Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 611 Grandpa Hu's Favorite Little Granddaughter

"Don't talk about this, there really is, my youngest son is arguing and wants to go."

Patriarch Huang coughed and said.

As soon as his words came out.

Huang Qingshan on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and added:

"Which younger son? You have too many sons."

As animals, each of the five Northeast families has a very high fertility rate, especially gray rats, which give birth to one litter in a lifetime. For this reason, it is difficult for even a horse fairy to tell how many people there are in the five Northeast families.

"It's the youngest one in my family. Last time you came to my house, he greeted you."

"Huh? Are you sure to let it go? Its strength..."

"The strength is a little low, isn't it? The level of the red-clothed ghost, but it is very sensitive to medicinal materials, and the blood of my Huang family, he is the strongest among my sons, the strength is a little low, but it is not to go fight."

The head of the Huang family coughed violently in response.

Huang Qingshan nodded noncommittally:

"That's right. I went there to find things. It's really dangerous. There are Zhang Wei and Master Wu Nian. If they can't figure it out, it's not easy to go with all your sons, and your youngest son's nose is not as good as a dog's." The nose is the same, haha, very sensitive."

The voice did not fall.

Huang Qingshan hesitated and said:

"Are you sure you want your youngest son to go? His blood is strong, so he must have a prominent position in the Huang family. If he dies there, he will be blind for nothing."

"Do you think I don't want to, but it insists on going. I heard that the old man was injured and was eager to improve his strength, so he went to find someone to ask for his title. Fortunately, he didn't meet some bad ghost exorcist, otherwise he would probably die. It's outside."

"Ask for a title? That's a bit of a rush, okay, then I'll add your youngest son to the list."

As Huang Qingshan said, he was about to hang up the phone and go to arrange a list for Patriarch Huang.

But the phone was about to be pressed.


Patriarch Huang's voice came from the phone:

"There are three other names added to the list. One is my third son, who is responsible for protecting the youngest son. The other two belong to the Hu family. One is Hu Shiliu and the other is Hu Da."

"What the hell? Pomegranate? Which pomegranate? The pomegranate of the fruit, or the number sixteen?"

Hearing the words Hu Shiliu, Huang Qingshan almost thought he was hallucinating, and his eyes widened.

To this.

Patriarch Huang didn't seem surprised, took a sip of the potion, coughed lightly and said:

"Pomegranate fruit, I heard the Hu family say it before, and I was also very surprised. I thought the Hu family would send people to come, but I never thought that they would let Mr. Hu Ba's favorite little granddaughter come here."


After confirming that it was Hu Shiliu, Huang Qingshan couldn't help but swear.

Hu Shiliu, if you just look at his name, it will make people think he is a vulgar person, the name is so vulgar, but for people and ghosts who know his name, in the Northeast, it is better to provoke the Secretary of Health than to provoke Hu Shiliu. , because Hu Shiliu is the most spoiled little granddaughter of the eighth grandfather of the Hu family in Northeast China.

I still remember.

The last time Sen Luosi was in the Northeast, when Sen Luosi captured Hu Pomegranate, it caused Mr. Hu Ba to be furious. The entire Hu family almost overturned the entire Northeast. Fortunately, the tailor later resurrected Hu Pomegranate, otherwise Mr. Hu Ba would definitely Will not give up.

Thinking that Hu Shiliu was going to that place, his strength was about the same as that of Huang's youngest son, so the degree of danger can be imagined.

Think about it.

The corner of Huang Qingshan's mouth twitched:

"If Hu Shiliu died inside, Mr. Hu Ba would have to strangle me to death. Isn't this just looking for trouble? It's nonsense. What is Hu Shiliu doing to join in the fun?"

Patriarch Huang laughed out loud when he heard that, but soon the wound was involved again, and he grinned in pain and said:

"I have the same idea as you. When I heard about this, I was the first to object. But after all, it's not my granddaughter. I can't persuade her too much. If she insists on going, I can only say Qingshan. When the time comes, you can come to me to get some Something, give Zhang Wei a gift, let him stay inside, help take care of my youngest son, and Hu Shiliu."

Huang Qingshan rubbed his temples with a headache:

"That's the only way to go, but I don't guarantee that Zhang Wei will protect him. With his temperament, you have to bleed a lot to make it difficult for him to protect him."

"I understand, let me pick some better gifts, that's all I can do."


We talked again.

Huang Qingshan hung up the phone, opened the door and shouted:

"Xiao Liu, come here, I asked you to prepare the list just now, you can add four people to it for me."

"He's from the Huang family, right? Well, captain, tell me who it is, I'll write it down right now."

"Huang San, Huang Sanqi, Hu Da, and Hu Shiliu."

Following Huang Qingshan's words.

can be seen.

Xiao Liu and other members of the Health and Dao Department who were present all looked over as if they had seen a ghost.

Xiao Liu: "????"

other people:"????"

I froze for a few seconds.

Xiao Liu came back to his senses, hesitated and said:

"Captain, what did you say just now? Hu Shiliu? Is it Hu Shiliu, Grandpa Hu's favorite little granddaughter?"

Huang Qingshan: "Yes."

Xiao Liu: "!¥......&&"

other people:"!……&"


the other side.

Defamation Law Association, President's Office.

Boom boom boom.

As the knock on the door sounded, the president looked towards the doorway:

"come in."

The assistant immediately opened the office door and came in. You can see that he had a smile on his face, holding a stack of documents in one hand, and a bottle of Suxiao Jiuxin Pill in the other, and said:

"President, you told me to find the ghost, I found the right one, and this is the quick-acting heart-rescuing pill you want to buy."

"Let me take a look, no, I want you to pass me the information."

The president looked at the Suxiao Jiuxin pill in his hand, and was a little speechless... How afraid are you that I will have a heart attack? Now that Zhang Wei is not here, and I haven't caught the "President" again, I can't use this.

The matter of Zhang Wei, plus the matter of the 'chairman', the chairman's heart is not very good now, in order to prevent being angry again, after all, there are still many 'chairmen' outside, God knows what the 'chairman' will do, The president asked his assistant to buy quick-acting heart-rescuing pills.

"Oh, oh, President, here you are."

The assistant handed the information to the president.

at the same time.

The president took the information and saw the information of the ghost:

[Name]: Desi Abraham

[Ghost Type]: Western Necromancer

[Strength]: Banbu Township National Level

[Dangerous degree]: No danger, but do not approach!

[Location]: Kunchiyan

[Personal information]: The ghosts that are not stealing from the country are Western species. The ghosts sealed by the Vatican in their own country are powerful, but because the Vatican is sealed in Kunchiyan, as long as they don't get close to Kunchiyan, they will not be in any danger.

Look at this spooky message.

The president's eyes lit up immediately, and he said straight away:

"This ghost is a good choice! You guys can do it. I almost forgot that our country still has this ghost."


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