The gardener said, looked at the fat man and said:

"How long will it take you to advance to the half-step township level? If you advance to the half-step township level and deal with Zhang Wei, even if he has a township level magic weapon, we can deal with it."

"Hey, although it's a bit out of character for me to say this, let's talk about it. It's not easy to advance to the national level of the half-step town. I have improved a while ago, but there is still a distance from the national level of the half-step town."

The fat man coughed, but there was something else in his heart:

"Half-step township level, if I have the blessing of Zhang Wei's ghost back tattoo, I will now have a half-step township level, but I won't tell you the gardener, hehe."


Fatty and the gardener both thought so, fearing that they would be lost if they said too much, and they would expose themselves. Afterwards, the two exchanged a few words and ended the conversation.


the other side.

After Sen Luo hung up the phone with the gardener, he glanced at Yin Yang beside him.

I saw...

At this moment, Yin Yang is dragging a truck full of sacks with one hand, and swiping the screen from time to time with the phone in the other.

Lean over to see.

The international forum was displayed on Yin Yang's mobile phone, and he clicked on posts about Zhang Wei's magic weapons, wanting to see how Zhang Wei made weapons, but unfortunately, after reading more than a dozen posts in a row, all of them were on They brag about how powerful Zhang Wei is, but they don't know exactly how Zhang Wei forged weapons.


Just when Yin Yang read more than a dozen posts, all of which were discussing Zhang Wei, but did not mention the refining process, Yin Yang was about to stop watching.


A post attracted him, it was posted by a person with the forum ID [Xiaoxuan]:

[Unintentional discovery! Boldly guess that Zhang Wei's refiner is suspected to be a beginner]

Look at this post.

Yin Yang raised his eyebrows lightly:

"Beginner? Is it a child's play to be a weapon, Sen Luo, is this Xiaoxuan the one on the veteran list?"

Talking to himself, he asked Sen Luo beside him.

Sen Luo glanced at Xiaoxuan's ID, nodded and said:

"It should be him. Click on the posts he posted to see if there are posts posting the list of veterans and new stars, if there are posts, it is him."

With the confirmation that Xiaoxuan is the publisher.

Although he sneered at the title of the post, Yin Yang still clicked in. This is the post he has seen so far, which involves Zhang Wei's refining tool, and the others are all about Zhang Wei.


Yin Yang clicked into the post.

[Good evening everyone, I am Xiaoxuan, Daxia's classmate! I think everyone knows it, or you have read my last post not long ago, and you should know that Zhang Wei successfully refined a magic weapon of the township level.

Say it bluntly.

Zhang Wei has refined a magic weapon of the national level, which is enough to know that he not only has a talent for cultivation, but also a talent for refining weapons here.

As we all know, refining is different from cultivation, you need to know how to mix materials for refining, etc. Everyone knows about Zhang Wei, he is a casual cultivator, so out of curiosity, I wonder what Zhang Wei is Where did you learn the refining tool from?

Then I spent a little 'money ability' to check the background records of Zhang Wei's forum account, trying to see if I could find some clues from it, but I was surprised to find...or the post records I browsed from Zhang Wei, I found looks like Zhang Wei is self-taught!


Zhang Wei seems to have only learned how to make weapons not long ago!

Yes, you read that right, Zhang Wei has only learned how to make weapons not long ago, and only started learning two or three days ago.

I think when I say this, those who know how to refine weapons should start to buckle down, and they have already started playing the piano to me on the keyboard, and they sneered at what I said, joking that they only learned how to refine weapons two or three days ago. Isn't Nima nonsense, learn it in two or three days, and then refine a national-level magic weapon?


Before you start spraying, Xiaoxuan, please introduce me to what I am saying, or please look at the following two screenshots I sent. 】

Follow Xiaoxuan to this point.

Yin Yang saw that two screenshots were added below, which were the search records of Zhang Wei's forum background and the records of browsing posts.

In the first search record, in the last two or three days, Zhang Wei searched for "how to refine a magic weapon", "what are the materials for a magic weapon", "how to repair a broken magic weapon", "how will a magic weapon be repaired if it is broken?" How about" and so on.

In the history of browsing posts in the second chapter, Zhang Wei has browsed [Basic Artifact Refining, Novice], [Advanced Artifact Refining, Master], [Advanced Artifact Refining Master], [The Ultimate Artifact of Repairing Magical Artifacts] in the past two or three days. Simple method] Wait for the post.

Follow these two screenshots.

Even Yin Yang stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened slightly, and his face was full of strangeness:


As a person who can refine a national-level magic weapon, yin and yang are the most clear. Zhang Wei's search records, as well as the records of browsing posts, don't look like someone who can refine a national-level magic weapon. People who can search and browse are more like browsing and searching for beginners. No, it's not like, it must be a beginner.

With a strange color.

Yin Yang couldn't help but look at the follow-up content of the post.

[Everyone, have you read these two pictures? First of all, I, Xiaoxuan, hereby solemnly declare that in these two pictures, I removed Zhang Wei’s privacy, such as address, account name, etc., his browsing history, search There is absolutely no p on the record. If there is any tampering, I will die a terrible death, and my children and grandchildren will be cut off.

I think when you see this record, you probably don’t want to criticize me anymore, but you are shocked. I am the same as you. After reading this record, my first feeling is, Zhang Wei is a master of refining? Isn't this something that a pure novice can do?

Then after a few hours of research, various posts browsed by Zhang Wei, and search records, I made a bold guess. Zhang Wei may have learned the refining tool in the past two or three days. chair jpg]

Yin Yang was silent.

Although it was Xiaoxuan's analysis, in fact, his thoughts were the same as Xiaoxuan's.

Think about it.

Yin and Yang became more silent, and there was a kind of doubt about life... Zhang Wei learned how to repair magic weapons after learning to refine weapons for three days, and even upgraded the repaired magic tools, which directly crushed my decades of hard work. What are you doing for ten years?

at this time.

"Yin Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Sen Luo noticed Yin Yang's silence, and looked back at Yin Yang who had stopped, his eyes under the bronze mask were full of doubts.

Yin Yang looked up after hearing this, but said nothing, just handed the phone to Sen Luo.


Sen Luo was puzzled, took the phone and looked at it, and then his face under the bronze mask, when he saw the content of the post, his brows first twitched, and then he looked deeper into the content of the post, and his face gradually became weird. At the end, even though He was wearing a mask, and Yin Yang also saw his thoughts from his changing eyes.


Seemingly knowing what Sen Luo wanted to ask, Yin Yang spoke first:

"If those two screenshots are true, Zhang Wei is definitely a beginner."


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