Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 602 Shocking! Town-Level Magic Weapon

"this is?!"

The president's pupils shrank suddenly, and through the window, even though it was far away from the villa, the beam of light was too large. Even where the president was, he could vaguely see a light that went straight to the sky in the distant direction.

In the dark night, the light is extremely eye-catching, as if the distant night sky is divided into two.


Feeling the palpitations emanating from there, the president's face, which has been dull since waking up, showed ecstasy for the first time:

"Zhen Guo level?! This is the breath of Zhen Guo level magic weapon, haha, someone in our country has refined a town country level magic weapon again!! That's great!!!"

in words.

The president couldn't help being excited, the bad mood that had been exhausted by Zhang Wei's "revenge" for the past few days was swept away at this moment, and he felt refreshed.

"I lost a half-step town-level magic weapon, but someone made a town-level magic weapon, which can be regarded as filling the gap. I don't know who made it, is it the former president?"

In the mind of the president, he will take a look at the existing township-level figures in the country.


He was not idle, and hurriedly greeted the medical staff beside him:

"Go and call the assistant over, let him check it out quickly, ask who made the magic weapon of the township level, and ask the assistant to prepare a car for me, I want to congratulate myself."

"Ah? But didn't the assistant tell the president to let you rest more in the hospital?"

"Take a break, it was okay before, but now someone has refined a national-level magic weapon, how can I rest, go and prepare it for me, it's a bigger deal than my hospitalization."

The chairman scolded with a smile.

He must have scolded people before, but now he was in a good mood, so he just cursed with a smile.


the other side.

The suburb of Seoul City, where the villa is located.

at this time.

The fan magic weapon was upgraded to the township level, and feeling the peerless aura emanating from it, Zhang Wei was in a good mood, and said happily in his heart:

"Sure enough, I guessed correctly. Although the upgrade card can't be used at the township level, it can be used at the half-step township level, allowing it to be upgraded to the township level. This loophole is for me, which is really good."

I said in my heart.

He glanced at Zhang Chao and the others not far away, and glanced at the surveillance personnel on the roof of another villa in the distance.


Zhang Wei started another series of "pretending to be a ghost". He recalled the follow-up steps of repairing and refining the magic weapon taught in the post on the forum. After imitating it, in order to avoid being discovered, he changed some of the high-level movements and operations himself. .

Although Zhang Wei's performance seemed to have some flaws, the state-level atmosphere exuded by the fan artifact covered up these flaws, and no one cared about it at all, because the state-level atmosphere was there.

at this time.

Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, and Lu Lianxue looked like three idiots, even Wu Nian couldn't hold back, staring at the town-level fan floating in mid-air, exuding a terrifying aura.

I was stunned for a long time.

Until Zhang Wei caught the fan that fell on his hand, and grinned at Zhang Chao and said:

"Zhang Chao, do you think I'm going to poop for you to eat now, or should I take you to the public toilet to find something to eat while it's hot?"

Zhang Chao: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he had no time to refute what he said before that Zhang Wei could succeed, so he would just eat shit. His attention was all on the magic weapon fan in Zhang Wei's hand, and he screamed:

"Damn! Zhang Wei, are you a human being who rides a horse? You really repaired it, and returned it, and returned Nima to the township level. Horse riding, how are you learning and selling now? How is it different from us? Gan .”

Wu Nian didn't speak, and ran straight forward, staring at the fan in Zhang Wei's hand, the more he looked, the more paralyzed his face was, full of shock:

"Amitabha, it's really a national-level fan, and there's nothing wrong with this breath."

Lu Lianxue also ran up, looked at Fanzi and Zhang Wei back and forth, and then said over and over again:

"I... Zhang Wei, you... my God, Zhang Wei..."

She was a little incoherent with excitement.

no way.

The man in front of me who refined the Zhenguo-level magic weapon is her man, and he is a half-step Zhenguo-level Daxia celebrity, and now he has refined the Zhenguo-level magic weapon. It is impossible for a person at the national level to refine a magic weapon at the national level, but Zhang Wei has done it, and he is still learning and selling it.

for a while.

Together with Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, Lu Lianxue and the others all had an idea in their minds... Zhang Wei is not only talented in cultivation, but also has a talent for refining magic weapons? And it's still the one-in-a-million kind, no, it may be an unprecedented talent right.

"That... have you ever heard of someone who forged a magic weapon of the township level, who was able to forge a magic weapon even if he was a beginner?"

Zhang Chao couldn't help asking.

As soon as his words came out.

Both Wu Nian and Lu Lianxue shook their heads at the same time, how could this be possible, not to mention the time-consuming and labor-intensive refinement of each of the town-level magical artifacts, and the difficulty is even greater, as Sen Luosi can know when he refines the soul-calling banner.

Think about it.

They couldn't help looking at Zhang Wei, and couldn't help asking in unison:

"How on earth did you do it? You really learned this method of repair and improvement from forum posts?"


Zhang Wei said without blushing and out of breath, and still scratched his head shyly:

"I just followed the steps on the forum, but I didn't just copy them. I feel that those methods need to be improved. I just saw the master's advancement from the novice version all the way. I feel that after learning, some can be improved, so I made it myself. Claims improved."

"Then it may be lucky, and the blind cat meets a dead mouse, and it happens to succeed."

It's not loud.

But in the ears of Zhang Chao and the others, it was like thunder, blasting in their ears.

Zhang Chao's eyelids twitched and said:

"Cao, this dead mouse you mentioned, I beg you to touch it for me too, please. I also want a blind cat to touch a dead mouse and come up with a town-level magic weapon. Gan, this damn, Is this the refining genius, self-taught, and self-improving, no, give me an oxygen machine, I want to breathe oxygen, my brain is about to be deprived of oxygen by Zhang Wei."

Wu Nian also can't laugh or cry:

"Amitabha, although these words are a bit contrary to the Buddha, but to be honest, I also agree with what Zhang Chao said, and I also want to touch a dead mouse like this. After all, you are not repaired, and you have been promoted to the township level. I heard from the elders. After all, it is as difficult as repairing a magic weapon to the township level, your luck... It seems that Zhang Chao will not be able to say that the little monk is the son of luck in the future, and you are the son of luck."

The voice did not fall.

Wu Nian added another sentence:

"After all, Zhang Wei, you are learning and selling now, so you may not understand the magic weapon. Do you know that the materials you prepared, in the eyes of the monk, are at most repairs, and it is impossible to improve them, because the monk also sees them. If you have repaired a similar magic weapon, it may be that the repair method you changed caused some unknown reaction."

for their reaction.

Zhang Wei smiled, and casually said what he had prepared:

"Actually, it's okay. I have thought about it. Not only can it be repaired, but it can also improve the township level. The materials I prepared are carefully selected. As for why it can be improved, I think it may be because of my blood. ?”

In order to avoid being interrogated by others, Zhang Wei thought up a countermeasure early on, and blamed himself on the blood. Anyway, even if someone else recorded it, he followed his own steps. Without donating blood himself, it would not be completed.

To this.

Wu Nian and the others don't know why, but they can accept it. After all, the refining of magic tools often uses their own blood as a material, and it plays a certain role. Maybe Zhang Wei's young half-step township blood has miraculous.

while they were talking.

the other side.

In the Defamation Law Association, the assistants stared blankly at the video, no longer the joy they had before watching the video, all of them had Sima-like expressions, dull, shocked, and despair written all over their faces.

"Zhang Wei he repaired successfully..."

"He seems to have raised the magic weapon to the township level."

"how so."

The assistant was a little distracted, not knowing what emotions and expressions to use to express his current reaction. He originally planned to surprise the president with this 'good news', but now it seems that the 'good news' has turned into bad news.

at this time.

There was a knock on the door, and a member of the association walked in and said bluntly to the assistant:

"Mr. Assistant, the president is looking for you. He said he wants you to find out who has made the magic weapon of the township level. He wants you to go there and congratulate him personally."


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