Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 595 Exorcising Ghosts Exclusively To Zhang Wei

at the same time.

Lu Lianxue and the others were in shock, as were the ghosts. On the one hand, they were horrified by Zhang Wei's powerful aura, and on the other hand, they were stunned by Zhang Wei's methods.

【Ding! The ghosts were stunned... Is this the exorcism technique of stealing the country? No, what kind of exorcism is this? 】

[Host obtains system points +3200]

"Quick! Use the demon circle, this guy is not a ghost exorcist!"

The headless ghost roared.

As the brains of the ghost forces, the headless ghost investigated the ghost exorcist who stole the country. He was a slanderer who used jumping to the gods and cursing as the means of exorcising ghosts. .

in words.

The headless ghost was thinking quickly about the information about ghost exorcists from all over the world, but he went back and forth over and over again, but couldn't find one that matched Zhang Wei's ghost exorcism profession.


Unexpectedly, the headless ghost didn't mess up, and quickly commanded the ghosts to cast a magic circle to deal with Zhang Wei.


With hundreds of ghosts standing in a formation, and with the top ghost king as the formation, a round magic circle with a size of hundreds of meters and exuding black light appeared. At that moment, the top ghost king roared, and his strength showed geometric times promote.

"Half-step township level?"

Feeling the increase in strength of the ghost leader, Zhang Chao was a little moved and said:

"It's no wonder that with the strength of the top ghost king, he can occupy the seat of the ghost power in Italy. So there is such a means?"

the other side.

Although Zhang Wei saw the huge magic circle emerging, he didn't pay attention to it. He was focused on showing his handsome side, and wanted to present Lu Lianxue a visual birthday feast.


After piercing through the four ghosts with one shot and turning them into swords, guns, and halberds to surround them, Zhang Wei waved his hand, and all the swords, guns, and halberds around him flew up, like floating cannons, levitating and shooting at the ghosts attacking around them.

Zhang Wei didn't stay idle either, he swung out the blood-colored great sword in his hand, and the blood-colored sword light streaked across the front with a horizontal slashing light.


The dozens of ghosts in front couldn't dodge in time, a red line appeared on Qiqi's neck, and then with a gust of wind, the heads flew out of the body one by one, and ghost blood sprayed from the broken neck.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei killed these heads with his gaze.


The flying heads burst out with golden brilliance, as if the dozen or so heads were not heads, but golden suns, the sun was dazzling, and they seemed to have spirituality, flying towards Zhang Wei, the closer they got to Zhang Wei , the Golden Crow Sun suddenly deformed, becoming flat, slender, and stretched.

Two less than a blink of an eye.

The dozen or so golden suns stretched into golden arrow feathers.


The dozens of corpses that had lost their heads also lost their heads, and their bodies fell to the ground one by one, but when their bodies were tilted and were about to fall to the ground, Zhang Wei looked at them again, and their bodies suddenly turned into powder.

for a while.

Dust-like smoke filled the sky.


The dust of corpses in the sky, glowing like fireflies, flew towards Zhang Wei rapidly, and condensed half a meter in front of Zhang Wei, turning into a golden bow and arrow, gorgeous in shape, just like Hou Yi's big bow.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei threw away the bloody sword in his hand, pierced through the chest of a ghost in the distance, and stretched out his hand to grab the big bow ahead.

Same time.

The other hand stretched out to the dozen or so arrow feathers around it, grabbed one casually, put on the bow and drew the string, and with a swoosh, the bow and arrow shot at the headless ghost.

Everything happened too fast.

From the bloody sword being swung, the ghost head turning into an arrow, the corpse turning into a bow, and then the arrow feathers shooting out, the whole process was completed in one go within three to four seconds, not to mention Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue, and Wu Nian, even the ghosts were all caught by this The cool and pleasing way to exorcise ghosts is dumbfounded.

【Ding! The ghosts are sluggish, my god, this is too handsome... no, be careful! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +3300]

【Ding! Headless ghost...fuck, how could he have such a handsome exorcism skill, huh? Huge gift crab! 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

The headless ghost changed color, and the arrow feather shot from the pupil enlarged rapidly.

No time to think about anything else.

The headless ghost's top ghost king-level aura erupted, and the ghost aura was like a wave, turning into a huge ghost hand, blocking in front of him, the ghost hand opened, and grabbed the golden arrow feathers that were shot.

Chi -

The giant ghost hand slid on the ground for several meters before stopping, catching and resisting Zhang Wei's arrow feathers.


Before the headless ghost could be happy, he only heard the continuous sound of piercing through the air.


The headless ghost's pupils suddenly shrank.

After Zhang Wei shot an arrow, he saw his own arrow feathers being caught, without any hesitation, he stretched out his hand to take the arrow, nocked the arrow and pulled the bow, shot it, took the arrow again, nocked the arrow and pulled the bow, shot again, and so on. , Shooting out a dozen or so arrow feathers around his body in succession.

The sound of breaking through the air.


Accompanied by shrill screams.

The arrow feathers pierced through one ghost after another all the way, and the trend continued unabated, shooting straight at the headless ghost.

Same time.

It's like a perpetual motion machine.

The pierced ghost fell down, and its body flew up, turning into arrow feathers and flying towards Zhang Wei, allowing Zhang Wei to replenish his arrows and draw his bow again.

Can't help it.

Looking at the densely packed golden arrow feathers, it descended like a torrential rain.

【Ding! Headless Ghost Despair]

[Host obtains system points +130]

The headless ghost thought about dodging, but soon discovered that Zhang Wei was not only shooting arrows quickly, but also blocked his dodging position with every arrow he shot, so he could only bite the bullet and mobilize all the ghosts Qi, covering himself, praying that he can withstand Zhang Wei's attack.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't move too much, and was about to continue to draw his bow and shoot arrows, but at this moment, he seemed to feel something, and looked to the left. At the same time, four or five arrow feathers floating on his left side burst into light, condensing into a single person The tall shield is on his left side.

Boom! ! !

It was as if a bronze bell of a temple was rung, and the shield made a loud noise.

see you...

I don't know when, the ghost boss appeared, with a half-step township-level strength, he punched Zhang Wei's head with a punch, trying to explode his head, but Zhang Wei sensed his sneak attack and condensed a big shield , blocking its attack.

"Sneak attack?"

Zhang Wei looked at the ghost leader on the left, without saying a word, and flicked the bow in his hand.

next second.

The scene of Lu Lianxue, Zhang Chao, and Wu Nian appeared in awe.

The golden descendant bow in his hand swung down, folded at both ends, and flew to Zhang Wei's hands, one left and one right, and turned into two pistols, one gold and one silver, and the surrounding arrows turned into magazines full of bullets. .


【Ding! The head of the ghost stared wide-eyed... Cao! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

Da da da da da———

Zhang Wei raised his double guns and fired repeatedly at the nearby ghost bosses.

for a while.

Bullet casings flew out of the pistol one after another.

But the moment the bullets were fired, the magazine fell off automatically, and a brand new magazine full of bullets floated beside Zhang Wei, and it flew in, and it was automatically stuck, removed and replaced, and the magazine was replaced with the pistol. The whole process was smooth and smooth. , The shot never stops, just like infinite bullets.


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