Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 607 Yin And Yang Bright Eyes Zhang Wei

Sen Luo fell silent when he heard that, and the expression under the bronze mask was exactly the same as Yin and Yang. Although he doesn't know how to refine weapons, those who can reach his level don't know how to refine weapons. At least they know basic common sense. So easy to refine.

"Do you think Zhang Wei is a beginner?"

Sen Luo couldn't help asking.

Yin Yang didn't answer, just pondered there, but instead asked:

"Is this Xiaoxuan highly credible?"

By such a question.

Sen Luo thought about it, nodded and said:

"I have seen the posts posted by this Xiaoxuan. Whether it is the list of veterans, the list of new stars, or other posts, all posts have been verified and have high credibility. Moreover, this person has a high status. It is the first time I know that I should have a high status in the Department of Health and Dao."

"I don't think a person of this status needs to fabricate lies. After all, with Zhang Wei's reputation, he has a reputation just by refining a national-level magic weapon, and he doesn't need another picture to improve it."

Yin Yang nodded when he heard the words, and finally said:

"If the credibility is high, then although it is unbelievable, if Zhang Wei is really a beginner, his talent... is much better than mine, and he is a big threat. Are you sure you don't want me to help deal with Zhang Wei?"

in words.

The yin and yang pupils were flickering, obviously not only wanted to deal with Zhang Wei as simple as that, but also wanted to find out how Zhang Wei refined the national-level magic weapon.

How could Sen Luo not know this, shook his head and said:

"I know you want to find out, but Suolongjing plan can't go wrong now, and I don't think you want Suolongjing's plan to fail, you should be more interested in Suolongjing's magic weapon than Zhang Wei's."


Yin Yang thought about it and agreed with Sen Luo's idea.

Every high-level person has a different reason for joining Senluosi, and they all have their own reasons. Yin Yang joined Senluosi in order to lock Longjing's magic weapon, to be precise, it is the magic weapon of Suolongjing, according to Senluo's opinion He said that Suolongjing may be a magic weapon in order to protect a secret.

Yin Yang's pursuit of magical artifacts is fanatical. Suolongjing has existed for a long time and has great power. He really wants to know how Suolongjing was refined, who refined it, and what functions it has. Such a magical artifact There are still a lot of them, so he joined Sen Luosi.

As long as you enter Suolongjing, you will get Suolongjing.


Although Suo Longjing attracted him, but now that Zhang Wei was involved, Yin Yang still didn't want to give up. Halfway through, he suddenly stopped and said to Sen Luo:

"Zhang Wei, can you not kill him?"

As soon as his words came out.

Sen Luo paused and turned to look over.

Immediately afterwards.

Before Sen Luo could speak, Yin Yang said bluntly:

"If Zhang Wei is dead, I will be very troubled if I don't get the method of how to repair the magic weapon and upgrade to the state-level state. I can kill him, but I have to find the method, otherwise I can't kill him."

Sen Luo: "..."

Facing Yin and Yang, Sen Luo looked at him quietly. He knew very well that apart from the fact that the gardener is not easy to control, Yin and Yang are also the same. Even to a certain extent, Yin and Yang are more difficult to control than the gardener because he is more powerful.

Also for this.

Senluo had some headaches, so it was fine if he didn't deal with Zhang Wei, and he even refined a national-level magic weapon for the other party. Fortunately, there is an extra senior Senluo division who wants to protect Zhang Wei.


Sen Luo pondered for a while and said:

"I will consider your suggestion."


the other side.

Stealing the country, Seoul National University.

at this time.

Zhang Wei and the others are back in college:

"Go to rest early, and go to the Defamation Law Association tomorrow morning, and thank the president for giving me such a good magic weapon."

"You are so cheap, Zhang Wei, but I like it, I will set the alarm clock, I suggest going early in the morning, so that the president of the Law Defamation Association can be angry all day, hahahaha."

Zhang Chao picked up his phone and set an alarm clock for 5 o'clock, and an alarm clock for 7 o'clock and said:

"Ask Zhang to get up to pee for you at 5 o'clock, and tell you to run in the morning at 7 o'clock. I know you don't have class in the morning, so we will go together."

"You are ruthless, but I don't believe you can get up, it's already 1:30 in the morning."

"Don't be afraid, I have Wu Nian. He has to ring the bell and chant Buddha at dawn at 5 o'clock every day. I will ask Wu Nian to call me."

"Hehe, do you think you are the only one who has Wu Nian? I have it too. Wu Nian, v you 50, please eat KFC on Thursday the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Wei then picked up the phone.

next second.

Wu Nian's mobile phone immediately rang a WeChat notification tone:

【Transfer 50 yuan】

Upon hearing this, Zhang Chao raised his middle finger to Zhang Wei and said:

"Shit, you actually bribed the monk, you are really not human, my family Wu Nian will not be deceived by you."

But the words were just finished.

Zhang Chao just saw it, and clicked to accept the 50 yuan transfer without thinking.

Zhang Chao stared:

"Grass, the six senses that Wu Nian promised are pure, Buddha, open your eyes in Xitian and see that your favorite student Wu Nian has been defiled by KFC's crazy Thursday."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, the little monk has not been defiled. Don't talk nonsense, Zhang Chao. The little monk will accept it because Zhang Wei wrote 'sesame oil money' in the note of the transfer. This is equivalent to money for the Buddha, and the little monk has to accept it."

The corner of Zhang Chao's mouth twitched, and he raised his middle finger at Zhang Wei again:

"Good guy, if you bribe the Buddha, you will be considered cruel."

"It's so-so. If you have the guts, you can bribe me. I forgive you for not dare."

"Fuck, don't say I really dare not."

Zhang Chao pursed his lips and spread his hands. He is the successor of the Maoshan school and belongs to the Taoist school. If his father and the others know that he donated money to the Buddhist school, it would not be blasphemy to his ancestors.

that's it.

The three fought for a while.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Chao stopped talking nonsense, and was about to leave with Wu Nian, but before leaving, Zhang Chao seemed to have thought of something, and added:

"Zhang Wei, after mocking the president tomorrow, let's find a place to drive out ghosts. I've seen a lot of magic tools to drive out ghosts, but I haven't seen a town-level magic weapon."


Zhang Wei smiled, this time he didn't fight against Zhang Chao, he also wanted to see the power of the Zhen-level magic weapon.


The next day, early morning.

Defamation Law Association, President's Office.

After a night of "rescue" and the persuasion of the assistant and others, the chairman finally calmed down and decided that there is no need to care about a young man. At this time, he is drinking coffee and processing the documents accumulated in the past few days.


at this time.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the office door, and the next second, the assistant rushed in without even knocking on the door:

"President, Zhang Wei, he is here!"


The crisp sound of the handle of the coffee cup cracking.

The president crushed the handle of the coffee cup in his hand, his eyelids twitched and said:

"What is he here for?"

"President, Zhang Wei said he came to thank you, I think he also mentioned fruit, there is an apple that symbolizes peace..."


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