Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 616 Abraham Is Excited, How Should I Torture Them

"Haha, it's still the Pope who is far-sighted."

When the archbishop in red heard this, a smile appeared on his old face.

The Pope waved his hand:

"So stop talking about this, let's start watching the game quickly, oh-my God, how do you feel that Brazil is in such a bad state against Croatia today."


Time flies.

The next day, at six o'clock in the evening.

at this time.

Not far from the Defamation Association's headquarters, in a hot pot restaurant of the National Thieves Army.

"Yo, Zhang Wei, why did you and Lu Lianxue come here at this hour, can you be a little punctual?"

Zhang Chao pointed to his watch, and Zhang Wei was half an hour late for the appointment time to meet Zhang Wei.

To this.

Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"I also want to be on time. Isn't this not allowed by my second son? My second son chose to make me late."

"Huh? What's wrong, urinary stones."

Zhang Chao glanced at Lu Lianxue, then at Zhang Wei, already understood Zhang Wei's meaning, couldn't help but put up his middle finger, then rolled his eyes and said:

"How aggressive are you? It's at this juncture, and there is still time for the second child to enjoy it. Are you afraid that after tonight, you will never be able to enjoy it again? After all, you have to discuss with the Buddha."

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, don't make fun of the Buddha in front of the monk."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together.

at this time.

Zhang Wei said:

"No, no, it's just to meet a ghost who lives in a mental hospital, young man, don't be so nervous."

in words.

Zhang Wei's calm expression was undisguised. .


Not to mention that Zhang Chao is in pain, Lu Lianxue on the side also can't laugh or cry. Not long ago, she and Zhang Wei were planning to come, and they wanted to come in advance to make preparations. However, the emperor is not in a hurry, Zhang Wei He didn't want to come early at all, and even dragged her along for a while, calling it a warm-up exercise before the test.


Zhang Wei continued:

"Are you all ready, ready, let's go after dinner, go to the test early, and come back early."

Immediately afterwards.

After a hasty dinner, Zhang went to the Defamation Law Association for them.


Not long.

Stealing the country, at the entrance of Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.

"Is this the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital? Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. It really has a supernatural atmosphere."

Zhang Wei and the others got off the chairman's extended box car.

can be seen.

Ahead, there is a large rusty iron gate, which is blocked with iron chains. The iron gate is rusty and unattended. The surrounding walls and iron gate are full of creepers, even though it is night , but the moonlight is bright tonight, and you can clearly see it when you look up...

The words "Nanyang Neuropsychiatric Hospital" were written on the iron gate.

Same time.

Looking through the iron gate, there is a four-story abandoned hospital building behind. Because it was abandoned here and built on the mountain, it has suddenly become full of trees, and most of the white walls of the building have fallen off and are covered with mottled spots. , I can vaguely see that there are messy items in and around the hospital.

With a gust of evening wind blowing.

While the woods were sparse and rustling, the wind blew through the windows of the hospital and echoed in the corridors, forming a gloomy howling wind. Under the atmosphere of the night, it was eerie and weird, making people creepy.


Don't wait for what the president of the Defamation Law Association will say.

Zhang Wei was the first to pick up the phone, took Lu Lianxue and Zhang Chao to take a photo together and said:

"It's rare to come here once, hurry up, let's take a photo to commemorate it, and go back so we can brag with our friends. I have been to the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital that steals the country, and I can post it to Moments. Mr. President, please take a photo for us a bit."

President: "????"

at the same time.

Seeing Zhang Wei's big heart, Zhang Chao also went all out, and gave full play to the optimism of the super-fearless trio. Zhang Chao directly took out a bag of potato chips and a few cans of Coke from his backpack, and distributed them to the chairman, saying:

"Come on, let's drink Coke. Chairman, do you want Coke or Sprite? I have it here. Or you want Coca-Cola or Pepsi. I have it here too."

"Amitabha, that...cough, the little monk brought Fanta and bottled oolong tea. Does the president eat potato chips? Zhang Wei told the little monk that he heard that the president likes to eat potato chips."

President: "?????"


The president acted as a photographer, took several photos of Zhang Wei and the others, and held the food in his hand, wondering what the hell he was doing here.

Just when the chairman was confused.


"Huh? Look at this photo."

Zhang Wei's voice came suddenly.

see you.

Among the photos taken by the president to Zhang Wei, there is a picture of the entire Kunchiyan Mental Hospital building in the distance behind him. If you look carefully, there is a blurry black shadow of human nature at a window on the second floor. It seemed as if a person was quietly watching the situation on their side.

"It's Abraham."

The president recognized the black shadow. Although the black shadow couldn't see his appearance, the window where he was located was the rumored room 221!

According to records, Abraham committed a lot of bloody incidents there.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice continued:

"It's a good relationship. We haven't found Abraham yet. He showed up first. Let's go and find him."


the other side.

In the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.

Just before Zhang Wei and the others came, in a ward.

Abraham was lying on a dilapidated and moldy hospital bed, playing with a mouse caught by him:

"Oh, it's another boring day, damn it, how long will it last, damn the Vatican, god damn it, do you want me to repent, how long do I have to repent, god, give me a letter Ah, God... nsl!"

in words.

Abraham looked at the wall and counted the densely packed four vertical plus one horizontal days marked by him. He could see that the entire wall was densely packed with day marks. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, he crushed the mouse to death, and opened his mouth swallowed it.


Just as he was chewing on the mouse and was about to reach out to draw another mark, he seemed to have a sense, and looked towards the iron gate of the mental hospital in the distance, his eyes lit up instantly, and the whole ghost body stood upright:

"Hahahaha! Someone is here! Someone is here again. It's great. It's been more than a year since no one came here, and someone is here to kill again."

Abraham screamed excitedly.

Because this is a world-renowned haunted place, and for this reason, even though stealing state property is clearly forbidden to enter, it still can't stop some curious people who want to die from taking risks.

Also for this.

Abraham is always looking forward to these dead people coming, so that he will have fun, but it is a pity that he accidentally killed a group of people who came to the live broadcast last time, so that no one dared to go to Kunchiyan for a while Come on, don't mention making Abraham regret it.

Think here.

Abraham rubbed his hands involuntarily and murmured:

"This time I can't kill them easily, I have to torture them well, and they will all become mentally ill, so that they will become famous when they go out, and it will make my place popular again, and I can have many people play with me again, I should How to torture them."


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