As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei looked over. Just now he had Zhang Chao and the others say that this ghost is very powerful, and it seems that it is not an ordinary ghost. Otherwise, the Pope of the Vatican and the old president of the Association for Defamation of Laws would not have taken action.

Zhang Chao didn't hold back, and said directly:

"It is said that this ghost escaped from the Vatican, which can be initially determined, and it is a dead spirit. Generally speaking, it is difficult for the dead spirit to appear in the Western ghost category, because the dead spirit exists in the Western hell."

"So there are rumors that the undead was summoned from hell by someone in the Vatican privately, and there are also rumors that someone inadvertently summoned the undead. Compared with the latter, the former has more rumors."


Zhang Chao looked at Zhang Wei and said:

"The ghosts that came out of the hell in the west are not ordinary ghosts. Only a few magic weapons have effects on them, otherwise they would not have escaped to the country of stealing. In the end, they were shot in the Vatican in Europe. Those who escape from the Vatican are, secondly, ghosts from the western hell, and only a few exorcist organizations such as the Vatican can deal with it."


"There are also rumors that the name of this undead is Desi Abraham. I think Zhang Wei is an undergraduate, so you should be clear about history. The name Abraham."

Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows and said:

"Abraham? Of course I know. This is one of the oldest surnames in the West. According to the Genesis records in the Bible, Abraham is the ancestor of the Jewish people. Wait, that dead spirit has Abraham? It..."

Without waiting for Zhang Wei to finish speaking.

Zhang Chao seemed to know what Zhang Wei wanted to say, and said first:

"Yes, you are right. There are rumors that this undead ghost is not an ordinary undead from hell, but one of the oldest undead in hell. It is very likely that it is a descendant of Abraham, or even a direct descendant. One of them, otherwise how could even the Vatican escape.”

"Now Zhang Wei, you know, you made a fucking big problem, shit."

Zhang Chao hated that iron could not be made into steel.

To this.

Afraid that Zhang Wei was not very clear, Lianxue persuasively said:

"Zhang Wei, why don't you ask the Law Defamation Association to replace it with a ghost? You know, Abraham is recorded in the Bible, and he is full of Jews. His name Abraham, but God named him, meaning a man of many nations."

"That dead spirit is likely to be a direct descendant of Abraham, an absolute ancient ghost, who can be given a name by God, even if he falls into hell, he is also blessed with a name."

in the West.

People who believe in Christianity, as long as a child is born, they will take the child to church, let the priest receive the blessing, and even let the priest name it. This is a kind of blessing, hoping that people will have the protection of God.

The same is true for Abraham. Looking at the records in the Bible, all those who are named and blessed by God are not blessed by God. Abraham was given a name, and this name is destined to have the glory of God.

This is also why, the old president of the Association for Defamation of Laws could not deal with the undead, so he could only let the Pope of the Vatican take action and seal it with the scepter of God.

Also at this time.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, that dead spirit was sealed in Thief, and has not been wiped out so far. It is rumored that it is because of its name, which is the name given by God. The Pope dare not kill it easily. It is a blasphemy against God, so it is a Only dare to seal it."

"So... Amitabha, Zhang Wei, in my opinion, it's better to change to a ghost."


Faced with Zhang Chao's persuasion, Zhang Wei shook his head and did not accept their proposal.

"This undead is indeed very powerful, but I think you can still give it a try. You don't have to worry, that undead is sealed in Kunchiyan. If you really can't beat it, we can withdraw it. After all, you think."

Zhang Wei said and patted their shoulders:

"Since the Defamation Law Association dares to look for this ghost, and the president will go with him, it won't be possible for the president to follow him to death, so the danger is the danger, but nothing will happen."


It was Zhang Wei who comforted him again, Zhang Chao and the others sighed, there was no way, the decision was in Zhang Wei's hands, since they couldn't be stubborn, there was nothing they could do.

"Okay, okay, since you want to see and see, I really want to see and see, hehe, but just to be safe..."

Zhang Chao hehe smiled.

Same time

He got up and said:

"I'm going to ask my elder sister and father, and ask them for some information about necromancers. Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle."

"Amitabha, the young monk also went to the elders to ask for it."

"I'll go as well."

Wu Nian and Lu Lianxue spoke one after another.


That night.

The Vatican, the room where the Pope sits.

at this time.

The Pope is preparing to eat, and his eyes are fixed on the World Cup played on the super-large projection screen in front of him. Today is the Qatar World Cup quarter-final match between Brazil and Croatia. Although he is the Pope, he is also a person with his own preferences. , football is exactly what he likes.

It's not just him, there are also a few cardinals sitting around who love football together.

see you...

A red-clothed archbishop watched the players enter the field, and couldn't help speaking Italian:

"Come here, the game is about to start, I think Brazil will be 3-0."

"Oh~ My Ellis buddy, you think too highly of Brazil. Although they played against the national team last game and scored 4-1, Croatia is not weak. I guess it was 2-1."

"You're all wrong, believe me, in the name of God, it's definitely 3-1."

"Is there no one who thinks that Croatia will win? What do you think, my lord Pope?"

The previous archbishop in red laughed and said.

As soon as his words came out.

Everyone present looked at the Pope.

Just when the Pope was about to say something.

Boom boom boom.

The door to the Pope's room was knocked, and a Vatican attendant walked in, routinely drew a sign of the cross on his chest, and said respectfully:

"My lord pope, hello my lord cardinals, I have something to report to my lord pope, and I am calling from the National Defamation Law Association."

"Defamation Law Association? What is it? If it doesn't matter, tell me later."

When the Pope heard that he was stealing the country, he responded immediately. He didn't want to affect his watching the game because of a country-stealing incident. After all, in his opinion, the Defamation Law Association rarely contacted the Vatican. If he could find him at this time, he would go The thing about the Italian ghost power.

However, the next second.

The attendant said respectfully:

"My lord, the Defamation Law Association said that there is something about the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital."

His words speak out.

this moment.

Not only the pope looked over, but even the archbishop in red who was present looked sideways.

"Kunchiyan Mental Hospital? Is that Abraham?"

"Huh? Did I hear you wrong? You mean that the Defamation Law Association has something to report about Kun Chiyan?"


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