Buying an apple to express condolences is a symbol of peace, yes, but are you sure you are concerned about my safety? How I feel is another way to wish me peace.

The president muttered in his heart.


He thought for a while, and got up anyway. Now that Zhang Wei has refined a national-level magic weapon, if those sailors and keyboard warriors in the international forums know that they haven't seen Zhang Wei, they will definitely have to make a fuss again.

no way.

The president can only meet Zhang Wei in person.


In the reception hall.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, it's very polite to see that you came here and brought something. By the way, congratulations on refining the national-level magic weapon yesterday. I can feel it at home, haha."

"Haha, it's just a fluke. I was able to succeed because the president believed in his words and gave me the magic weapon. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to stand out. I came here to thank the president today, so I just brought something here."

Zhang Wei smiled and handed the fruit basket in his hand to the president.

President: "..."

can be seen.

At this time, the chairman looked like a famous meme on the Internet who "smiled on the surface, but sold it in his heart". He took the fruit basket in Zhang Wei's hand and felt that the fruit basket was as heavy as Mount Tai. I gave myself a town-level magic weapon, and my heart was bleeding just thinking about it.

Just when the president was thinking about how he should cherish such a 'precious' fruit.

Zhang Wei's voice came.

"President, I'm here today. Besides thanking you, I also want to ask you for a favor."

"Uh...what's the matter?"

"I want to ask the president to help me find it. Where can there be powerful ghosts in the country of stealing? It's better to be more powerful. Half-step township level. If it doesn't work, it's the top ghost king. Didn't I refine the township level magic? Weapon, I want to try the power."

President: "..."

Not only the president, but also the assistants and others beside him were silent... Xiba, you are so quick to take the magic weapon I gave you to refine the magic weapon of the country, and you want me to help you find a ghost to test your power? Why can't Da Xia's modesty be seen in you!


Zhang Chao, who was beside Zhang Wei, smiled and said as if he hadn't noticed the president's silence:

"Zhenguo-level magic weapon must be very powerful. Ma De, I have grown up so much, I have never seen Zhenguo-level magic weapon. Mr. President, you should have seen it. Can you tell me about Zhenguo? How powerful is the super magic weapon, right!"

Zhang Chao lightly tapped the palm of the other hand with one hand, and suggested:

"Mr. President, can you go with us and help Zhang Wei see how powerful the Zhenguo-level magic weapon he refined is. You have seen the Zhenguo-level magic weapon, just give us a reference and compare it." , Whether Zhang Wei's Zhenguo-level magic weapon is different from other Zhenguo-level magic weapons depends on whether it is qualified."

I don't think you want me to see if I'm qualified or not, but you want me to get angry and get slapped in the face on the spot.

The chairman said in his heart.


On the surface, it's hard to talk about Zhang Chao. After all, Zhang Chao is a junior, and he is also a descendant of the Maoshan School, so he could only cough and say:

"I have indeed seen Zhenguo-level magical artifacts. I think the magical artifacts refined by Mr. Zhang Wei should be Zhenguo-level magical artifacts. There should be no mistakes, the breath will not be wrong, and the power should not be too bad. of."

The president rejected the proposal, he didn't want to be slapped in the face.

To this.

Zhang Chao, on the other hand, looked like a young junior who was thirsty for knowledge, honest and honest, and continued:

"Mr. President, don't exaggerate Zhang Wei so much, otherwise Zhang Wei will swell. In fact, I think that the magic weapon Zhang Wei refines is not necessarily a town-level magic weapon, but just like the breath, so curiosity is also related to it." Come and see."

"And I heard from my dad that the president of the Defamation Law Association of Thief Country is well-informed, and you, the president, should come along and help us identify it."

Zhang Wei also echoed:

"Yes, Mr. President, come and help us identify and appraise. With your erudition, you can definitely tell whether the magic weapon I made is good or not. Give me an evaluation, so I can go back and pretend to be pretending to my friends."

in words.

Both Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao looked at Wu Nian together.

Wu Nian couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, how could she not know what Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao meant, and she wanted him to help out and say a few words, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, clasped her hands together and said:

"Amitabha, the benefactor of the president, the little monk is actually very curious, how about the magic weapon refined by Zhang Wei, please help the benefactor of the president to identify it, after all, Mr. President is one of the most authoritative ghost exorcists in the country of stealing one."

Facing the boasting and flattering of Zhang Wei and the others, he directly put himself on the stage, the corner of the president's mouth twitched, he knew that if he refused now, it would be because he didn't know what to do.

no way.

In the end, under the words of Zhang Wei and the three who were crazy about killing each other, the president could only "smile" and agreed to Zhang Wei's proposal to help them find ghosts and see the power of Zhang Wei's magic weapon.

"Then it's settled, Mr. President, we'll wait for you to find the ghost. I still have classes in the afternoon, so I'll go back first."

After receiving the reply, Zhang Wei didn't stay for long, and chose to leave without saying a few words.


Not to mention the president, assistants and other people can see that Zhang Wei and the three are here to make trouble, and they are obviously here to find fault. In revenge, the president gave Zhang Wei a damaged half-step township state-level magic weapon, and now Come and find a place to come back.

"Xiba, is Zhang Wei from Daxia? It is said that Daxia people are humble and polite. Why are they so treacherous?"

"This Zhang Wei is disgusting, this is Chunxin's revenge on the president."

"God bless, I hope that the magic weapon Zhang Wei refines is actually not very useful."

"Do you think it's possible? The aura of the town's state-level magic weapon will not be fake, and it won't be far behind."

"Love, I can only think about the good. At least Zhang Wei is using a weapon to get revenge, not anything else."

"Not necessarily, you said... the many 'guild leaders' that have been created recently are also Zhang Wei's ghosts?"

"Impossible, Zhang Wei has been under surveillance by us all the time, and we have never seen him have contact with ghosts, no contact, how can he play ghosts, do you think he is a god, he is good at cultivation, good at refining weapons, and other methods? He also Not everything."

The president listened to the conversation of the assistants and others, and his eyelids couldn't stop twitching when he thought that many 'chairmen' were still causing trouble abroad.


The president waved his hand and interrupted their conversation:

"Okay, don't talk about it, this time Zhang Wei came here, obviously to take revenge on me, and wanted to slap me in the face, but he is still young, and his revenge methods seem naive, not the damn guy who made multiple 'I' insidious."

The words did not fall.

He thought about the assistant and said:

"Go and help me find any powerful ghosts. Since Zhang Wei wants to take revenge on me, I can't just wait for death. Find me a very powerful one. It's so powerful that it's difficult for Zhang Wei to use a national-level magic weapon. Sometimes Zhang Wei can't beat him, so he has to ask me for help, and I will fight against it at that time, it seems that I don't care about the past and can save face."


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