Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 596 Trigger Special Rewards, Skill Card 'Upgrade'

the other side.

Zhang Wei's double-gun shooting, the bullets kept rattling, abruptly shot the pistol into Gatling's sense of sight.

The ghost leader's expression changed, and he couldn't hide even if he wanted to. He was too close to Zhang Wei, so he could only cross his hands to block in front of him, and followed Zhang Wei's example, using ghost energy to gather a large shield in front of him to resist bullets.


The gunfire spewed out, and the bullets were dense like rain. They shot on the large ghostly shield, making a clanging sound, which reverberated in this area. The large shield also seemed to be hit hard, with bullet holes appearing one by one, and cracks appeared in the blink of an eye.

But also taking advantage of this opportunity, the ghost leader took advantage of the trend to retreat and distanced himself from Zhang Wei.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't care about it, and casually threw the two guns in his hands up, his eyes swept over, the light was shining, and the two guns turned into two Thompson submachine guns.

next second.

Zhang Wei caught the falling Thompson submachine gun, turned his head and fired at the ghosts beside him.



"Do not----"

The ghosts around couldn't react, they were shot down by the bullets, their bodies shook as if they were shaking their shoulders, and a bunch of bullet holes appeared on their bodies, their heads fell to the ground and died.

【Ding! The ghosts can't die with peace... Are we really stealing the country? Why do I have the feeling that I fought against the Italian mafia before my death]

[Host obtains system points +520]

Looking at the ghost that was shot, the surrounding ghosts were stunned:

【Ding! The ghosts are sluggish...are we still in Italy and isn't this a mafia shootout? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +530]

This scene.

It made many ghosts feel familiar, even the leaders of the ghosts were stunned, and there was a kind of dream going back to the time when the mafia was prevalent in Italy, and the fight between mafia families was like this.


The ghost leader didn't have time to marvel, Zhang Wei's ghost exorcism was mafia, he looked at the fallen ghosts, his eyes were tearing and he shouted:

"Stop it!"

in words.

The ghost leader also rushed forward, and picked up the bloody sword that Zhang Wei threw earlier. Although he didn't know how Zhang Wei turned his subordinates into weapons, his weapon had to be said to be very powerful, a weapon that condensed his ghost energy. Not a level.


Zhang Wei turned sideways, avoiding the force of the ghost leader and slashing down, the blade of the sword almost touching his face.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei turned his wrists, and the Thompson submachine gun in his hands turned into a gold and silver pistol.


Zhang Wei fired, and the bullet hit the bloody sword that continued to slash, while smiling at Lu Lianxue:

"Xiaoxue, show you a wave of gun fighting."

Immediately afterwards.

Just like the scene of a pistol versus a cold weapon and a long sword that can only be seen in movies and anime, it was staged on Zhang Wei. He held two guns and shot at the sword of the bloody sword to block the head of the ghost. Take your chance and shoot the ghost boss.


Zhang Wei crossed his pistols into a x, and used the body of the gun to block the force of the big sword, vividly demonstrating the so-called gun fighting technique.

Gunshots rang out one after another.

The sharp sound of the great sword cutting intertwined.

The collision of the bullet and the sword reverberated.

This scene.

The ghosts were distracted for a moment, and Lu Lianxue and the others were even more shocked, especially Lu Lianxue, whose beautiful eyes were full of light:

"Is this the birthday present that Zhang Wei prepared for me? I have never seen ghost exorcism, and the way of fighting. It turns out that exorcism can be so gorgeous."

She is mesmerized.

Not only was she fascinated by Zhang Wei's ghost exorcism 'performance', but she was also moved by Zhang Wei's meticulous preparation. It is certain that everything that happened today is destined to become Lu Lianxue's unforgettable memory in her life, and it is her favorite since she was born. The best birthday present ever.

the other side.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian are also wonderful.

"Good guy, gun fighting technique, my Cao, I really want to learn this technique of exorcising ghosts. This nima is not as handsome as Maoshanshu. Fuck it, this is Zhang Wei's real ability of exorcising ghosts, right! No! I wonder if you saw that Zhang Wei's move just now was so cool!"

Zhang Chao said, without concealing the astonishment on his face:

"Gah, Zhang Wei hides so deeply,"

Wu Nian nodded when he heard the words. At this moment, his handsome face was no longer paralyzed, and there was surprise and amazement. He clasped his hands and murmured:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei's ghost exorcism really opened my eyes to this little monk. It turns out... can guns still work like this?"

That's all for words.

Wu Nian's eyes fell on the pistols in Zhang Wei's hands, and his mind was full of Zhang Wei's way of using the gun fighting technique. After watching it for a long time, Wu Nian said suddenly:

"I feel... if I tell my brothers and sisters what I saw today, they will definitely be overjoyed."

"What about you, hehe, are you overjoyed too? I heard that you left the customs this time. Before you came, you completed a ghost exorcism mission, using Gatling."

As soon as Zhang Chao spoke.

Wu Nian coughed lightly, clasped his hands together and said:

"The little monk is just curious to try the effect of Gatling. The last trip to the northeast, the little monk has been researching Gatling. Although it is against the teachings of the Buddha, it is still a trump card. As for... Zhang Wei's current' Birthday show', Amitabha, the little monk certainly learned a lot."

The words fell.

Just as Zhang Chao was about to say something, he glanced away from the corner of his eye in vain, and saw Wu Nian not knowing when, an extra mobile phone appeared in his clasped hands, and he clasped his clasped hands while the mobile phone was recording.

"My Cao! Wu Nian, you chicken thief, you are planning to steal the teacher, no, I want to, you will finish filming later, send me a copy of the video."

Lu Lianxue also heard it, and hurriedly looked over and said:

"I want one too."

This is Zhang Wei's birthday present to her, and she patronizes to watch it, but she absolutely does not want to miss the video of this birthday gift, and must cherish it well.

the other side.

Zhang Chao and the others watched quietly and interestingly, and Zhang Wei also fought heartily.

This time he prepared a birthday present for Lu Lianxue. He spent two nights thinking about it. Unexpectedly, after performing it, he found that it was quite suitable for him. It was simply his own exclusive ghost exorcism.

"As long as there are enough ghosts, my ghost exorcism feels invincible."

Thinking to himself, Zhang Wei fired another pistol.

Same time.

Seeing that the bullets and magazines around him were all used up, he could not help but throw away the pistol in his hand, casually looked at a ghost in the distance and said:


next moment.

The ghost's body involuntarily flew towards Zhang Wei and turned into a huge bronze sword. Zhang Wei raised the sword and slashed at the bloody sword of the ghost leader. With the two as the center, a tenth-level typhoon-like air wave burst out.

It is also this moment.

【Ding! The ghost leader... Wait, the ghost exorcist seems to speak Chinese? ! He is not a ghost exorcist who steals the country, he belongs to Daxia? ! The young ghost exorcist of Banbu Town, the gifted crab, is him! He is Zhang Wei! 】

[Host obtains system points +540]

【Trigger special reward】

[The host gets a one-time special skill card—upgrade]

['Upgrade': Any magic weapon can be upgraded to a higher level. 】


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