Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 621 Abraham Was Blown Away And The Seal Was Broken!


If there is a ghost exorcist who looks outside the gate of Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, he can see that the entire Kunchiyan Mental Hospital has appeared, a large shining sealing mask covering the building.

That is the seal imposed here by the state-level magic weapon of Vatican Township, the scepter of God.

However look carefully.

There was a hole in the semicircular sealing mask, like an upside-down bowl, with a gap in the bottom of the bowl.

the other side.

Right below the gap, there is also a hole in the building of Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, which runs through the second, third, fourth and fifth floors, revealing a ward on the second floor. There are several people standing there, there are men and women, young people and Middle-aged and elderly, they all opened their mouths wide and stared at the hole in the top of their heads, full of shock.

at the same time.

A thousand meters above the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, a figure exuding a terrifying and dead air was spitting out blood, drawing a parabola in the sky, and flying towards the direction away from the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.

The speed is so fast, like a missile, it caresses the high-altitude wind and sends out bursts of roar.

That's Abraham.

At this moment, his eyes were full of disbelief.

【Ding! Abraham... Are you kidding me, what about my God's patronage? ! I vomit blood? How is this possible, I was blown away by Daxia's magic weapon? 】

[Host obtains system points +600]

Immediately afterwards.

Feeling the rumble of the air coming from his ears, Abraham looked down subconsciously, looking at the miniature model-like buildings below, passing by continuously, and the familiar appearance of the mountain where the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital is located behind was fascinated by panoramic view.

【Ding! Abraham... wait, my Cao, my God! ? I'm broken! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +610]

Looking at the Kunchiyan Mountain that was gradually drifting away, Abraham's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

I saw...

A chain of golden light intertwined on his body stretched from his body all the way to the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital in the distance. As he flew out rapidly, the chain was finally unbearable to pull.


The chains were all broken.

"I'm not dreaming, my God, this..."

Feeling the changes in the surrounding scenery, and feeling that the shackles of the scepter of God that had bound him all this time were broken, Abraham had no time to take care of Zhang Wei, how injured he was with the slap, his face was full of shock

【Ding! Abraham... Not only was I injured by that Daxia man's magic weapon, but he also shattered my seal? 】

[Host obtains system points +620]


the other side.

Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, Room 222.

Until Abraham flew into the sky and his figure disappeared into the air, the president and the others finally came back to their senses.

"Where's Abraham?!"

The president stared wide-eyed, looking around frantically as if he had seen a ghost, and frantically raised his head towards the sky for a while to search and sense. However, even if he burst out with half-step township-level power and searched the entire mental hospital, he couldn't detect any traces of Abraham. breath.

in its perception.

Abraham's breath was like a speeding car exhaust, the breath flew into the sky and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

When feel this.

An unbelievable idea appeared in the president's mind, and at this moment, he flicked his eyes from the corner of his eye, and the next second, he seemed to see some incredible picture, and he could no longer restrain himself from yelling in shock:

"How is this possible!!! Seal, seal, the seal is broken?!"


He saw a big hole in the sealing mask in the sky, which is absolutely impossible.

for a while.

At this moment, his previously unbelievable idea was infinitely magnified and confirmed... Zhang Wei sent Abraham flying, so that he couldn't hold back the seal, and flew directly out of the seal.

at the same time.

Zhang Chao and the others were also stunned. Like the president, they saw the hole in the sealing mask and realized the same situation.

"Amitabha, Buddha, is this little monk dreaming now?"

Wu Nian opened his mouth, but didn't close his hands together, and murmured in shock.

Zhang Chao even exclaimed:

"My Cao, hallucinations? No thoughts, I seem to be bewitched by Zhang Wei. I stepped on the horse and saw Abraham was blown away by Zhang Wei, and even flew out of the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital."

Lu Lianxue was also so shocked that she didn't know how to express it, she covered her mouth for a long time before uttering two words:

"My God!!"

at the same time.

Not only the president, Zhang Chao and the others, but also the assistants looked like ghosts. Looking at the hole in the sky in disbelief, my mind felt like it was about to freeze. The words of the president and the information about the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital kept popping up...Abraham has God's named asylum is not a magic weapon of the Vatican, so it cannot be resisted!

A lot of information, piles of A4 paper, filled his mind one by one.


Finally, seeing the hole in the seal mask, the assistant came back to his senses, and screamed out:

"Did God abandon Abraham?"

Just when everyone was shocked.

Zhang Wei's voice interrupted everyone's thoughts.

"Well, Mr. President, I'm sorry, I didn't control the strength all of a sudden, and I slapped Abraham away. I thought Abraham was named by God, but I didn't expect him to fly like this."

Zhang Wei scratched his head with a smile, and said with a simple and honest look.

in words.

Zhang Wei shook the magic fan in his hand and said:

"But now, it seems that my fan is very powerful. It can blow Abraham away. It is more powerful than I imagined."

As soon as his words came out.

The president's eyelids twitched... You must be more powerful than you imagined, you are beyond the ability of the fan magic weapon.

this moment.

The president felt that his heart was bleeding, and wanted to take Suxiao Jiuxin Pill again.

The fan I gave to Zhang Wei was too strong. After upgrading to the township level, he was able to ignore God’s name-given protection. Not only did he hurt Abraham, but he also had the ability to break the seal of God’s scepter. Putting it in a town-level magic weapon is definitely the best.

"What the hell did I do?"

In his heart, the president grabbed his head with both hands.

Just when the president felt a lack of oxygen again, and his eyes were about to go dark again.


The assistant's voice came over, interrupting the chairman's thoughts. He swallowed, tremblingly pointed to the sky and said:

"President...Abraham broke the seal, and the direction he flew out seems to be...the direction of Seoul."

The president was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and could no longer care about the lack of oxygen in his brain. He suddenly recalled the direction in which Abraham flew out, and then shouted:

"What did you say?!"

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose, I just flapped it casually, and that direction seems to be the direction of Seoul that Mr. Assistant said. According to this speed, Abraham should be approaching Seoul. According to the acceleration of the air and the resistance, combined with Binary linear equation calculation, he should..."

Zhang Wei hadn't finished speaking yet.

Just a bang.

The president has already rushed out, frantically rushing towards Seoul.


The assistant didn't have time for anything else, so he hurriedly chased after her.

for a while.

Only Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao were left in place.

Looking at the president and others going away, Zhang Chao didn't catch up and looked towards Zhang Wei:

"Wori, Zhang Wei did it on purpose, just slap the first ear, what a coincidence."

"Hey, guess what."

"Hey, you don't know the power of your fan from the very beginning, right? You made this fan. By the way... what did you want to say later, what should Abraham do? Are you trying to mock the president? , haha, let’s talk and listen.”

"No, I just want to say that at this speed, Abraham should land at the headquarters of the Law Defamation Association."


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