Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 617 Crazy Coming To Kunchiyan Mental Hospital?

in words.

Several torture ideas had already appeared in Abraham's mind, but when he was considering which one to use, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Zhang Wei and the others taking selfies with their mobile phones.

To this.

Abraham smiled.

【Ding! Abraham... is another group of adventurous young people. Sure enough, there is no shortage of people who want to die in this world. I don’t know if they will broadcast live. If it is broadcast live, my place will be famous and more people will come. 】

[Host obtains system points +530]

Smile in my heart.

Abraham smiled and stood by the window, wanting to have his figure captured by them in the distance, and start his own plan of torture.


Before Abraham finished laughing, his smile stagnated, seeing Zhang Wei and the others took out a lot of food and drink.

【Ding! Abraham... Are people so excited now, is adventure an outing? 】

[Host obtains system points +540]

"But it's okay, the happier and more relaxed I am now, waiting for you can relieve me even more."

Abraham murmured.


Under his gaze, he saw Zhang Wei talking and laughing, drinking and eating, opened the iron gate, and walked into the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.

It is also this moment.

Abraham grinned with a sinister grin.

The Kunchiyan Mental Hospital was the place where he was sealed, but in other words, after stepping into the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, that was his territory, and he could act as he pleased inside.

But also this moment.

Abraham seemed to have sensed something, and his eyes fell on the president:

"Huh? No, it seems that they are not all young people who are dead, but ghost exorcists? It seems that these young people who are dead are not brainless, they even know how to hire bodyguards, but unfortunately, it is useless... However, this breath is a bit familiar. "

Standing on the second floor, Abraham stared at the president carefully, and quickly recognized him from memory:

"Ah! Come to think of it, isn't this the mage slanderer who followed the president of the slandering law association back then? After so many years, has he become a state-level Banbu town? It's interesting, really interesting. I didn't expect this time There are old friends coming to catch up."

at the same time.

Zhang Wei and the others have already arrived in front of the building of the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.

"Amitabha, everyone, be careful, I can feel that Abraham is nearby."

"Wu Nian, it's up to you to say, look at my gossip, the hands are almost shaking like Parkinson's."

Zhang Chao pointed to the Maoshan faction gossip in his hand, which he asked the Maoshan faction to send yesterday. It is a town-level magic weapon that can sense all ghosts and ghosts. At this moment, the pointer on the gossip trembled violently.


Zhang Wei also looked over, looked at the gossip in his hand and asked:

"What do you mean shaking like this?"

"It means that the ghosts inside are very fierce. My gossip is one of the treasures of my family's Maoshan school. All the gossips in China are imitated based on me, including the fake yin and yang instruments in the Sakura Kingdom. As long as there are ghosts nearby, There will be a reaction."

Zhang Chao looked at the violently shaking gossip pointer, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said:

"The shaking of the pointer is not based on the strength of the ghost, but the danger of the ghost. That is to say, the stronger the ghost, the more dangerous the ghost is. This is the first time I have seen that my gossip shakes like this..."

That's all for words.

Zhang Chao began to roll his eyes, his fingers were like those charlatan fortune-tellers, he kept counting with his fingers, while rolling his eyes, he opened them suddenly after a few seconds and said:

"not good!!!!"

The sound was so loud that the president was startled when he heard it. For a while, he thought whether Zhang Chao had gone crazy. At the same time, he was also nervous about whether Zhang Chao's operation would suddenly call Abraham in.

Zhang Chao ignored the surprise of the chairman and continued to shout:

"Not good!! Very bad!, Zhang Wei, I just calculated the future and got a glimpse of the secret. I calculated that we can't step into this Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, otherwise something big will happen, big thing!!"

he said.

With one hand on Zhang Wei's shoulder, it feels like he will fall to the ground at any time without looking for support:

"Help me, I'm trying to figure out the secret, I've been backlashed by God, and I'm a little weak now, Zhang Wei don't go in for us, first help me buy a bottle to replenish the energy after the backlash"

President: "????"

this moment.

The corner of the president's mouth twitched violently, with a feeling of wanting to curse... A sprinkling of gia, Xiba, God's backlash, buy a bottle and move it to replenish it, are you really a Maoshan warlock when you step on a horse?

at this time.

Zhang Chao covered his nose again and said:

"The air here in Zhang Wei is so bad, you can see that it's full of dust, the air quality must have reached p25, if we go in, we may not find it before, and the air pollution will make us sick... I am Cao! Zhang Wei, what are you doing, you don't want it In this way, wipe!"

Before Zhang Chao finished speaking, he was dragged into the hospital by Zhang Wei.

Same time.

Zhang Wei said slowly:

"Stop yelling. If you yell like that in the hospital in the middle of the night, I'll be scared, but I can't see it, Zhang Chao. It's a pity that you don't want to be a cross talk actor."

"Really? I also think I have acting talent, but I just need a supporter, or Zhang will be my supporter for you. Let's leave here immediately and go to the cross talk show Xiaoao Jianghu. We will definitely win the championship."

"No hurry, wait until the experiment is over."

Zhang Wei responded and continued to drag Zhang Chao into the hospital.

that's it.

The originally tense atmosphere, that is, the tense mood of the president, was eased by the tricks of Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei and the others walked into the abandoned hospital, and under the guidance of gossip all the way, entered the second floor, looking at the empty corridor in front of them, in this silent night, everything around was dead and silent.


The president had eased the tension before, but he mentioned again that even though there was a way to deal with it, he had seen Abraham's toughness back then, and he could still remember it vividly.

However, the palpitations just came up.

Seeing Zhang Wei looking at the silent hospital corridor on the second floor ahead, he raised his voice, spoke Italian, and yelled loudly, echoing throughout the corridor.

"ciao (pronounced knock~ah~, hello in Italian) is anyone here? High price recovery mental illness!"

"Is there anyone who is mentally ill? The more mentally ill, the higher the recycling price, and a 50g hard drive is included, you know!"

"Is anyone selling it? No one is selling it. I'll call later."

【Ding! Abraham's smile froze... What's the matter? I Cao, Italian? fellow? No, neuropathy? 】

[Host obtains system points +550]

Not just Abraham.


President: "????"

The president looked at Zhang Wei as if he had seen a ghost, with a Da Sima-style expression of "Li Zaigan God and Demon".

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't pay attention to the chairman's gaze, kicked open the nearest ward on the second floor, and continued to shout:

"Is no one selling mental illness? If there is any, sell it quickly. It is best to be the kind of mental illness who thinks that he can travel to the Cthulhu Immortal, but feels that the reality is false!"

President: "?????"

The president's eyelids twitched...Are you here to exorcise ghosts, or...No, Xiba, what do I think, I'm here to help exorcise ghosts.

Being yelled at by Zhang Wei several times in a row, not to mention Zhang Chao and the others, the nervousness of the president was completely gone.


Abraham froze.

【Ding! Abraham is confused...? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +560]

at the same time.

Zhang Wei continued:

"Is no one selling it? No one is selling it. I'll come back later."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei pulled Zhang Chao and the others to another ward, kicked them away and continued to shout:

"Prisoners are being recovered at a high price. Money is a little tight. Today, only prisoners who take drugs are accepted. Next time, prisoners who are gambling and whoring will be accepted. Is there anyone for sale? Take it at a high price!"

Follow the voice.

In Zhang Wei's mind, the system prompt sounded again.

【Ding! Abraham... Has a mental illness and came to Kunchiyan Mental Hospital? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +570]


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