Just when Lu Lianxue was worried.

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door, and Lu Lianxue's roommate got up to look. When the door opened, all the roommates were stunned.

I see.

At the door of the dormitory, there stood a young man in white casual clothes with a cool short haircut. He held a bouquet of ninety-nine roses in his hand, with a spring-like smile on his face.

As only in Korean dramas, the romantic scene of the heroine holding flowers in front of the heroine's room appeared in front of him.

Even if it's not for me.

The roommates are also screaming at this moment, their eyes are actually lit up, and they are surprised by Zhang Wei's appearance and romantic behavior without concealing it. Even though they have seen Zhang Wei before, today's Zhang Wei, regardless No matter how you look at it, it is well-dressed.

"Hi, may I ask if classmate Lu Lianxue is here?"

Zhang Wei raised a smile.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the roommates came to their senses. Seeing the handsome man in front of him like a prince from a fairy tale, they nodded like chickens pecking at rice:

"Yes, classmate Lu Lianxue is here."

They talked and hurriedly made way for Zhang Wei to see Zhang Wei in the dormitory.

at the same time.

Lu Lianxue was also a little absent-minded, she didn't expect Zhang Wei to come with a bouquet of roses, and she even went to cut her hair and bought some clothes. When she recovered, Zhang Wei was already standing in front of her.

"Happy birthday, Xiaoxue."

Zhang Wei grinned, his eyes fell on Lu Lianxue in front of him, he handed the rose in his hand to Lu Lianxue, and said with a smile:

"You are dressed more beautifully today. Is this really okay? How can other girls live?"

As soon as his words came out.

Lu Lianxue's face turned red, feeling the envy of her roommates, her heart warmed, and she said with a smile:

"Really, do I look good today?"

She was happy in her heart, kind of sweet, Zhang Wei noticed how she was dressed, it seemed that it was unnecessary to worry that Zhang Wei would not see how she was dressed, and at the same time, she was also happy that Zhang Wei remembered her birthday, she was still thinking about what to do Give Zhang Wei a side note about his birthday today.

"It must look good today, because the person is good-looking, and the dress is even better."

"Zhang Wei, your mouth is very sweet today."

"Really? I've always been sweet, but Xiaoxue, you're right in everything you say."

Words come out.

Lu Lianxue smiled sweetly and smelled the roses Zhang Wei gave her.

Just when Lu Lianxue was about to say something.

Zhang Wei was the first to speak:

"Xiaoxue will finish class later, there is no class in the afternoon, I will take you to a place."

"Where? Don't you want to take me to the hotel?"

Lu Lianxue was very happy, and she couldn't help but joke with Zhang Wei's rare naughty jokes, she even blinked her beautiful eyes in her words, and her cold and beautiful face couldn't help but add to her charm.

Zhang Wei laughed after hearing this:

"That's not true, that one can go later, and go to other places first."

"What are you going to do?"

"Birthday present for you."


Time flies.

The country, Jeju Island, is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the country, with a large number of tourists every year, and it is one of the important sources of income for the country's tourism industry.

at this time.

A large port in Jeju Island, in an abandoned building nearby.

Although it is 3 o'clock in the afternoon, looking around the underground parking lot of the abandoned building, there are many ghosts and ghosts gathered in the shadows. A rough count, at least a hundred, and the breath is not weak, at least the red-clothed ghost, the most The strong ones even reached the top ghost king.

so much.

Once a city is invaded, it will inevitably cause extremely bad casualties.

At this moment.

A headless ghost holding a golden long-haired head in his hand, looked at the time, and after confirming that all the personnel had arrived, he spoke fluent Italian and said to the leading ghost leader:

"Boss, all the personnel are here, a total of three hundred and three, when are we going to act?"

"Good job. I thought there would be twists and turns during this period. I didn't expect Thief's defense to be so weak that it would allow us to come in so easily."

The ghost leader was covered in black air, and continued with a sneer:

"It seems that the rumors are true. The president of the Law Defamation Association is estimated to be hospitalized now. The Law Defamation Association is trying its best to arrest the 'President Ghost', and the attention is distracted."

The headless ghost nodded and responded:

"Hey, yes, the president of the Defamation Law Association is hospitalized. This is a great opportunity. When the time comes, we will take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out one of the biggest ghost forces stealing the country, and our reputation will be publicized."

It's not very loud, but it's located in the underground parking lot, the sound echoes slowly, and all the ghosts present can hear it.


Many ghosts cheered in Italian, French, and English:

"Kill them all and use them to make a name for yourself."

"Hey, I can't wait to be famous."

Pretending to be.

They are not ghosts that steal the country, they come from the ghost forces in Europe and Italy. Before, Sen Luosi went to the Sakura Country to destroy the Shuten-douji forces. This incident caused quite a stir in the world, not only the exorcists. , There are also many foreign ghosts who know.

to this end.

The name of Sen Luosi became famous for a while.


Because of Sen Luosi's actions, the ghosts were restless. Many foreign ghost forces also wanted to follow suit and took action. Among them, Europe was the most influential. Some ghost forces flocked to other countries to kill and start their own power reputation.

Senlois inadvertently stirred a global tide.

And the Italian ghost force in front of me is also one of them. They want to make a name for themselves, but there is already a storm in Europe, and various ghost forces are about to move, and various ghosts invade and compete for territory.


The Italian ghost forces decided to move to other places, and set their sights on the country of Thief. There are other ghost forces in Europe making trouble there, and they have a bad reputation there. The forum is concerned, if there is trouble here, it will definitely be able to use this to spread the influence.

"Boss, I have already investigated the ghost forces that stole the country. This is the address of the ghost forces we are going to deal with."

The headless ghost handed a map to the ghost leader.

The ghost leader nodded and said bluntly:

"Very well, then act as soon as night falls tonight, and destroy it overnight. It is faster than Senluosi, not only faster, but also kills everyone around and causes large casualties. Only in this way can we The notoriety spread."

in words.

The ghost leader's eyes are full of light:

"Eating the ghost power that stole the country, my strength can also be improved. When the time comes, I will go back to Europe and occupy it as a giant power."


the other side.

Inside a car on the way to the port of Jeju Island.

Zhang Chao was driving the car, Wu Nian was sitting in the co-pilot, and the two looked at Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue in the back seat from time to time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Wei felt their gazes.

Zhang Chao didn't give a shit, and said with a curled lip:

"Look at why you are so handsome. I'm a dog. Now I understand why Miss Lu is attracted to you. You two may not have noticed just now. When you walked out of Seoul University and walked on the road, How many people around you are looking at you, and some people take pictures with their mobile phones, they all think that you are artists from some artist company that stole the country."

Zhang Wei smiled hehe:

"I can't help it. People are handsome like this. Let's not talk about it. Zhang Chao told you what happened. This is my birthday present for Xiaoxue. If you mess it up, you can apologize from the palace."

Zhang Chao made an OK gesture casually:

"Don't worry, this time I made a special inquiry. The information is absolutely reliable. I asked the Department of Health and Dao. The source of the information was provided by Shengxuan. There is no mistake. This is the real dragon Wei Shengxuan of our Great Xia. He provided information, sure."


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