Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 609 Mrs. Huang's Condition Worsens

"I'll go find it right now."

The assistant nodded and turned around to check the database.

the other side.

Seoul City, on the way back to Seoul University.

Zhang Wei took Lu Lianxue by the hand, talking and laughing with Zhang Chao and the others, Zhang Chao laughed the most, and said bluntly:

"Haha, do you still remember the president's smile? It's such a professional smirk. I feel that he must be yelling at us crazy from the bottom of his heart."

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Maybe they didn't point to us, and even greeted our family tree."

at this time.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, aren't you afraid of overturning? Ask the president benefactor to find ghosts for you. Although the Buddha said that you can't judge people with malice, it's not good for me to say that. I feel that the president benefactor will trip you up. "

When mentioning the stumbling block, Zhang Chao restrained his smile and looked over:

"Get rid of the feeling, the president is 100% stumbling, I guess, if I were the president, with his dark psychology of Xiao Xiba, he would definitely not find a simple ghost for Zhang Wei, just find a fierce monster." Yes, make it difficult for Zhang Wei to deal with."

The voice did not fall.

Zhang Chao asked directly:

"Zhang Wei, don't take it lightly because you have a national magic weapon. The ghosts in each country are different, such as vampires and succubi in Europe and the United States. If you steal a country, just create a special ghost. Come on, it’s troublesome, come here for a mental attack.”

Wu Nian agreed, put his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao's idea, I agree with you, the president and the others know your fan magic weapon, maybe they will find the fan magic weapon to be difficult to deal with."

Lu Lianxue also paid attention at this time:

"Zhang Wei, have you thought about any countermeasures? Tell us quickly."

"Well, it's a secret."

Zhang Wei naturally didn't think about it, because with his ability to be immune to all evil, he didn't need to think about it, but in order not to worry Lu Lianxue and the others, he could only keep it a secret.

To this.

Zhang Chao raised his middle finger and said:

"Damn, it's a secret again. There's nothing wrong with it. Zhang Wei, you don't even think about it. Just say it's a secret. Tell me quickly, or I'll think so."

"Da baa."

Zhang Wei crossed his hands.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to fight with Zhang Chao.

Jingle Bell.

His cell phone rang, and he picked it up to see the caller ID——Huang Qingshan.

"Huh? Captain Huang?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

Even out of curiosity, Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, who were looking over their heads, were stunned.

"Huang Qingshan? Who is it? Why does it sound familiar, but I can't remember it all at once."

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, and Huang Qingshan are the new commanders of the Northeast. Last time, I supported the Northeast with you, and I met Zhang Wei. Captain Huang Qingshan leads the team."

"Ah! It's him."

Zhang Chao patted his head, and already remembered who Huang Qingshan was.

Can't help it.

He looked at Zhang Wei with some curiosity. How long has it been since the Northeast incident? How could Huang Qingshan still look for Zhang Wei.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't pay attention to Zhang Chao's gaze, picked up the phone and said:

"Captain Huang, why are you free to look for me today?"

"Haha, the Northeast has calmed down a lot recently after the refining of the soul-calling banner from Sen Luosi. I have a lot of free time every day. Speaking of which, Zhang watched the forum for me. Good guy, yes, you. Congratulations on becoming a half-step real Longwei has also refined a magic weapon of the township level."

in words.

Huang Qingshan, who is located at the headquarters of the Northeast Security Department, has a look of emotion on his face:

"I can't catch up with you in strength now. I thought that my strength has improved a lot recently, and I can catch up with you."

He recalled the incident in the Northeast, when Zhang Wei's strength improved rapidly. When he met Zhang Wei at the beginning, his strength still crushed Zhang Wei. In the end, within a few months, Zhang Wei not only caught up, but also crushed himself. Knowing that when he was young, he was also one of the best geniuses in the Northeast.

"Captain Huang praised you, so let's improve a little bit, but Captain Huang, you don't want to call me, so you just want to tell me this?"

"That's definitely not the case. Anyway, I'm the commander of the Northeast now, and I'm still very busy. I must go to the Three Treasures Hall to find you today. Haha, Zhang Wei, do you remember that I promised to help the old man of the Huang family treat him?"

"Remember, I haven't forgotten it all the time. I'm still wondering why you haven't looked for me, Captain Huang. Has anyone else already found the medicine to treat Mrs. Huang?"

"That's not true. I just wanted to talk to you about this today. In fact, during this period of time, our company organized a second, third, and fourth batch of people to go to that place to look for it, but they all failed, alas."

As Huang Qingshan said, his face was a little sad.

the other side.

Zhang Wei was a little surprised and said:

"Going to the fourth batch? Wait, Captain Huang, why did you go and not arrange for me?"

"Hey, it's a long story. We originally planned to arrange you to be with Master Wu Nian some time ago, but... an order came from above. Do you know Chief Sheng?"

"Shengxuan, Chief Sheng?"

Zhang Wei hesitated for a moment and spoke, why did Chief Sheng be involved in this matter.

at this time.

Huang Qingshan's words came:

"Originally we were going to arrange for you, but Chief Sheng didn't know what was going on. When he was investigating the summoning banner, he learned that you were going to be arranged there. He told us not to arrange for you, saying that your future is boundless. There is no need to take risks at this time, in case of death, Daxia will lose a true dragon guard."

"President Cheng values ​​you very much and thinks that you are very talented. Even if you don't join the Department of Defense and Dao, you can become a true dragon guard in the future. I don't want Daxia to lose a real dragon guard. After all, any country has a real dragon guard. scarcity."

Zhang Wei was stunned when he heard the words, he didn't expect that he would let Shengxuan pay so much attention, not only helping him to collect information, but also thinking of himself, not letting him go to that place.

At this moment.

Huang Qingshan's words continued:

"Now four groups of people have died in a row, even the other iron coffin zombie we found specially, he is our candidate to replace Senluosi's door-sealing zombie, there is no way, who let Senluosi's door-sealing zombie escape, but that The Iron Coffin Zombie is also dead."

"Although Mrs. Huang's condition can be delayed for a year, but after four batches in a row, the Department of Wei Dao and the Huang family have confirmed that if they continue to send people to that place, the results will be the same, unless it is you or little master Wu Nian. , Door-closing zombies are special, otherwise you will die if you go.”

"So after discussion and with the consent of President Sheng, I came to Zhang Wei to see you. See if you want to go to that place after the exchange student is over."

Huang Qingshan coughed while talking, afraid of being overheard, he lowered his voice and said:

"Mr. Huang's condition has deteriorated. It was supposed to be delayed for two years, but now it can't be done. At the end of this year, if there is no such thing, Mr. Huang will die, so we have no choice but to come to you. Chief Sheng is also aware of this, so we can't help you." Agree to say you go."


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