"Information from Shengxuan?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised and couldn't help saying:

"How could Shengxuan have information about Europe? Didn't he go to a beautiful country?"

"I don't know, anyway, when I went to ask for you, the Department of Wei Dao told me that, I heard that Shengxuan came back from the beautiful country, and I just found out that you were asking, so I told you the information .”

Zhang Chao looked at Zhang Wei through the rearview mirror while talking:

"You guy, you are too fierce, even people like Shengxuan pay attention to you, but it's true, as long as you are forced to improve your speed, you will definitely become a township level. Shengxuan really deserves your attention."

Facing Zhang Chao's words.

Zhang Wei, however, was a little weird. He recalled that not long ago he asked the werewolf king Aode to escort the 'goods', and he also met Shengxuan at that time.

I still remember.

Shengxuan paid close attention to himself back then, and now he is still eager to provide information. Zhang Wei couldn't help asking:

"Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, you think Sheng Xuan is not gay, right?"


Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, and Lu Lianxue were all stunned.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't hide anything, and told about Shengxuan's stay at the port.

"Hey, there is such a thing."

"Amitabha, did the benefactor of Shengxuan pay attention to Zhang Wei a long time ago?"

"That's why I asked, this Shengxuan pays so much attention to me, it must be because he is in love with me."

Zhang Wei spoke out.

Lu Lianxue laughed out loud.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei reached out and pinched Lu Lianxue's nose:

"What are you laughing at? I'm very charming. Look at the princesses in Longhushan who have been conquered by me."

in words.

Zhang Wei did not forget to put his ear next to Lu Lianxue's, and whispered in a voice that only Lu Lianxue could hear:

"Conquer every night."

Lu Lianxue's face turned red, and she stretched out her hand to pinch Zhang Wei's waist.

Also at this time.

Zhang Chao's voice came:

"It's normal for Shengxuan to pay attention to you. Although there is no precedent, it is because there is no one who can make him look at you differently before, but Zhang Wei, you are strong enough to reach the real dragon guard. It is normal for Shengxuan to think highly of you. At the same level, it belongs to paying attention to the 'same generation' in advance."

"Besides, my dad and the others have seen Shengxuan before. I have never heard of Shengxuan being gay. The probability is too small. Compared with Shengxuan being gay, it is better to believe that Shengxuan is your relative. The elders care about the younger generation. Then Not very normal, hahaha."

As soon as his words came out.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, is Shengxuan Zhang Wei's relative? Forgive me, this is impossible."

"Look, even Wu Nian thinks it's impossible, and it's even more impossible for him to be gay."

Chao Zhang replied:

"Let's not talk about this, Zhang Wei, we are almost there, the port is ahead."

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei stopped Zhang Chao:

"You can stop, Zhang Chao."

"What's wrong?"

"It's a birthday present for Xiaoxue, I already feel it."

As Zhang Wei said, his eyes fell on an abandoned building that he had just passed. With its powerful strength, he felt that there was a faint ghost aura there. Although it was well hidden, it couldn't be hidden from him.


the other side.

Time flies.

As the sky is dyed red, when the sun sets the mountain moment.

In the underground parking lot of the abandoned building, there was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves. The sound penetrated and made people hairy. It was the leader of the ghosts who ordered all the ghosts to move out.

for a while.

The dark ghosts poured out of the underground parking lot like a black wave, and the scene was horrifying, as if it was not the entrance to the underground parking lot, but the gate to hell leading to the underworld.


The moment the ghosts from Italy rushed out, they were stunned.

【Ding! The ghosts froze... Huh? what is that? someone? Ghost exorcist? 】

[Host obtains system points +3000]

I saw not far ahead.

A figure led three figures to stand there, looking straight at this side, apparently also spotted them, it was Zhang Wei and the others.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei said slowly to Lu Lianxue at the side:

"Xiaoxue, today's ghost exorcism is a birthday present for you. Watch your husband and I will hold a birthday performance for you."

The words fell.

【Ding! The ghosts are furious...huh? I Cao? ! What about people? 】

[Host obtains system points +3100]

Although they couldn't understand what Zhang Wei was saying, the ghosts felt humiliated when they looked at Zhang Wei's calm gaze. A young ghost exorcist really thought he was a genius? They are more than three hundred ghosts.

But before they took action, they felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then looked at Zhang Wei, who had disappeared, and then looked over, Zhang Wei appeared in front of the ghosts at some point.


Zhang Wei grabbed the neck of the frontmost ghost and lifted its whole body with one hand.

next second.

There was a click.

The crisp sound of bones breaking.

The zombie-like ghost was strangled to death by Zhang Wei, and it was too late to resist at all.

Also at this time.

Holding the dead zombie ghost in one hand, Zhang Wei whispered softly with the gaze of one person surrounding a group of people:

"Today is my girlfriend's birthday present, so I am here to ask you to die generously as my girlfriend's birthday present."

Voice out.

A shocking scene appeared.

Zhang Wei flicked the zombie ghost in his hand casually, and the ability to do whatever he wanted was activated at this moment. The corpse of the zombie ghost in his hand exploded and turned into a bloody dance. In the blink of an eye, the corpse was enough to become a bloody skeleton. sword.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei grabbed the nearest ghost with his other hand.


A shrill scream sounded, starting from the ghost, and stopped abruptly in the next second. The ghost's body exploded, blooming like fireworks, blood stained the ground, and its body turned into a snow-white spear.


The sonic boom that pierced the air exploded.

Zhang Wei threw out the big gun in his hand, just like the Greek god Hera Cross, throwing the spear, drawing a snow-white arc in the falling night, accompanied by screams, four or five ghosts couldn't dodge, Being pierced by spears one after another.


The four ghosts were nailed to the wall of the building by the spear in a cluster, and the blood on their bodies dripped down the barrel of the spear, splashing a gorgeous flower of blood on the ground.

at the same time.

The four pierced ghosts burst out with light, colorful, gorgeous and dazzling, and turned into four knives, guns, swords, and halberds flowing with colorful light. The weapons flew out and hung around Zhang Wei.

This scene.

It has been branded in the eyes of ghosts, Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue and others.


Zhang Wei held a big blood-colored sword and surrounded his body with four weapons. The aura belonging to his half-step True Dragon Guard erupted at this moment.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Zhang Chao's eyes widened, and he exclaimed:

"My Cao?! Zhang Wei, what kind of method is this?! This is too... handsome!!! Fuck!!!"

Even Wu Nian was moved, his face was paralyzed without concealing his astonishment, and he spoke before clasping his hands together:

"Amitabha, how did Zhang Wei come here?"

at the same time.

Lu Lianxue also stared at Zhang Wei in front of her in astonishment. Looking at the gorgeous and shocking fighting style, what Zhang Wei said for herself today rang in her mind... Today is the birthday of my lovely and charming Xiaoxue, and I am going to present you a birthday. A very entertaining ghost exorcism performance.


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