"That's right, I heard it too, about Kun Chiyan? Is it about that Abraham? Could it be broken?"

A red-clothed archbishop leaning in front of the projection screen, ready to watch the game carefully, looked sideways.


The Vatican attendant who came to report was a little numb, and was stared at by the Pope and several cardinals.


He quickly adjusted his mood, nodded and said:

"Yes, His Excellency the Pope, all the archbishops in red clothes, the notice sent by the Defamation Law Association is about the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, saying that they need to contact the Pope about matters related to Abraham."

"Go and get the phone."

For other things, the Pope will wait until after the World Cup to reply to the Defamation Law Association, but when it comes to Abraham in the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, he has to pay attention.


The Pope picked up the remote control of the projection screen and transferred to the video call of the Law Defamation Association. After connecting to the call of the Law Defamation Association, the president appeared on the projection screen.

Also this moment.

When the president saw not only the Pope, but also several cardinals sitting in danger in the video, he couldn't help being startled. Unaware of the truth, he subconsciously thought that Abraham was so valued by the Vatican, that even several cardinals came.

"Your Excellency the Pope, hello, I haven't contacted you for a long time. I heard that there are a lot of ghosts in Europe recently. I don't know if it bothers you."

"Mr. President, long time no see, no, no, there are many supernatural beings in Europe, but thanks to you stealing the country, you have attracted a ghost force from Italy, which has reduced a lot of pressure on our side."

The Pope smiled, and responded politely in a commercial manner:

"Although it was solved by a Daxia man named Zhang Wei, if Mr. President knows the strength of the ghost, he must be able to help eliminate it."

Mentioning Zhang Wei, the corner of the president's mouth twitched slightly and said with a smile:

"That's for sure. If a ghost comes, no matter where it is, our Law Defamation Association will take action, just like the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital."

The words fell.

The Pope also took up the topic and said bluntly:

"Speaking of which, Mr. President, I heard from the attendant that you came to me because of the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital? What happened to Abraham? The seal was loose? Or did Abraham repent to God piously."

"It's true to ask His Excellency the Pope about Abraham, but that's not the case. I came to His Holiness the Pope today to tell you something."

The president didn't give a shit, and told Zhang Wei that he was going to find Abraham with Zhang Wei to test the town's state-level magic weapon.

in words.

The president coughed lightly and continued:

"After all, Abraham is the seal of His Excellency the Pope, and it seems to be very important to the Vatican. After all, it is named Abraham, so I would like to ask His Excellency the Pope. I don't know if I took Zhang Wei to the experiment, should it be all right?"

"So that's how it is."

The pope froze for a moment, with surprise on his face, he never thought that someone would dare to go to Abraham because of Abraham's prestige.

Not only him.

The other red-clothed archbishops were the same, with surprised eyes, discussing among themselves:

"Looking for Abraham to test the town-level magic weapon? The Daxia people's ideas are still so crazy."

"Huh? Zhang Wei? I seem to have heard of it somewhere, oh——remember, is it Zhang Wei who wiped out the power of Italian ghosts?"

"It should be him. He is the one who can be called Zhang Wei, and who also has the magic weapon of Zhenguo level. He should be the one."

"No wonder he dared to provoke Abraham. It turned out to be Zhang Wei. He is indeed very powerful. I have heard of him. The last time our Vatican went to the exchange team in Daxia, I remember that after returning, the children talked about Zhang Wei a lot."

Their voices were not restrained, and the president in the video heard it all, and was a little shocked. It seemed that the Vatican knew about Zhang Wei earlier than himself.


He didn't have time to care about these, the Pope's voice came over:

"Mr. President, Zhang Wei is very powerful. He can deal with other dead spirits or demons from hell with a town-level magic weapon, but it is very difficult to deal with Abraham. Abraham has the power of God. Named and blessed, only the artifacts given by our God can deal with it."

The pope didn't know that the president had an enmity with Zhang Wei. Out of kindness, he persuaded him:

"You go to Abraham for a test. This is also a kind of self-atonement for Abraham. I think the merciful God will agree, and we won't mind. Anyway, the seal will not be broken, but this kind of test may be meaningless and undetectable. magic weapon."

"Oh? What His Excellency the Pope means is that Abraham can invalidate state-level magical artifacts, right? Only certain magical artifacts can work."


"Okay, okay, I will tell Zhang Wei, but whether he will agree or not depends on him. Actually, I have told him, but he seems to be very confident and insists on going. Since the shot against Abraham is not It will affect the Vatican, that's fine."

The president said with a smile, feeling more at ease in his heart. With the protection of the Pope, Zhang Wei will definitely be embarrassed now.

Immediately afterwards.

The president got the answer he wanted, and he didn't hang up in a hurry. Just to be on the safe side, he said:

"I have one more thing I want to ask His Excellency the Pope, that is, if we test the magic weapon to Abraham, if ah, if we accidentally touch the seal, how should we deal with Abraham?"

"Or Abraham is too powerful, and we can't get out of the Kunchiyan mental hospital at once. May I ask His Excellency, can there be a way to restrain Abraham so that we can get out of the mental hospital. Zhang Wei is a guest after all. He came from afar. We slander The Law Association still doesn't want him to have an accident."

The Pope said:

"Mr. President, you are really thoughtful. Well, there is indeed a way. In order to make Abraham repent and prevent him from breaking free, I made a double guarantee. As long as the seal is not broken, the seal is still there. Under the circumstances, you can recite the fourth verse of the sixth chapter of the Bible..."


The pope told the chairman about the things that could suppress Abraham in the sealed place.

When the president learned the method, he was delighted in his heart, and his hanging heart was completely let go...

Now it's all right.

With a way to suppress Abraham, there is no need to be afraid of Abraham, and you can watch Zhang Wei embarrass himself.

At this moment.

"I don't know if Mr. President has anything else to do? I may have something to deal with now."

The Pope glanced at the time, the World Cup has already started, and he doesn't want to miss too much.

As soon as his words came out.

The president didn't stay long, and after a few pleasantries, he hung up the video call.


The Pope quickly picked up the screen remote control, switched the broadcast to the World Cup screen, and said happily:

"Oh, my God, the chat is finally over, everyone, let's watch the game."

"My lord, do you just ignore the matter of Abraham? What if Abraham kills the president and Zhang Wei? With his ability, it can be done."

"Well, it's possible. After all, they definitely can't beat Abraham. Zhang Wei and the others didn't fall into God's arms, so they don't understand the power of God's blessing. But I gave you the method, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

The voice did not fall.

The pope said with a smile:

"And I have another backup, don't worry, just let Zhang Wei know how powerful Abraham is, understand how great God is, maybe even pull Zhang Wei into God's arms, oh, I think God must Will be happy to have a strong believer on board."


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