Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 601 Pretending To Be A Ghost, Using Skill Cards To Upgrade

Zhang Chao and the others were stunned when they heard Zhang Wei's words, and the corners of Zhang Chao's mouth twitched uncontrollably, but Zhang Chao and the others moved aside to make room for Zhang Wei.


In the garden of the villa.

With Zhang Wei as the center, there are hundreds of kinds of rare materials all around. If there are exorcists or ghosts here, they will definitely be jealous when they see these materials.

next moment.

Zhang Wei took out the fan artifact and put it in the middle, then, as if picking out materials, he casually touched the materials placed on the surrounding tables with a look of contemplation.

at the same time.

【Ding! Bless the top tiger demon king bone system point +1]

【Ding! Bless the millennium willow branch system point +1]

【Ding! Bless the poisonous silkworm silk system point +1]


A system prompt sounded.

When he touched the last material, Zhang Wei stared suddenly, and a light flashed in his eyes, as if he had already figured out how to refine it, and suddenly he grasped the magic formula, so fast that Zhang Chao and the others They were so fast that they couldn't see clearly, so fast that even Zhang Wei himself didn't know what he was pinching, and he pinched whenever he thought of any tricks and gestures.



Zhang Wei gave a light slap, his index finger and middle finger joined together to form a sword, and he pointed at each material casually.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the blessing of the system point, these materials flew up, as if they were really urged by Zhang Wei's method of refining weapons. They flew up one by one, like stars arching the moon, lingering around Zhang Wei, like jubilant little elves Cheering and jumping.

Looking at the picture in front of them, Zhang Chao and the others were all stunned, their eyes widened, and Zhang Chao even cried out:

"My Cao! Really learned?!"

Wu Nian also opened his mouth slightly, and didn't close his clasped hands, and murmured in a daze:


Lu Lianxue covered her mouth with both hands, her beautiful face was undisguisedly shocked.

Not only Zhang Chao and the others.

Even the assistants of the Defamation Law Association and others who watched through the video screen in the distance were also stunned, and they all shouted in shock:

"Xiba, are you kidding me, Zhang Wei can refine weapons?"

"Cao, who said that after the investigation, Zhang Wei has never learned how to forge magic weapons? All the materials are flying, are you sure?"

"Although I can't understand what he is pinching, the material will not be fake when it flies. Isn't it true that the top masters of the legendary magic weapon can do this?"

Just when they were shocked.

Zhang Wei didn't stop, and a terrifying force burst out from his body. With it as the center, a small tornado formed, rolled up the surrounding materials, and was instantly crushed by the terrifying force, turned into powder, and filled the air.


Zhang Wei recalled what was taught in the forum post, and began to show various techniques, pinching the formula from time to time, and drawing talismans in the void against the powder.

"This is... the engraved pattern of magic weapon??"

Zhang Chao took a hissing breath. Although he doesn't know how to refine weapons, but as a rumor of the Maoshan School, he doesn't know how to refine weapons and has seen how to refine weapons. Zhang Wei's technique is to fuse materials. runes, and imprint them on the magic weapon.

Can't help it.

Zhang Chao hurriedly asked Wu Nian and Lu Lianxue next to him:

"What kind of pattern is engraved by Zhang Wei? Does anyone know? It looks like he has never seen it before. Is it a Buddhist scripture? Or a Taoist pattern?"

"Amitabha, it seems to be a Buddhist scripture? I seem to have seen Zhang Wei draw a swastika?"

"It's not Buddhist scriptures. I seem to have seen Zhang Wei engraving some Daoist scriptures. I'm not sure."

While Lu Lianxue responded, she rubbed her eyes vigorously with her hands, trying to see the words drawn by Zhang Wei's two fingers clearly, but Zhang Wei's speed was too fast, and she used half a step of Zhenguo's hand speed.

the other side.

The Defamation Law Association over there.

The assistants were also rubbing their eyes, and they were all shocked:

"It's too fast, what rune is he drawing, Li Yongjun, analyze it quickly."

"Uh... I can't see what it is, Zhang Wei is drawing too fast."

"What the hell, thanks to the ancient Chinese prose you are still studying, you can't even read clearly."

The assistant said so.

Li Yongjun said with some embarrassment:

"A powerful magic weapon master has very fast techniques. I can't see clearly that it's normal. I can't blame me. By the way, Zhang Wei really doesn't know how to refine weapons. Why do these techniques look so plausible?"

at the same time.

Although he didn't hear the conversation between the assistants, but Zhang Chao and the others, Zhang Wei heard the conversation, and laughed out loud in his heart:

"It's okay if you don't understand it. I don't know what I'm spending. I just drew all the ancient characters of Daxia that I can think of. What I'm drawing now is the ancient Analects I wrote before."

I thought about it.

Looking at the continuously falling material powder, Zhang Wei couldn't help but muttered in his heart:

"It's almost done, now it's time for the next step."

next second.

Zhang Wei slapped the table so hard that the fan artifacts on the table were shaken into the air. Seeing this, Zhang Wei grabbed the fan artifacts, bit his finger with the other hand, and smeared his own blood on the fan artifacts superior.

【Ding! Bless the host's blood system point +1]

【Ding! Blessing Banbuzhen National Magic Artifact Fan System Point +1]

The system prompt sounds.

Chi! !

Under the shocking gaze of Zhang Chao, his assistants and others, in their view, the scattered material powder landed on the magic fan and Zhang Wei's blood on the magic fan.


Zhang Wei's blood burst out with a dazzling and terrifying light, as if activated by the material, or as if the blood, with the help of the material, triggered a reaction, and even resonated with the magic weapon.

next second.

In Zhang Wei's hands, the magic fan vibrated violently and made a buzzing roar.

Immediately afterwards.

A shocking scene appeared.

While the fan buzzed, it floated up, and under the guidance of the blood light, the whole fan burst into a sky-high light.

That light is too dazzling! !

The whole place of the villa was illuminated, so dazzling that even Zhang Chao and his assistants couldn't open their eyes.

at the same time.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was blind and couldn't open their eyes, Zhang Wei saw that the time had come, and immediately had a thought.

[Use a one-time skill card to 'upgrade']

[Upgrade Banbu Town's national magic weapon fan, increase the level]

[The promotion is successful, and the half-step township-level magic weapon fan has been upgraded to the township-level! 】

boom! ! ! !

The loud noise shook the sky and the earth, like a thunderstorm in a thunderstorm, deafening.

this moment.

Not to mention that Zhang Chao, his assistant and others heard it, all the people ten kilometers away from the villa heard it. They all showed shock and were terrified. They thought it was a gas explosion or some factory explosion, and they all looked in the direction of the villa. go.

And this look.

Everyone was stunned:

"My God, what is that!"

"Are aliens coming?"


"This is someone crossing the catastrophe, my Cao, Lei Jie? No, that Lei Guangzhu?"

"Honey, ah! The end of the world is coming?!"

Look closely.

In this dark night, ten kilometers away, a huge beam of light shot up into the sky. The light was so bright that it illuminated the place into daylight, as if a god descended from the Nantian Gate above the nine heavens. , is destined to be unforgettable in a lifetime.

Also this moment.

As the beam of light soared into the sky, to be precise, the magic weapon of the fan was promoted to the township level. The entire Seoul City, but the surrounding cities of Seoul City, all the ghost exorcists and ghosts sensed an incomparable palpitations.

Without exception.

They all subconsciously looked in Zhang Wei's direction.

"Someone made a town-level magic weapon?!"

A top ghost king changed color and said in surprise.

Same time.

The president at Seoul No. 1 Hospital, he had come to his senses at this time, the nurses brought him a bowl of kimchi with porridge, but just scooped up the porridge with a spoon, and just brought it to his mouth, the president was dead There was a sudden shock, as if feeling something, he looked in Zhang Wei's direction in shock.


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