Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 603 Pinch People, Quickly Pinch People For The President

His words speak out.

The assistant froze, as did everyone else.

"Chairman, does this mean that someone in our country has refined a town-level magic weapon? That's right, it's hard for the president to know about this news. Assistant, what should I do?"

"What can I do... I can only tell the president the truth, the president will know about this sooner or later."

The assistant's face hurts.


After moaning for a long time, knowing that he would have to face it sooner or later, the assistant got up and went to the hospital.



The assistants arrived at the hospital, and as soon as they entered the president's private ward, they saw that the president had changed out of the hospital gown and put on a suit. Seeing the assistant coming, they couldn't help complaining with a smile:

"I said why are you coming so slowly? I have changed my clothes and waited for ten minutes. Forget it. Let's not talk about this. Have you investigated clearly? Who made the town-level magic weapon? We have to Hurry up and congratulate."

While the president was talking, he walked towards the assistant excitedly, wanting to go out with him to congratulate him.

But at this time.

The assistant stopped the president, hesitated for a moment, but said bravely:

"That... Mr. President, the refiner of the national-level magic weapon, I have already investigated clearly, that person is not our country's ghost exorcist, but... Zhang Wei."

As soon as his words came out.

The assistants and the others clearly saw it. The president's smile stagnated, and he was absent-minded for a second. Then, with an expression that he thought he had heard, he frowned and said:

"What did you say? Zhang Wei? Are you sure? Are you joking?... Is the news reliable? Are you sure there is nothing wrong??"

Halfway through the president's speech, he couldn't believe it. You must know that although Zhang Wei is powerful, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be good at refining weapons. A half-step town state-level magic weapon.


His heart skipped a beat, as if he had thought of an idea that he couldn't accept...Could it be that Zhang Wei took the half-step national-level magic weapon he gave him, repaired the damaged magic weapon and improved it?


The president saw it, the assistant nodded, and picked up a mobile phone to respond:

"...President, the news is 100% reliable, because we all watched Zhang Wei's refining. You see, the magic weapon Zhang Wei is holding now is that national-level magic weapon."

The current situation of Zhang Wei is displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. It can be seen that there are still some leftover materials of refining around him.


The president didn't have time to care about why Zhang Wei repaired and refined it, and how he did it. His gaze fell directly on the magic weapon in Zhang Wei's hand. It was a fan. No matter how you looked at it, it was the same as what he gave to Zhang Wei. The half-step town state-level magic weapon is exactly the same.

See here.

The president's smile was gone, and he felt like a bolt from the blue. At this moment, the congratulatory words that filled his head were gone, and there was only one thought... I intentionally damaged Zhang Wei's half-step national-level magic weapon, and he repaired it. It was also promoted to the township level.

for a while.

In the private ward, there was deathly silence.

The president just stood there blankly, neither talking nor moving, standing quietly, not knowing what he was thinking, even though it was only a few seconds, to the assistants, it was as hard as years .

Immediately afterwards.

A few seconds later, the president turned his attention silently, walked to the closet in the private ward, took off his suit, and took out the hospital gown from it.

Now that I know that the state-level magic weapon was not made by people from my own country, but by that Zhang Wei, there is no need to congratulate it.

at this time.

The assistant's voice came again.

"Mr. President, are you okay?"

He was a little apprehensive, looking at the silent president, afraid that the president would be overwhelmed, even if the other party was the president, but the blow was not insignificant, but when he thought about it, he still had something about Zhang Wei that he didn't give to the president. Report it, if the president finds out later, he won't be angered.

"I'm fine. What can I do? It's not that Zhang Wei has refined a Zhenguo-level magic weapon. It can only be said that Daxia has produced a good seedling."

The president pretended to be calm, put on the hospital gown, and responded casually:

"Okay, assistant, if you have nothing else to report, go out. I plan to take a rest and return to the Defamation Law Association in a few days."

"That... President, I have something to report to you."

"whats the matter?"

The president was a little surprised, and he just casually let them go, is there really something wrong?

Immediately afterwards.

The assistant hesitated for a while, but still told the news that Zhang Wei suspected of using the half-step national-level magic weapon given by the president two days ago to wipe out the Italian ghost forces that secretly came to steal the country, and said that the news should be reliable, because the international The forum is also rumored, and even the well-known forum person 'Xiaoxuan' in Daxia claims that Zhang Wei did it by himself.


Not long after telling the story, the assistant found that after he finished speaking, the president didn't react at all, and the person was facing the closet with his back to them, and he couldn't tell if he was angry or what, as if he had been petrified.


Seeing this, the assistant couldn't help asking:

"President, have you... I, Cao, President!!"


"Mr. President!!"

Those who yelled at the assistant together, as well as other people present, saw that the president with his back turned to them, faced with this exciting news, couldn't hold back any longer, and felt the lack of oxygen from last time hit again. , and accompanied by two thoughts that kept reverberating in his mind... Zhang Wei took the magic weapon he gave, wiped out a ghost force, repaired the magic weapon he gave, and promoted it to the township level. What did the eight do?

Thoughts linger in an oxygen-deprived brain.


The president's breath froze, his eyes went dark, and he fell backwards.

for a while.

In the ward corridor of Seoul First Hospital, a roar came from a private ward:

"President, are you okay, President! Wake up!!"

"Hurry up and call the doctor, hurry up!!"

"Doctor, where is the doctor, press the emergency call button next to the hospital bed!"

"What about people, Xiba, and the doctor, come quickly!"

"Pinch people, quickly pinch people for the president!"


the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know how to refine the magic weapon, and he fainted the president again, which was more serious than the last time, but even if he didn't know, he could probably guess, after all, he chose to upgrade the township level on the spot while stealing the country The magic weapon is not only to obtain a town-level magic weapon, but also to avenge the president.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was packing materials with Zhang Chao and the others, chatting about going back.

"Made, I'm so envious. Zhang Wei actually owns his own national-level magic weapon. I want to have it too. Why don't you make one for me, Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Chao stared at the Zhenguo-level magic weapon fan, then seemed to think of something, laughed and said:

"You said, if the president of the Law Defamation Association found out that Zhang Wei had given him the magic weapon of the fan and promoted it to the state level, would he be so angry? I feel like I would be so angry I don’t want to hear news about Zhang Wei in my life, haha.”

Hearing the words, Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, I'm not saying bad things about the president, but in all fairness, if the president knows about this, he should...forget it, Buddha bless, Namo Amitabha~"


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