished the report, the chairman heard the information, and felt that his brain was extremely hypoxic at this moment. In the end, his eyes went black with anger, and he fainted from anger. The assistant was so frightened that he quickly supported the chairman and pinched him hard. middle.


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