As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Chao was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at Zhang Wei and shouted:

"Fuck, I'm sure and sure, Zhang Wei, you must have done it on purpose, haha."

Wu Nian didn't say much, glanced at Zhang Wei, clasped his hands together and said leisurely:

"Amitabha, sin is sin."


at the same time.

Europe, Vatican, in the Pope's room.

at this time.

The Pope and several archbishops in cardinals were concentrating on watching the World Cup match on the projection screen, as the game time approached.

The Pope put his hands on both temples and said:

"Is this God joking, Brazil is evenly tied by Croatia, my God, this is not true."

The other cardinals also spoke:

"It's upset again, what happened to this World Cup, why is it upset again, can this all be upset?"

"Look, I said it, Croatia might win."

"Hey, let me tell you, old guys, Portugal and Morocco will be upset tomorrow, right?"

"How is this possible? Portugal lost to Morocco. This is impossible. African teams have never reached the quarter-finals. It is a miracle to reach the quarter-finals. It is impossible to reach the quarter-finals."

"I think so too, how could it be possible to be upset all the time, my lord, do you think so, eh? What's wrong with you, my lord?"

A red-clothed archbishop looked at the Pope with some doubts.

As soon as his words came out.

The archbishops in red around him also looked over, looked at the Pope, and were all puzzled.

"My lord the pope?"

"What's the matter with you, my lord pope?"


The Pope looked shocked. He looked at the scepter of God in his hand in shock. His eyes were undisguised and unbelievable. The naked eye could see that his expression gradually changed from shock to weirdness. He didn't seem to hear everyone's inquiries, and murmured:

"how can that be."

he said.

Picking up the scepter of God in his hand, he seemed to be sensing something.


The red-clothed archbishop and the others understood, couldn't help but bewildered, and asked curiously:

"My lord Pope, is there something wrong with Thief Country?"

"Is it Abraham?"

The scepter of God is a magic weapon of the national level, which is exclusive to the pope. Now that the pope looks at the scepter of God, he must have felt something. Thinking of the call from the president of the law defamation association not long ago, they guessed that it must be the pope The adults felt that there was something wrong with the seal of Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.

The scepter of God is a sealing magic weapon. It can not only seal the magic weapon, but also feel the situation of the place sealed by it at any time.

In fact.

This is why, when the president called, the pope didn't mind the president looking for Abraham, because no matter what the president did, he would know immediately, and even use the seal to project the scene immediately. First-hand protection.


The pope, who was full of confidence before, has long since lost his confidence. He was astonished and unbelievable. He slowly raised his head and said to the red-clothed archbishop present:

"Something went wrong, Abraham broke the seal."

As soon as his words came out.



The red-clothed archbishops were all discolored. They didn't have the heart to talk about the World Cup. They all stood up in shock:

"This, how is it possible, how could Abraham break the seal?"

"It is impossible for Abraham to break the seal. Something must have happened."

"My God, what did the president of the Law Defamation Association do? Didn't he go to test the magic weapon?"

In their view, Abraham is a dead spirit, it is impossible to break the seal of the scepter of God, the only possibility is that someone else can do it, and if anyone has this ability, it can only be the president of the Defamation Law Association who went to Kunchiyan Mental Hospital .


Before they had time to think about this, the cardinals hurriedly said to the Pope:

"My lord Pope, didn't you save a hand, quickly re-seal Abraham."

"That's right, His Excellency the Pope, we must not let Abraham out of the seal. He is too dangerous. If he kills him, the reputation of our Vatican will be damaged again."

To this.

The pope's face hurt, he looked up at the red-clothed archbishops, hesitated for a while and said:

"...The hand I saved may not be useful. Abraham broke the seal too quickly, and I didn't even react. I couldn't use the sealing power of the scepter of God to project my own power over."

"Ah? Breaking the seal too quickly? Is the president of the Defamation Law Association so powerful? Even the Pope didn't react?"

"The president of the Law Defamation Association has grown up so fast? Isn't he only halfway to the national level?"

Just when the cardinal and the others were astonished.

The pope interrupted the discussion:

"It wasn't the president who did it, it was someone else who did it."

"Huh? Apart from the president who has such strength, who else? Wait, my lord, you don't mean Zhang Wei, do you?"

The archbishops in red were taken aback for a moment, but soon thought of Zhang Wei who was going together, and were shocked for a moment, Zhang Wei can even break the seal of the Pope's scepter of God?

at this time.

The Pope didn't hide it, and he didn't play tricks. He used the power of the seal to tell the situation he felt in the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital:

"It's indeed Zhang Wei. He slapped Abraham away with his magic weapon, and they all flew out of the sealed land."

That's all for words.

Even the Pope couldn't hold back anymore, and said in shock:

"Why is this happening? Didn't he make his magic weapon himself? Could it be that the fan he made actually belongs to me in the Vatican? Or... Zhang Wei actually believes in a great God? Yes, it must be In this way, so the name-given protection of God in Abraham was completely ignored by his magic weapon."

Words come out.

The cardinals were also shocked:

"My God, my lord, are you sure you're not joking?"


"Can Zhang Wei's magic weapon ignore God's name-given protection?"


Like the Pope, the cardinals learned the same situation as the Pope guessed:

"Definitely yes, Zhang Wei must also believe in the great God, so God's name-giving asylum will be invalid."

"I didn't expect that Zhang Wei had already been embraced by God."

"Is it possible that Zhang Wei's magic weapon actually belongs to my Vatican?"

"I feel that the possibility is not as great as that of Zhang Wei who is a believer. I never remember that the Vatican has a half-step national-level magic weapon flowing into Asia."

"That's true."

A red-clothed archbishop nodded, and the next moment, he happily raised his head and drew the sign of the cross:

"I knew that God is great. Even Zhang Wei believes in God. God's brilliance finally shines on Daxia, Amen."

As soon as his words came out.

The other archbishops in red also crossed their chests one after another, and even the Pope crossed himself excitedly, saying in unison:



The pope said happily:

"Since Zhang Wei is our great believer in God, we can't let such a young and promising strong believer go out, let him come to the Vatican."

"Yes, yes, the Pope said yes, how could such a believer never even come to the Vatican."

"Let him come to the Vatican, like us, into the arms of God."

The other cardinals echoed.


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