Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 600 Make Room For Me, I'm Going To Repair The Magic Weapon


Zhang Chao couldn't bear to send another message.

[Zhang Chao]: Cao, Zhang Wei, do you think that Baidu is omnipotent? I wonder if there is a saying that is good. Baidu, cancer starts, and the searched content on the Department of Health and Justice Forum is only applicable to ordinary situations. Yours It's a half-step national magic weapon.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, I have the same opinion as Zhang Chao. Zhang underestimates the refinement of the magic weapon for you, and even more underestimates the repair of the magic weapon. If you can find out how to repair it on Baidu, let’s not talk about anything else, the slander association will fix it soon up.

[Zhang Chao]: Exactly, Zhang, think about it for you, how much manpower and material resources Sen Luosi spent to refine the soul-calling banner, this is still refining, and repairing is said to be more difficult. After all, making things is easy, but repairing things is more difficult. hard.

Although Zhang Chao and Wu Nian were talking, Zhang Wei did not change his mind.

To this.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian looked at each other, Zhang Chao rolled his eyes and said:

"Come on, Zhang Wei doesn't turn back until he hits the south wall. It seems that his strength has improved too fast, which made him swell. This time he will have to suffer."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and agreed:

"Amitabha, in fact, this is also good, just to give Zhang Wei a hard time, let him know that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and he should not be too arrogant."

Zhang Chao nodded and said:

"Indeed, Wu Nian this time we have to help Zhang Wei guard against arrogance and impetuosity. When Zhang Wei fails to repair it, we have to mock him and calm Zhang Wei's restless heart."

"Amitabha, this little monk has exactly this intention. The Buddha forgives this little monk for his next behavior. Everything is for my good friend Zhang Wei."

Wu Nian clasped his palms together and murmured to the sky.


Zhang Chao and the others did not continue to persuade, and agreed to help Zhang Wei obtain materials.


Zhang Chao picked up the phone and dialed his cousin Zhang Mei:

"Hey, is my sister here? I have something to do with you. Help me get these things. Hurry up. The fee will be deducted from Zhang Wei's health card. Anyway, he has enough points to redeem. By the way, I sent back two ghost kings." The corpse, one is the top ghost king, yes, Zhang Wei killed it, but the points are exchanged, and it will be recorded in the name of Miss Lu Lianxue."


The Ministry of Health received the news that Zhang Wei had exchanged a bunch of materials suspected of repairing magical artifacts. The cost was expensive. Normally, if it was exchanged by other people, it might not cause much repercussions, but as an international famous Zhang Wei, the result is different.

first timing.

Many people in the Department of Health and Dao learned about the situation, thinking of the half-step town state-level magic weapon fan that Zhang Wei got not long ago, many people guessed that Zhang Wei wanted to repair the magic weapon.

The news was like a tornado, sweeping through the Ministry of Health, and even spread to the international forum.

Can't help it.

In less than a day, news about Zhang Wei's suspected restoration of the magic weapon spread in international forums, and the number of discussion posts doubled.

The Defamation Law Association also received the news.


at the same time.

Seoul First Hospital, in a private ward.

at this time.

The assistant stood outside the door of the ward, listening to the report of the personnel in the association, telling the news about Zhang Wei's restoration of the magic weapon at the international forum.

"Is the news reliable? It's not a rumor, is it?"

"No, I asked the customs just now, and the Daxia Weidaosi sent us a bunch of materials for repairing magical artifacts just now, all of which are rare and expensive, and are more expensive than those rumored on the forum. The value of tens of millions is higher, at least worth the value of the corpses of three ghost kings."

The words fell.

The assistant's rare frown was loosened, revealing a touch of surprise:

"It's really great, it seems that I don't have to worry about the president getting angry again."

not long ago.

When the assistant found out that the president had woken up, he came to the hospital, ready to bite the bullet and inform Zhang Wei to destroy the suspected Italian ghost forces last night, and he used the magic weapon given by our association. He was ready for the president to listen. Getting ready to scold your mother angrily.

But now it seems that there is no need to be afraid. The news of Zhang Wei repairing the magic weapon came, and the assistant decided to wait for Zhang Wei to fail to repair the magic weapon, and then tell the president at the same time. The president will definitely not be angry if there is such a good news or bad news.


The assistant informed the reporter:

"Go and monitor Zhang Wei's movements closely, and notify me immediately if he fails to repair."



That night.

With the help of the Ministry of Health, the materials Zhang Wei needed were airlifted from Daxia on the same day.

at this time.

On the outskirts of Seoul, in the yard of a villa.

In order not to affect the rest of the other students, and because there was a lot of movement in the restoration of the national-level magic weapon in Banbu Town, Zhang Wei rented a villa.

"Zhang Wei, when will the restoration start?"

Zhang Chao put the last box of restoration materials in the courtyard, patted the dust on his hands, and added in his heart... I can't wait to mock you, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to mock you, hahaha.

Wu Nian also looked over, although he didn't speak, but the straightforward eyes betrayed him, he was also waiting for Zhang Wei to repair the magic weapon, I don't know why, maybe it's because he has been clean since he was a child, today is the first time he wants to mock people, And still mocking Zhang Wei, I can't help but feel a little excited.

"Right now, wait until I finish reading this post."

Zhang Wei replied.

When Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, and Lu Lianxue heard this, they couldn't help but come up to take a look, and they were all speechless for a second.

Zhang Chao: "..."

Wu Nian: "..."

Lu Lianxue: "..."

A post was displayed on his mobile phone [How to repair the magic weapon with high efficiency and high success rate, detailed teaching of the master's advanced version, pay 100 yuan to watch].

"Hey, what the hell are you learning and selling now?"

Zhang Chao's eyes widened, he didn't know how to complain about Zhang Wei, on the contrary, he became worried.

Wu Nian thought the same as Zhang Chao, and couldn't help clasping his hands together:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, why don't you do it? What if the magic weapon is damaged?"

"I agree with Wu Nian, you're too fucked up, if it can be repaired successfully, I'll just eat shit on the spot, the hot kind."

Zhang Chao nodded in agreement.


Zhang Wei didn't care, and continued to study the teaching on the post seriously:

"Don't worry, give me half an hour, I'll be fine soon."

the other side.

Hiding on the roof of another villa in the distance, a member of the Law Defamation Association, he was watching Zhang Wei with a telescope, and holding the mobile phone in the video call in one hand:

"It should start soon."

He was videoing with his assistant and others, and wanted to broadcast the whole process of Zhang Wei's restoration of the magic weapon. Through the video screen, the assistant and the others were also staring at the phone all the time, watching without blinking, not wanting to miss a minute and a second, so that they could follow the meeting vividly. The long talk will make the chairman happy.

Not long.

Half an hour passed.

I saw Zhang Wei put away his mobile phone, picked up the half-step town state-level magic weapon fan, raised his head and said to Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue, and Wu Nian:

"Okay, I've finished reading it. Now I understand what happened. There is a way to fix it. Make room for me. I'm going to fix the magic weapon."


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