Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 610 The Huang Family Was Almost Taken Over?

"Master Huang's condition has deteriorated?"

Zhang Wei asked when he heard this.

Huang Qingshan nodded and did not hide anything. Anyway, Zhang Wei was also a person involved in the treatment and a key person:

"Some time ago, our company prepared some medicines to suppress Mr. Huang's condition, but recently the Huang family encountered a danger, and Mrs. Huang was forced to take action, which made his condition worsen."

"The Huang family is in danger? Wo Ri, is it real or not?! Who is this awesome, even dare to rush to the Huang family's headquarters."

It was Zhang Chao who spoke.

Ever since Huang Qingshan talked with Zhang Wei on the phone, he put his ear to the phone and listened to their conversation the whole time.

When he learned that Huang's family was in danger, Zhang Chao's face was full of horror. In the world of exorcising ghosts in Daxia, there is a saying that "southern Mao and northern horses" are represented. The relationship between the two is fiercely competitive with each other.

As a descendant of the Maoshan School, Zhang Chao is naturally the most aware of Chumaxian and the Northeast Five Families behind Chumaxian. The five strongholds of the five families are not easily provoked by the town and state level, just because of the Northeast Five Families. The old man sits in town.

can now.

Unexpectedly, the Huang family was invaded.

"Which hanging man is this, Wo Ri, although one old man in the Huang family died and the other was injured, they will not be found at the door of the house."

Zhang Chao was shocked.

Huang Qingshan on the other end of the phone, heard Zhang Chao's voice, was taken aback for a moment, then quickly recognized Zhang Chao's voice, and responded:

"We were also very surprised. No one thought that after hurting Mrs. Huang, they went there blatantly. If Mrs. Hu Ba hadn't supported him in time, Mrs. Huang might have died. Yes, not one, but two."

As soon as his words came out.

Rao Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao were all surprised.

Those who can hurt Mrs. Huang and still get Mrs. Hu Ba to take action, those of that level can only be at the Zhenguo level, in other words, that is...

"Two town-level ones?"

Zhang Chao was surprised again.

Zhang Wei also said:

"Two town-levels entered the Huang family, is this going to kill them all? Who did the Huang family provoke? Captain Huang, who are those two town-level people? They should not be unknown if they can reach this level of strength. .”

"Hey, I don't know who they are."

Huang Qingshan coughed in embarrassment:

"Afterwards, we investigated, and we couldn't find a match from the database. The two towns and state-levels seemed to appear out of nowhere, and we still haven't figured out why they rushed to Huang's house at all costs and killed them." The old lady of the Huang family."

"Currently the incident is still under investigation, and the other five families in Northeast China are also attaching great importance to this matter, and they are all planning to invite an old man from their own family to investigate."

The voice did not fall.

Huang Qingshan continued:

"The investigation is definitely going to be done, but the urgent thing is to save Mrs. Huang. As long as he recovers from his injuries, he won't be afraid of any crimes. So Zhang will show you..."

His words are not finished yet.

When Zhang Wei heard what Huang Qingshan said, he naturally knew what it meant, and responded first:

"When my exchange student is over, I'll go to that place and help Mrs. Huang find medicine. But after I go back, I have to give me a few days to prepare. After all, you say that place is dangerous. At least let me leave some last words and so on. Bar."

"Also, Captain Huang, let me tell you in advance that I may not be able to find the medicine."

Huang Qingshan was overjoyed when he heard that, nodded and said:

"Haha, what you said, Zhang Wei, we will definitely prepare time for you. The suicide note will not be unreasonable. It is true that we want to save Mrs. Huang, but your life is also important. This is what Mrs. Huang asked me to convey to you today. yours."

"That's when you go to that place. If your life is really in danger, don't take the risk. Withdraw it. It's okay if you can't get the medicine. Everything is about your safety. It's best if you can find the medicine. It's okay if you can't find it. It can only be said that everything has its own destiny.”

Zhang Wei nodded his head when he heard what Old Master Huang told Huang Qingshan to tell him.

Immediately afterwards.

Huang Qingshan said again:

"By the way, it was Zhang Chao from the Maoshan School who spoke just now, so I don't know if Master Wu Nian is also there?"

"Amitabha, the little monk is here, is the benefactor Huang Qingshan looking for the little monk?"

"Sure enough, little master Wu Nian is here too, that's just right, I'll save an extra phone call."

Huang Qingshan was not surprised, the super-fearless group is conjoined twins, which has become very famous in the recent summer, Xiaoxuan boasted not only about Zhang Wei, but also about the super-fearless trio.


Huang Qingshan said:

"Master Wu Nian, you should also join Zhang Wei when the time comes. It was originally planned that you and Zhang Wei would be together so that we could take care of each other. Now Chief Sheng agrees with Zhang Wei to go. Do you think you want to go? You can go together if you want."

Wu Nian heard the words without even thinking about it, put his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Old Mr. Huang is a kind person. To help Mr. Huang, the little monk will naturally not tolerate it."

"Okay, then I will add Zhang Wei and you to the list this time."


Zhang Wei chatted with Huang Qingshan for a while, talking about the situation of the two, three or four batches of people who went there recently, and then ended the conversation.


the other side.

Headquarters of the Northeast Health Department.

After Huang Qingshan hung up the phone, he was very happy, and immediately dialed the number of the head of the Huang family to inform the head of the Huang family.

Same time.

He called his subordinates:

"Xiao Liu, Zhang Wei, and Master Wu Nian have clearly agreed to come down. You can make arrangements to participate in this list. Draw up the list of participants for me tonight. Remember that this is the last hope of Mrs. Huang." , if even Zhang Wei fails, then..."

Huang Qingshan did not continue, but said in a deep voice:

"That's why you have to pay attention to me and select the best quality list members. Whether Mrs. Huang can survive or not depends on this time."


Immediately afterwards.

The phone call he made to the head of the Huang family was also connected, and there was a coughing sound from inside:

"Cough, cough... Huang Qingshan, what are you looking for me for? Is there any result of the investigation? Or something Zhang Wei participated in?"

"It's the latter. I called Zhang Wei just now, and he agreed to go to that place after returning home. He told me that you are okay? That time the Huang family was attacked, and I heard that you were also seriously injured."

"Cough, cough, cough, it's more than just a serious injury. Without Master Hu Ba coming to rescue me, I have to die at home. Alas, it's ridiculous. The majestic head of the Huang family was almost killed in his own home."

The head of the Huang family coughed violently, and continued:

"But you brought me good news, I feel much better now, hahaha, cough cough..."

"Let's not make a few jokes and talk about business. Zhang Wei agreed here. I asked Xiao Liu to arrange the list of participants. What do you say? Does your Huang family want to find some people to enter the list?"


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