Facing Abraham's testimony, looking at Zhang Wei's smile, and the eyes of his assistants, the president felt that his brain was short of oxygen again... It's over, it's over, it feels like after tonight, I was scared to pee twenty years ago It's about to be passed on.

at this time.

Perhaps because he saw the change in the chairman's lack of oxygen expression, or simply wanted to continue mentally torturing the chairman, Abraham made a reaction that made Zhang Wei want to give a thumbs up.

I saw...

Abraham waved his hand, and a ghostly aura filled the room at this moment.


The environment of this room has changed, and the surrounding things have become brand new, no longer deserted, as if returning to twenty years ago, when the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital was still open.

Immediately afterwards.

Another Abraham appeared in the room, along with the young president and the old president and other exorcists who surrounded and suppressed Abraham.


The president's eyes widened.

Zhang Wei and the others all knew that Abraham was using ghost energy to simulate what happened that year.

To this.

The president couldn't hold back any longer, and reached out to take out a small bottle in his pocket. It was a quick-acting heart-relief pill, and it was a 'prop' prepared to mess with Zhang Wei, but now he used the 'prop', But it's not used to mess with Zhang Wei, but to save himself.

But I can't care about that much anymore.

The president felt that if he didn't eat any more, he would be so angry that he would have a heart attack.


The assistant noticed his actions, and his face was surprisingly complicated.

at the same time.

The president at this moment is swallowing medicine, but there are tears in his heart, and he wants to scold people... draft, Zhang Wei! !

the other side.

Different from the president and assistants, Zhang Chao and the others were all smiles.

Zhang Chao looked at the hallucinated 'President' not far away, his legs trembling and peeing his pants, he couldn't help but said in surprise:

"I Cao, pee, pee, look, Wo Ri, what Zhang Wei said is true!"


Wu Nian didn't say much, and clasped his hands together and said the Buddha's name, but from the surprised eyes that glanced at the president from time to time, the meaning was self-evident.


Wu Nian, who took care of the president of the "golden years", didn't say much, but Zhang Wei was different, pointing directly at the urine stain on the ground of the transformed "guild president" and said:

"Yes, you see I'm not lying, I really feel the smell of urine, and the fear is too strong, even after twenty years, it hasn't dissipated, it's obviously frightened."

His words speak out.

The president who just finished taking Suxiao Jiuxin Pills... The fear of drafting is too strong, and it took twenty years to dissipate, you Zhang Wei!

Also at this time.

Listening to Zhang Wei's words, whether it's Zhang Chao and his assistants, they can't help being curious.


【Ding! Abraham is curious... the breath of fear that has not dissipated for twenty years, Cao, I really want to know what kind of smell this Daxia man smells]

[Host obtains system points +600]

【Trigger special reward】

[The host acquires a one-time ability——smell out powerful]

[Powerful smelling: Using this ability, the host can smell any smell within a certain range of the area where it is located, even if the smell was left a hundred years ago, it can still smell it, and even according to the smell, it can smell what kind of smell it was at that time. case stay]


Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, but soon recovered, with a smile in his heart:

"Sniffing is powerful, Xiu! Is there still such an ability, good thing."

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei glanced at the chairman and said:

"President, look, it was indeed you who peed, but you were too scared at the time, so you may subconsciously have no memory of this memory. This should be what is called amnesia in medical terms."

President: "..."

If it weren't for the fact that there are still assistants and Abraham, the president would like to have an extra knife in his hand and hack Zhang Wei to death.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei didn't care about the chairman's gaze, and looked at Abraham at the side:

"Thanks to Abraham for testifying in court, then you can go."

in words.

Zhang Wei waved his hand.

As soon as his words came out.

Abraham, who was just about to say "you are polite", his smile froze in an instant.

【Ding! Abraham...? ? ? Did I get it wrong, he's telling me to fuck off? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +610]


The upright president was also stunned, and even Zhang Chao and the others were also stunned. The previously relaxed mood tensed up at this moment.

Zhang Chao's scalp was even more numb:

"Wori, Zhang Wei, what are you doing, you didn't kill the donkey like that."

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't take it seriously:

"My Chaochao, what are you talking about? There is nothing wrong with it. Abraham is a dead spirit. He also killed many people and exorcists. Although he testified for me, it does not prevent him from being a ghost. There's no need to be polite to him."

His words speak out.

The president and Zhang Chao were all silent.

Although what Zhang Wei said is right, they dare not say anything now, just because they feel the terrifying aura that Abraham exudes now.


Abraham came back to his senses, and stared at Zhang Wei fiercely. You must know that even an exorcist as strong as the Pope would not dare to speak rudely to him like this. Zhang Wei is definitely the first in his history.

【Ding! Abraham is angry]

[Host obtains system points +620]

boom! !

Abraham erupted completely, with a ghostly aura, and the entire abandoned Kunchiyan Mental Hospital was shaking violently. The terrifying power and even the seal shook:

"It seems that I have been sealed here for many years, and the world has forgotten my horror. Okay, let you get to know each other again today, huh? Haha, a national-level magic weapon?"

The horror didn't last a second.


Abraham's words were not yet finished.

see you.

Zhang Wei took out the magic weapon of the fan, and as the system beeped, Zhang Wei raised the fan.

【Ding! Abraham smiles]

[Host obtains system points +630]

Looking at Zhang Wei's hand, which exudes the magic weapon fan of the township level, Abraham smiled ferociously:

"I thought why you are so not afraid of death. It turns out that you have a town-level magic weapon, but it's a pity! People of Daxia, your Daxia magic weapon is useless to me. I have the protection of God's name. , except God's magic weapon, other magic weapons have no effect on me...ah————————”

The voice is not over.

A scream was startled, and it came out of Abraham's mouth.

can be seen.

Under everyone's shocking gaze, Zhang Wei ignored Abraham's words at all, didn't even listen to him, and raised his fan to fan Abraham.

next moment!

An incomparable gust of wind burst out under Zhang Wei's light slap, the power was so terrifying, it seemed like a gust of wind descended from the gods.


As if Abraham had been hit hard, even though a radiant light burst out from his body, which was God's name-given protection, it shattered instantly like an egg hitting a rock, and the whole ghost of Abraham was blown away by the strong wind.


Like a cannonball, Abraham flew upside down and broke through the roof, passing through the ceiling of the second floor, the ceiling of the third floor, the ceiling of the fourth floor, the roof of the fifth floor, and the seal, and then flew into the distance of the dark night sky.

President: "Xi-ba!! I am Cao!!"

Assistant: "I am Cao!"

Zhang Chao and the others: "I'm stupid?!"


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