Zhang Wei smiled when he heard this:

"I hope the president will be as angry as Zhang Chao said, otherwise, if I choose to repair and upgrade the magic weapon in the country of stealing, it will have no effect."

Zhang Chao looked over, and in the next second, she stuck to Zhang Wei's body, holding up the orchid and pointing:

"Ouch, Zhang Weigiegie, you are good and bad, but I really like it."

For Zhang Chao's funny.

Zhang Wei pushed Zhang Chao away with a smile and cursed, and joked:

"Be careful, I'm a family man, please don't fall in love with me easily, and don't be gay, I like women."

As soon as the words came out.

Zhang Chao turned around and bowed at a right angle to Lu Lianxue at ninety degrees:

"Sorry, Miss Lu, I forgot you were here."

To this.

Lu Lianxue giggled, amused by Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao's tricks, and said:

"Whether Zhang Wei is angry with the president or not, you are definitely going to be in the limelight again this time. It is estimated that tomorrow's international forum will have an overwhelming discussion with you."

Zhang Wei said noncommittally:

"That's for sure. After all, I have refined a national-level magic weapon. It must be my hot search. Hey, I can't wait until tomorrow to watch the international forum."

Zhang Chao also echoed:

"Don't worry, I'll help you promote the publicity first, and post the news that you have refined the magic weapon in the first time, oh, no, first talk to my cousin, tell the Secretary of Health, I miss you Die-hard fan Xiaoxuan will definitely receive the news, and then give you a lot of hype."

in words.

Zhang Chao picked up his cell phone and called his cousin Zhang Mei.


Not long.

As Zhang Chao thought, Xiaoxuan really posted a post about Zhang Wei on the Department of Health and International Forums immediately:

[Losing thief, Zhang Wei is filling in a national-level magic weapon for Da Xia! ! 】

Once the post is sent.

It was reprinted and commented by many Great Xia ghost exorcists in the first time, and the international forum was even more fried. As early as just now, the international forum had a ghost exorcist who was stealing the country. They got the town-level magic weapon, and they felt it.

Now that the refiner was actually Zhang Wei, everyone was shocked and thought it was fake news, but when they saw that the publisher was Xiaoxuan, they all knew it, and there was a high probability that the news was not fake.

The reason.

Just because within a few minutes, Xiaoxuan posted another post:

[Veteran list updated, Zhang Wei ranks up! 】

Click to open it.

Originally ranked eighth in the veteran list, Zhang Wei is no longer. Hu Jiazhu, who previously ranked seventh in the Northeast Five, came to the eighth position, and Zhang Wei came to the fifth position, strongly entering the top of the veteran list Fives.


Xiaoxuan deliberately boasted about Zhang Wei in the post:

【Tonight, I got the news that Zhang Wei was stealing the country. He repaired a damaged half-step town-level magic weapon and promoted it to the town-state level. Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei still has the talent for refining magic weapons. It stunned my eyeballs.

in addition.

Not long before the combination, Zhang Wei wiped out the ghost force from Italy with his own power, and his strength has obviously improved!

Based on the above news, with the blessing of the national-level magic weapon, Zhang Wei's talent for refining weapons, and Zhang Wei's strength, Zhang Wei's ranking has advanced to fifth in the veteran list, congratulations! 】

Just one night.

The number of clicks on Xiaoxuan's post rushed to the top ten in the international forum.

this time.

Not to mention that the older generation in Daxia pays attention to Zhang Wei, even the older generation from all over the world, those big ghost exorcists, and even the scary ghost big shots, all pay attention to Zhang Wei.


at the same time.

Stealing the country, in a villa manor.

at this time.

The fat man and the gardener didn't say a word on the surface, and they could even be called gloomy, but they were laughing so much that their noses were about to burst out.

They were all stealing the country, and they naturally got the news of Zhang Wei's refining of the magic weapon, and then they each started to play their own acting skills, and there was silence over there.

There was a long silence.

The gardener picked up a coffee cup and took a sip, then crushed the coffee cup with unstoppable anger, breaking the silence:

"Damn it, how did Zhang Wei raise that magic weapon to the township level, how did Zhang Wei know how to refine it! Is he really only in his twenties?"

The voice did not fall.

The gardener added from the bottom of his heart... oh my god, my godson is so good! ! He can actually refine weapons, godson, you surprised and excited godmother too much.

Just two days ago, Zhang Wei got the half-step town state-level magic weapon. Since the previous plan was that Zhang Wei got the magic weapon and needed to snatch it with Fatty, so the gardener has been looking for reasons to delay the past two days. For example, if you can't grab it all at once, it will easily attract attention and wait for a day. For example, I haven't thought of a plan to grab it at the moment. Have you snatched the dead house?

In fact.

The same is true for the fat man. In the past two days, he has tried to break his scalp with various reasons for procrastination.

to this end.

Tonight, both the gardener and the fat man had a headache, and they couldn't think of any reason to delay it. They were all ready to grab it, and then play it by ear, so they came to the hall to discuss how to snatch the magic weapon and kill Zhang. Wei.


Before the discussion came out, they were all stunned when the aura of the Zhenguo-level magic weapon came in.


They learned that Zhang Wei had refined the magic weapon, and that's how the current situation came about.

at the same time.

Hearing the gardener's angry words, the fat man looked even more gloomy on the surface, and cursed a few words, but in his heart he was laughing like the gardener until he was about to cramp:

"Hahahaha, Zhang Wei is awesome!! I didn't expect you to have such a hand, now it's better, haha, attacking you has become difficult to attack, I really didn't expect, Zhang Wei, you can also refine magic weapons, you are worthy of it My good friend who is recognized by this high-profile villain."

Same time.

The fat man continued to say with a sullen face:

"What should we do next? Zhang Wei has that town-level magic weapon, and we can't deal with it. Ma De, the plan can't keep up with the changes. I was thinking about getting that magic weapon and handing it over to Yin Yang to repair it. After all, he's good at it."

The gardener frowned while rubbing his temples, and said in a deep voice:

"Even if it's me, I can't deal with it easily. Before, I was 100% sure to kill Zhang Wei and take his magic weapon. Now I'm not so sure. Do you have any solutions?"

"What can I do, except use the soul-calling flag to deal with it, but it's not worth it. The soul-calling flag is used by the Suolongjing plan to deal with Zhang Wei. If there is a mistake like now, I will not be killed by Sen Luo .”

The dead house said, suppressing a smile, and said dullly:

"Report this matter to Sen Luo first, and see how Sen Luo plans to deal with it."


The gardener nodded, picked up the phone, and called Sen Luo.


The phone is connected.


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