Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 63 The Villain Will Be Handsome If He Talks On The Top Floor

Wu Nian and Lu Lianxue spoke out one after another.

"Zhang Wei, don't be brave. These ghosts are not like the Nine Evil Gathering Yin ghosts, but the number of ghosts, the number of red-clothed ghosts, is definitely much more difficult than what Wu Nian and the others encountered that time. You can't deal with it alone. .”

"Amitabha, I agree with Master Lu, let's deal with it together."

It's just that they haven't finished talking yet.

Zhang Wei turned his head and waved to them:

"Don't talk about it, darlings, can you watch my performance? I, Zhang, will pretend to be a force today. Even if Wang Feng wants to make headlines, don't try to stop me."

take a step forward.

Zhang Wei put his hands into his pockets and walked towards the surrounding ghosts.


at the same time.

Northeast, in an abandoned building in Daxing City.

Thirty floors up.

There was a figure standing on the railing on the roof, letting the high wind blow at night, making his clothes rattle.

With the lights of the surrounding buildings and the moonlight, the figure's skin was eerily pale, and the dark blood vessels on his face were clearly visible.

If you look carefully.

The man didn't breathe the whole time, but he could move like a living person.

Twist the neck.

He was looking at the night of Daxing City at night, and then he seemed to have a feeling. He looked down at the apartment building not far away, a bedroom window of a family, and a woman was about to fall asleep. When he closed the window, he noticed the figure on the top floor. .

The two looked at each other.

The figure on the top floor smiled at the other party.

The woman yelled in horror, she saw the figure on the top floor clearly, and fainted on the spot.

It's so weird.

The figure didn't look like a person at all, and there were suture scars all over the neck, left cheek, hands and feet.

It’s like a patchwork made of several corpses. The left hand is slender and manicured, and the right hand is thick and powerful. There is a gap between the two hands. Even if the right hand has masturbated for 30 years, it is impossible to have such a thick gap. It is obvious that the two are different. hands appearing on a person.

"There are too many parts of a man's body. Just looking at a woman will have a reaction."

A look of dissatisfaction appeared on the patchwork face of the figure.

As soon as the words came out.

Suddenly, behind him came a lewd laughter from the passage door on the top floor.

"It's really the right time, catch me the embarrassment of tailoring you, so you have to pay attention to putting together your body, and if you look at it like this, you have a reaction, so are you like us men, who wake up in the morning? Will it be alive?"

At the passage door, a figure stepped out.

"Say one more word, believe it or not, I'll sew your mouth shut."

The eyelids of the figure on the top floor twitched, and he let out a harsh voice.

in words.

She also looked towards each other.

The figure on the top floor doesn't intend to talk about this topic.

She asked: "Fatty, have you arranged for someone to take action against Wu Nian?"

"It's been arranged early, I guess it's time to do it now."

The corridor figure smiled and said casually:

"Wu Nian, those ghost exorcists escaped from the ghost domain, almost exposing our plan. If they dare to spoil our good deeds, of course we can't let it go."

The figure on the top floor nodded and added: "Don't let the guy named Zhang Wei go. I've heard about it. He is the indirect instigator. If Wu Nian can get out of trouble and break through his life and death, he is Zhang Wei."

The corridor figure waved his hand:

"It's up to you to say, he is the one who almost caused our plan to be exposed, how could I let it go."

"Speaking of..."

"Tailor, if you remind me like this, you probably want to avenge yourself."

"I've heard that one of your corpses, which was used to supplement body parts, was killed by Zhang Wei."


The corridor figure touched his chin with great interest:

"I have to say, this guy named Zhang Wei is very strong against us, and he broke two of our things one after another."

The two talked again.

The figure in the corridor did not choose to stay for a long time, turned around and waved:

"Okay, I've arranged everything you want me to do for you. I'm leaving. I'll leave the Northeast affairs to you."

"Huh? Are you leaving the Northeast? Is there a new arrangement?"

The figure on the top floor is puzzled.

The corridor figure replied heartlessly: "No, I just heard that there is a large-scale comic exhibition in Luxia City. I want to go there to join in the fun and buy some figurines."

His words speak out.

can be clearly seen.

The patchwork face of the figure on the top floor twitched.

"You dead house ghost!" She snorted coldly, a little furious.

The figure in the corridor was not angry, and walked straight to the corridor with an expression of indifference.


The figure on the top floor spoke again:

"Wait, I have another question."

The figure in the corridor couldn't help rolling his eyes:

"That's why I said that the second dimension is good. The women and female ghosts in the third dimension are really troublesome. Can you finish asking in one go? I'm in a hurry."

"I don't quite understand why you asked me to come to this top floor to meet with you, and you also emphasized that there are no other places. Is there anything here?"

Puzzled by the figure on the top floor.

The figure in the corridor stopped calling, turned around and looked over:

"Because it's handsome, don't all the villains in anime like to meet in the dark top floor, like the gin in Conan, where the villains talk while blowing their clothes on the will be very handsome."


The corridor figure left.

After regaining consciousness, the figure on the top floor roaring "Damn dead house ghost, I'm your mother" was left behind.


the other side.

Habing City, the night market street where Zhang Wei and the others are located


Ghosts surrounded them from all directions.

Among them, the red-clothed ghosts who were walking in the forefront, their eyes fell on Wu Nian.

"Is that bald head the monk Wu Nian that the superior said to get rid of? Give me attention to him, he must die tonight."

"By the way, the one named Zhang Wei also has to die, let me see who Zhang Wei is...huh?"


All the ghosts were stunned for a moment, noticing that Zhang Wei walked out of the crowd alone, and came directly to them.

【Ding! All the ghosts wondered, what is that man doing? Can't wait to drop by? 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

When he heard what Zhang Wei said to Lu Lianxue and the others.

They laughed.

【Ding! All the ghosts wanted to laugh out loud. 】

[Host obtains system points +250]

"I heard you right, do you want to deal with us alone?"

"If he wants to laugh us to death, then he can really deal with us."

"Yes, I'm ready to laugh and die on the bridge of Naihe... What the hell?!"

There was not even a second of ridicule.

【Ding! All the ghosts are terrified, what the fuck! ! Yellow, yellow talisman...]

[Host obtains system points +250]

Together with the strongest red-clothed ghost present, the pupils of all the ghosts shrank suddenly and stared at Zhang Wei in horror.

I saw Zhang Wei walking with his pockets in his hands.

The time is approaching.

His hands were pulled out of his pockets, and thousands of yellow talismans poured out, like springs flooding the sky in an instant.

this moment.

With Zhang Wei as the center, the yellow talisman is like a storm.

With the endless sound of the golden iron sword, clanging and resounding, it resounded in all directions, covering the streets of this night market, overwhelming all ghosts, and sweeping in all directions.


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