As the president said, the brows that were previously frowned by Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao relaxed at this moment.

Same time.

The assistant was praised by the president, scratched his head with a smile and said:

"This is also an order from you, the president. You said you want me to find someone difficult to deal with, so I went to the database to look through the files, and then I found this Kunchiyan ghost."

The voice did not fall.

The assistant said with a smile:

"President, now that we have this ghost, we don't have to be afraid of Zhang Wei showing off his power in front of us, even if he has a town-level magic weapon."

The president nodded when he heard it. Although he didn't speak, the smile that he smiled said everything.


The president didn't look at the assistant, his eyes fell on the ghost information, and information about this ghost appeared in his mind.

This ghost is famous not only in stealing the country, but also in the whole world. Even ordinary people have heard of the supernatural events it did, and it was listed as one of the "Top Ten Supernatural Events in the World" by people all over the world. .

Also because of what ghosts did.

In 2012, the beautiful country CNN voted "the seven creepiest places in the world", and the Kunchiyan Psychiatric Hospital, where the ghost is located, was at the top of the list!

Its popularity was also made into the famous horror movie "Kun Chi Yan".

The movie tells that Kunchi Psychiatric Hospital, also known as Nanyang Psychiatric Hospital, is located in Kunchiyan. In fact, it is the place where the ghost is sealed.

For ordinary people...

The Kunchiyan Psychiatric Hospital was forced to close in 1996 due to the mysterious deaths of patients. You must know that the hospital was opened in 1992. In just 4 years, a hospital was closed. This is absolutely rare, after all Hospitals are globally recognized profiteering industries.


The reason why this hospital was closed was because of supernatural events, more than 40 patients committed suicide collectively, and finally even the director committed suicide, so the hospital was forced to close.

Finally, under the news reports of various countries, for example, the hospital used to be a prison, and many prisoners died here. For example, it is said that there is a room 221 in the hospital, and a patient died in it. That patient was the original patient. caused everything.

The successive mysteries made the incident an unsolved weird mystery.


This is for ordinary people.

For ghost exorcists, especially as the president of the country-stealing ghost exorcist organization "Defamation Law Association" where Kun Chiyan belongs, he knows best that the Kunchiyan incident is actually a half-step town-level ghost What he did was actually a dead spirit from a foreign country who came to steal the country, named Desi Abraham.

It triggered a series of suicides in Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.


Not only the patients and the principal committed suicide, but many members of the slandering law association who went to exorcise ghosts also died, including the state-level slandering mages of Banbu Town.

Because it was a foreign ghost coming to another country to commit murder.

The incident also caused a lot of trouble.

Many foreign ghost exorcists and mage slanderers died there. The death toll was hundreds, and the influence was so wide that even ordinary people knew about it, and countries rushed to report it.


It is the largest exorcism organization in Europe and the world-renowned largest exorcism organization 'Vatican'. Let it repent to God for a hundred years in Kunchiyan.

It was also to solve this matter that the current pope benefited from this reputation and became the current pope.

Thinking about these.

The chairman's eyes are bright:

"Let Zhang Wei deal with Abraham, then there will be a good show, hahaha."

at this time.

The assistant hesitated and couldn't help asking.

"President, is Abraham really powerful?"

Although I have seen the information about Abraham, it is information after all, I have not seen it with my own eyes, and it is exaggerated.

To this.

The president squinted at the assistant, nodded slightly and said:

"I was one of the participants at the beginning. At that time, I hadn't reached the half-step town level, and I was only at the top ghost king level. At that time, the old president led a dozen of us to make a move. As a result, the old president not only almost I was killed by Abraham, and the others died, leaving me and the old president alive."

"Abraham is powerful because he is a dead spirit, an evil spirit that escaped from hell. It is said that he was accidentally let go by the Vatican. However, it has been so long that there is no way to pursue it."

"But the point is that Abraham is terrible. He escaped from the Western Hell. Ordinary magic weapons have no effect on him. Only Western magic weapons can do targeted damage to him. Otherwise, the old president would not have almost died."

"The magic weapon we stole from the country has no effect on that Abraham, and Zhang Wei's fan, although it is from the Great Xia in essence, but the Great Xia magic weapon, do you think it has an effect on the dead spirits in the West? The zombies in the Great Xia are the same as those in the West. Ghosts are different."

"And even by the effect, Zhang Wei can't handle Abraham."

The president added a sentence at the end, and his smile grew even wider.

As soon as his words came out.

The assistant couldn't help being curious, and hurriedly asked:

"Why can't it be done? President."

"Because Abraham was sealed there. Sealing is not the same as exorcising ghosts. Zhang Wei's magic fan is not for sealing, but for expelling ghosts. It can't solve the problem of sealing."

That's all for words.

The president looked up at the assistant, and said leisurely:

"Now I understand why I'm happy, say you found such a ghost."


The assistant gasped, and finally understood the situation, feeling that he accidentally found a ghost who was extremely targeted at Zhang Wei.

Can't help it.

The assistant said in surprise:

"Haha, Xiba, Zhang Wei is in trouble now, but the president...Abraham is so powerful, if Zhang Wei can't handle it when the time comes, I ask you to help, can you handle it?"

"I can't figure it out."

The president was outspoken, but his smile did not diminish:

"It doesn't matter if it can't be done. I will use various reasons at that time, such as my body is not recovered and I can't help. I can just take Zhang Wei out at that time. After all, it is sealed there. We will withdraw from Kunchiyan." fine."

The words did not fall.

The president picked up the quick-acting heart-rescuing pills bought by his assistant, shook it and said:

"What do you think I bought this for? It's just to prepare for a rainy day, as an excuse for a reason. Now it seems that I was right in planning for a rainy day. The ghost you found is very suitable for this excuse, haha."


The president and the assistant looked at each other, and they both laughed, sweeping away the previous pain, and some were looking forward to it, looking forward to letting Zhang Wei come over to expel the ghost.


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