"What's the matter?"

Lu Lianxue and the others asked, with extremely curious eyes.

What happened to make Zhang Wei no longer afraid of ghosts before seeing ghosts.

Zhang Wei looked over:

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

Including Wu Nian, they all nodded together.

Zhang Wei sighed, recalling Youyou.

"Actually, when I was young, I was also afraid of ghosts, but since I told my dad, I am quite afraid of ghosts, because I don't know if there are ghosts in this world."

he said.

I added in my heart, there is no way, although I am a time traveler, I have been human in two lives, but I have just traveled to this world for a few years, I am not sure what kind of world it is, what if there are ghosts, I watched the movie "Old Corpse in the Mountain Village" when I was young in my previous life ', but the shadow of childhood, if there are old corpses in mountain villages in this world...

Then he continued.

"As a result, my dad taught me that there is nothing scary about ghosts, and there are things scarier than ghosts in the world."

"The next day, my dad got me a little turtle and a puppy from nowhere. They are very cute, especially the little dirt dog, which is so cute."

"I was thinking at the time that my dad must have educated me yesterday and scolded me. He felt that the scolding was serious and he felt ashamed, so he bought me a pet compensation. After all, isn't it normal to be afraid of ghosts?"

"Later, my dad took me to buy dog ​​food and so on, and I was ready to raise little turtles and puppies."

"Honestly, I was quite happy at the time."

"Then I happily fed the puppies and tortoises. When I came back from school every day, besides playing with them, I would also take the puppies out for a walk. Everything was going well until the third day."

"That day, when I came home from school, I found that the puppy and the turtle were missing."

"My dad just urged me to eat quickly. I didn't think much about it at the time, because that night was very rich and I ate hot pot. After I finished eating, I asked my dad where the dog and the turtle went."

"My dad pointed to the hot pot and told me."

"The little dog has turned into a hot pot. As for the little turtle, the dessert you eat after dinner is a bowl of black jelly. Yes, it's a bowl of tortoise jelly."

"My dad patted my head and told me to finish the Guiling jelly in the bowl, while saying that ghosts are not scary, and there is something more terrifying than ghosts, that is people."

"After that, my dad gave me dog meat every day. Yes, it was made by that little dog."

"He also asked me to watch ghost movies, saying that I can skip my homework first, but I have to watch one ghost movie every day, and sing happily beside me while watching it, so now...every time I see a ghost, my ears can't help it Echoing the radiant theme song.”

Lu Lianxue and the others were stunned.

Apart from being stunned, I only have deep sympathy for Zhang Wei, and I also understand why Zhang Wei is not afraid of ghosts. Just ask, who would be afraid of ghosts?

"Since then, I am no longer afraid of ghosts, because compared to ghosts, my slick dad is worse than ghosts."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei looked up at the crowd, and said leisurely:

"That little dirt dog is really cute, and you will definitely like it after seeing it."

When Lu Lianxue heard this, her sympathy grew even stronger.

If Zhang Wei hadn't been a man, she would have wanted to give Zhang Wei a comforting hug.

Of course.

This is not Zhang Wei deliberately seeking sympathy, but his father did it.

Following Zhang Wei's last words.

Everyone fell into silence again. In this bustling night market, there was only this barbecue table, filled with an atmosphere called sympathy.

The three sat quietly for a while.

After a while, Zhang Chao opened his mouth to break the silence.

"Is the tortoise jelly made authentic?"

Zhang Wei nodded:

"Authentic, I'm done eating."

After saying that, Zhang Chao and the others fell into a deep silence again, and Lu Lianxue looked at Zhang Chao dumbfounded.

At this moment, Zhang Wei said suddenly:

"After eating the barbecue in a while, let's go buy tortoise jelly. I suddenly want to eat it."

Lu Lianxue and the others glanced at Zhang Wei and nodded.

Just when Lu Lianxue was about to say something.


"What's the matter, the circuit is not in good contact?" The owner of the barbecue shop not far away looked up at the street lights above his head and around him. He was cooking on the grill when all the street lights suddenly flickered and made a chirping sound as if they were short-circuited.

Others on this street were also puzzled.


Compared with them, Zhang Wei and the others frowned and looked at each other without the slightest doubt on their faces. Some of them were solemn and even dignified, and they looked around.

"It seems that I should read the almanac when I go out today."

Zhang Wei took a bite of the lamb skewers in his hand:

"Eating a barbecue in the night market, you can meet ghosts, and it's not just one or two. Is this the number of ghosts walking in the night?"

It seems to be to confirm Zhang Wei's words.

"Woo woo woo~"

The sound was like the cry of a ghost, coming from all directions in this night market street, follow the sound.

next moment.

Screams and terrified yells sounded one after another.

Except for the four of Zhang Wei, everyone on this street was terrified.

"Ghost, there is a ghost!"


The lights flickered, making the streets of the night market look dim, and ghosts poured out from all directions one after another.

The quantity is too much.

They either came out from dark corners, or some came out directly from the storefronts in the street, completely enclosing the street. There were two or three hundred of them, more than Wu Nian, Zhang Chao and the others in Jiuxie. The number of ghost groups encountered by the Yin Gathering Ghost.

Zhang Wei and the others got up immediately and shouted for everyone to move closer to them and gather together in order to better protect the crowd.

"Aiming at us?" Zhang Chao's face was serious.

"It should be." Wu Nian took out the restored Buddha string and Zhang Wei's photo of the Bodhisattva.

The number of ghosts is too many, more than the number of people in this street.

This quantitative comparison.

It's hard not to doubt that the ghosts didn't come for a certain purpose, and it was very likely that they came for the four of them.

After all, with such a large number, if it is aimed at the number of people on this street, it would be like killing chickens with a sledgehammer. There is no need for so many ghosts, one ghost is enough. If ghosts want to eat people and choose to forage together, they will I think it is unlikely, the number of people here is not too many, not enough.

Watching the ghosts gradually surrounding them.

Among them are many red-clothed ghosts, almost more than ten fingers.

Lu Lianxue said:

"Do you have a way to get out of the ghost domain? If not, let's deal with one direction alone and protect the people as much as possible. Even if a ghost of this size is in the ghost domain, it will overflow with ghost energy. As long as we persist for a while, Huang Captain, Captain Lin, they will definitely be able to come over."

Zhang Wei, Wu Nian and the others nodded upon hearing this.

"Let me deal with the west side, Wu Nian you deal with the east side, Miss Lu you deal with..."

The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei's voice came.

Seeing Zhang Wei staring at the ghosts all around, they didn't know if it was an illusion, but they found that Zhang Wei's face didn't seem serious, but excited.

"Don't be so troublesome, you all keep it to protect the people, and I will deal with these ghosts."

Lu Lianxue and the others were stunned.

Zhang Chao stared directly, thinking he was hallucinating:

"Huh? Are you here to deal with these ghosts? I said Zhang Wei, do you know the number of these ghosts?"

"Two or three hundred."

"I know you are strong, but you are neither Marvel nor DC, please don't forcefully pretend."


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