Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 619 Invite Abraham To Testify In Court


Although the president did not speak, his heart was full of pain. Twenty years ago, apart from the old president, there were not many people who survived, and they were all his own people. , no one said it.

But there is only one exception, and that is Abraham who scared him to pee.

The key is……

He didn't expect that he would refute it casually, and Zhang Wei even refuted it, and directly wanted to pull Abraham to testify.

One thought here.

The president has the desire to curse others.

President: "!¥¥......&(!)"

Why is Zhang Wei so confident, Xiba, can he really smell the so-called fear in urine? Ma De, who is also at the national level of Banbu Town, how did he smell it?

the other side.

In addition to being surprised that Zhang Wei and the others were coming for him, Abraham was also surprised by Zhang Wei's serious face, clearly confident that he had guessed correctly.

【Ding! Abraham was surprised...he didn't seem to be a thief from the country, but a Bactrian, oh! I understand, Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs, this guy can't be a descendant of Shen Nong, right? Shennong can taste the effects of herbs outrageously, and smell the fearful breath in his urine. It shouldn't be a problem. What is Shennong's surname? Is it Zhang? 】

[Host obtains system points +600]

Just when Abraham was thinking wildly.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"President, I believe I didn't make a mistake in my judgment. It may be that you were too scared at the time, and you didn't even know when you urinated. We can ask the person concerned to ask."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei started shouting to the surroundings:

"Is Abraham here? Come out, we have something to ask you, and I want to ask you something!"

"Abraham, where are you, I know you are here, don't hide, come out!"

"Abraham, come out quickly, don't hide, come and be my witness in court."

【Ding! Abraham was confused... Should I go out or not? 】

[Host obtains system points +610]

Abraham has a weird face. He has been sealed here for many years. He has seen many people, including people who stole his country, and many foreigners who came here because of their fame. Without exception, they all came for him, just to see Is there really a ghost here?


Today is a bit different, although Zhang Wei and the others still came here for themselves, but they let themselves be their own witnesses, no one was scared to pee.


Under Zhang Wei's series of calls.


A gust of cold wind that made one's soul tremble passed by, and the chairman's heart trembled.

next moment.

A terrifying figure appeared at the door of Room 222.


The president shrank his pupils and shouted loudly, and recognized the person who came, it was Abraham, Xiba! Are you kidding, did you really get called out by Zhang Wei? !

"My Cao?!"

Zhang Chao and the others stared in astonishment, but they didn't expect that after Zhang Wei yelled, Abraham really appeared.

【Ding! Abraham grinned... Thinking about it, it seems very interesting to come out to answer the question. It can torture the president mentally and make him die of embarrassment. I haven't tried this torture method yet]

[Host obtains system points +620]

I thought about it.

Abraham opened his mouth, and his voice echoed in the rooms and corridors of the abandoned mental hospital at night:

"How many years have passed, and here comes a 'guest', and an old acquaintance, hehehe."

His voice came out.

Together with the president, they could feel a bone-piercing death crisis, as well as the bone-chilling coldness emanating from the undead. The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to zero, and the surrounding area was covered with strange black frost.

this change.

Even if Zhang Chao and the others saw Abraham for the first time, they could be sure that the ghost in front of them was Abraham.

for a while.

As if they were facing a formidable enemy, they didn't care about whether the gossip president was urinating or not. They all took out their magic weapons and waited in full force, for fear that Abraham would make a move. The president was also ready to sing the Bible at any time.

However, there is one exception.

That is Zhang Wei.

As Abraham appeared, he immediately strode up, pointed at the president with one hand, and asked Abraham:

"You're finally here, Abraham, just in time. Let me ask you a question. Do you still recognize this person? When you came to steal the country and were encircled and suppressed, the old president of the Defamation Law Association was mobilized. He was also among them. Do you still recognize this person?" I don't know."

In the face of Zhang Wei, a lawyer asked about the appearance of the witnesses in court.

【Ding! Abraham... It feels like I'm not in the hospital, but in the court, but it's so interesting. Is this the legendary role-playing? 】

[Host obtains system points +620]

"I know."

Abraham nodded, pointed at the president and said:

"Although he is much older, his face is full of wrinkles, and he has experienced a lot of vicissitudes, but I recognize him. He is a top ghost king-level slanderer who followed the old man who stole the country back then. Hehe, old acquaintance, long time no see."

President: "..."

The president wanted to die. I didn't expect Abraham to cooperate so much, but I can guess that with Abraham's cruel temperament, he must want to see himself embarrassed.

compared to the president.

At this time, Zhang Chao, his assistant and others were a little confused about the scene of "court issuing evidence"... What's the situation? What are we here for? As a juror? Aren't we here to test the magic weapon?

at this time.

Zhang Wei continued to ask after hearing the words:

"So Abraham, do you still remember the scene when you were besieged by them? I made a statement just now, saying that there is a smell of urine full of fear. This gentleman did it. He doesn't believe it. Please recall it. Did he urinate here twenty years ago when he was scared, or did he urinate everywhere, or did he urinate.”

As soon as his words came out.

The chairman wants to scold others... Zhang Wei, you're on a horse.

the other side.

Feeling Zhang Chao's and the others' gazes, Abraham nodded with a serious smile, and said firmly in that chill ghost voice:

"Yes, it was him who pissed. I remember it very clearly. At that time, I ignored the power of the magic weapon of the old man who stole the country, that is, the old president of the country-slandering law association. I beat him until he vomited blood, and then put him The few people brought here were eaten in front of them."

in words.

Abraham put on an elegant and beautiful look commonly used by Westerners and said:

"Hehe, that was a wonderful scene. They were all frightened by me. Not only did some of them run away, but some of them pissed because I finished eating people and chose the next target to eat. At that time, when he fell in love with him, he was scared to pee, and that person..."

After a pause, Abraham pointed to the president:

"It's you. I was shocked when you urinated so much. You didn't drink less water when you went out, right?"

this moment.

The chairman was silent.

The assistant looked at the president and fell silent.

Zhang Chao and the others stared at the president and fell silent.

Only Zhang Wei is grinning.

That smile, in the eyes of the president, is even more evil than Abraham.


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