Immediately afterwards.

At the gate of the Law Defamation Association, the sound of an ambulance sounded shortly afterwards.

Same time.

I don't know who leaked the news. On the international forum, news about the president's fainting came out that night, and there was a wave of emoticons and emoticons, such as the emoticon of the president inhaling oxygen, such as the emoji of the president's breath rising to the sky. Figure and so on.

To this.

A hotel near Seoul University, in the presidential suite.

There was a belly laugh.

That was Zhang Chao. After the chairman’s remarks appeared on the international forum, he got the news immediately, and immediately watched and posted comments to ridicule. Now seeing that the chairman was said to have fainted from anger, he laughed and slapped the table :

"Hahahaha, Wu Nian, come and take a look at this picture, I laughed so hard, fuck, who made this picture, it seems that foreign countries also have tricks, it's too messed up."

Zhang Chao stretched out his hand and waved again and again, shouting at Wu Nian who was doing daily chanting in the guest bedroom.

As soon as his words came out.

I don't know if I want to watch the forum, or Zhang Chao greeted me a series of times, which made Wu Nian feel a little unintentional in chanting, and couldn't help speeding up the last wooden fish percussion, and the time of chanting in the mouth speeded up, so fast that it almost became a box, and then put my hands together after the chanting :

"Amitabha, Buddha bless."

The words fell.

Wu Nian got up abruptly, put his hands together and walked out of the guest bedroom, saying:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, didn't the little monk say that when the little monk is chanting, don't disturb the little monk, what kind of picture is it, let the little monk see it, it actually makes you laugh like this."

"You'll know it when you read it. Look at the emoji of the president inhaling oxygen. Fuck, isn't it funny?"

Zhang Chao laughed loudly, and while showing Wu Nian the phone, he praised:

"Made, I knew that Zhang Wei wasn't just looking for ghosts, hahaha, although I don't know how he did it, but this idea is absolutely perfect. I guess the president is sleeping now, and his mind must be full of a group of presidents. Follow him around."

in words.

Zhang Chao stroked his chin and said:

"It seems that if I make enemies with others in the future, I have to ask Zhang Wei to help me out with ideas for revenge. Haha, let me see who dares to make enemies with us."

Wu Nian did not respond to Zhang Chao. He was concentrating on holding his mobile phone, browsing the international forum, looking at the posts and comments on it, a smile slowly appeared on his paralyzed face, and then he seemed to realize that he shouldn't laugh , and slowly restrained his smile.

At this moment.

Zhang Chao seemed to have thought of something, patted his head and said:

"Oh, I'm just laughing here, hurry up and find Zhang Wei, haha, I guess Zhang Wei must be laughing too, Wu Nian, how many ghosts did Zhang Wei make to become the president?"

"Amitabha, based on the little monk's understanding of Zhang Wei, there must be hundreds of them, and more than that, there should be 250 of them."

"Haha, yes, Wu Nian, your thinking is the same as mine, it seems that you are not just chanting scriptures in your head."

That's all for words.

Zhang Chao took his mobile phone from Wu Nian and sent Zhang Wei a WeChat message.

[Zhang Chao]: Young man, are you asleep? Sleeping damn, wake up hi jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Didn't sleep.

[Zhang Chao]: Haha, I knew you weren't asleep, were you watching an international forum? Haha, the president was so mad at you.

【Zhang Wei】: Hehehe, of course I'm watching, how about this revenge, handsome or not.

[Zhang Chao]: Handsome! you are my god jpg

[Zhang Chao]: By the way, Zhang read the forum for me. I just counted it roughly. It seems that you have created more ghosts than we can find for you. Tell me! How many of them will grow out after you get them.

【Zhang Wei】: No more, no more, just 250, Jie Jie Jie jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Haha, I knew it. When the Defamation Law Association finds all the 'chairmen', it is estimated that the chairman will be stunned once.

【Zhang Wei】: Don't worry, he has to be stunned several times.

[Zhang Chao]:? ? ? ?

[Zhang Chao]: Damn, Zhang Wei sees you say that, what else do you want to do.

【Zhang Wei】: Guess.

[Zhang Chao]: Guess your sister, if I can guess it, my name will not be Zhang Chao, but Zhang Wei.

【Zhang Wei】: Actually, I haven't figured out how to continue. I'm thinking about another thing now. I plan to think about the president's affairs slowly. Zhang Chao, if you have anything to pay attention to, let's do something.

[Zhang Chao]: Huh? What matters is as important as being the president of a national ghost exorcist organization.

【Zhang Wei】: In a few days, Xiaoxue's birthday.

[Zhang Chao]: This damn thing is too late to prevent dog food, put up the middle finger jpg

【Zhang Wei】: qq emoticon grinning jpg

【Zhang Wei】: What kind of gift would you like to give? This is the first time I gave Xiaoxue a birthday present.

[Zhang Chao]: My answer is "drink more hot water".

【Zhang Wei】: Shit, I really can't expect you to be a straight man, come on, go and chat with your wolf silver, I'm going to think about gifts.

[Zhang Chao]: That’s right, I’m going to find my Stephanie and share with her, the president’s joke, let’s talk about it by the way, baahahaha, envy, young man jpg

[Zhang Wei]: Sharing belongs to sharing, remember not to say I did it.

[Zhang Chao]: Don't worry, I can't say it, even Stephanie wouldn't say it, this kind of thing must not be said.


We chatted a few more words.

Zhang Wei ended the chat, and then thought:

"It's better to prepare some gifts for Xiaoxue. At this point, Xiaoxue should be asleep, but Xiaomantou probably hasn't slept. Just ask her."

Do whatever comes to mind.

Zhang Wei opened WeChat and sent a message to Qiu Xiaolin.

【Zhang Wei】: Calling Concubine Qiu Ai, is Concubine Ai here? I need you urgently. Please call me back. Over

next second.

As Zhang Wei thought, Qiu Xiaolin did not sleep and sent a message.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Does the emperor look for courtiers and concubines to do anything with you? Oh, that's wrong, you are stealing the country, you can't do it, what's the point of finding a concubine? If it's okay, the concubine wants to continue to play the king with Yaya and the others, and I'm one game away from returning to the king and one star.

[Zhang Wei]: I knew you were playing the king, Xiao Mantou. I really have something to look for. It’s okay. You fight first, and then return to me. I want to ask if you know Xiaoxue’s birthday, right?

[Qiu Xiaolin]: I know, it’s Xiaoxue’s birthday in two days, my birthday presents are all ready, hey, no way, no way, your majesty, you haven’t prepared a gift for Concubine Xue yet, Zhen Huan covers her mouth tenderly call jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Look at what you said, yes, I haven't decided on a gift yet, qq emoticon covers my face and laughs and cries jpg

[Zhang Wei]: You know, the first time I prepared a gift, I was always in a hurry. It was the first time I celebrated your birthday before, and I didn't think about what gift to give until your birthday.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Indeed, and then you thought about it for several days, and finally sent me out of blood, Annie hugged her cheeks with her hands jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Cough, that's not what you asked for, you said it yourself, you want me to give you a very memorable gift, I'm sure it's memorable enough, you see, you still remember it now, or do you remember it because of that night The content is too intense, and I also feel the same way. Every time I think about it, I am very happy.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Heh, your dragon with a long face and joyful face refers to your big dragon, right? Conan pushes his glasses and laughs jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Talking nonsense and telling the truth.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: But Xiaoxue's birthday, you actually ask me, don't be afraid that I will be unhappy.

【Zhang Wei】: Don't be afraid, I understand you, hehe.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: You are poor in mouth.


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