Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 629 Invite The Jade Emperor To God's House?

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Looking at the coming Pope's attendant, Matt said with some doubts:

"I've prepared the luggage for Dannok and the others, and I can go to the Sakura Country for exchanges tomorrow."

Since the last exorcist exchange in the Great Summer, Matt was temporarily appointed as the head of the entourage of the little priests of Dannok. Recently, Dannok and the others will go to the country of cherry blossoms for friendly exchanges. Matt thought that the other party wanted to ask this thing.

To this.

The pope's attendant heard what he meant, and said bluntly:

"Matt, I didn't ask you to talk about this matter, but the Pope has something to ask you."

As soon as his words came out.

Not to mention Matt, the other priests and young priests present were stunned.


Matt stared a little, thinking he heard it wrong:

"You said His Excellency the Pope is looking for me?"

Although he knew that his family was rich, he had funded a lot of ghost exorcism in the Vatican, and because of this, he was originally serving in the Holy See in the beautiful country, and in the end, even his teammates in the beautiful country were transferred to be the head of the little priest. A good job, but he didn't think it would lead to a summons from the Pope.

Can't help it.

Matt asked curiously:

"Mr. Chase, what is the purpose of the Pope looking for me? Is it because I said something wrong recently?"

He thought that every time he led a team back from an exchange, he had to publicize the Jade Emperor of Daxia, making insinuations about the myth of Daxia, whether it caused the pope's dissatisfaction.

Think here.

Matt is a little guilty, he won't wait to be sentenced to the stake by the Pope, how much money will he spend to survive.

It's not just him who thinks so.

The same is true for the little priests of Dannock. When they heard that the Pope had summoned them, they looked at Matt and crossed him:

"May God bless you, Amen~"

Words come out.

The corner of Matt's mouth twitched, and he silently clenched the Bible with Zhang Wei's signature in his hand.

at this time.

The attendant didn't know the situation, and thought Matt was nervous. After all, this was the highest presence of the Holy See. Many priests dreamed of seeing the Pope, so they laughed immediately:

"Don't be nervous. His Excellency the Pope is looking for you because of Zhang Wei's matter, which is what happened not long ago to steal the country. I don't know if you have heard of it."

"Of course I know that."

As Matt said, he added something in his heart... I must know about Mr. Zhang Wei.

"Is the Pope unhappy because Mr. Zhang Wei broke the seal of Abraham? Mr. Zhang Wei can't be blamed for this. After all, he is jade... cough, after all, he is very powerful. I have seen it with my own eyes, right? Dannock."

Dannok and the others nodded in agreement.

The pope's attendant smiled:

"Of course I know that Zhang Wei is strong, otherwise he would not be able to deal with Abraham. The Pope is not unhappy looking for him. What are you thinking? He wants to meet Zhang Wei and invite him to the Vatican to thank him for helping him deal with Abraham. The Holy See recovers the loss."

The words did not fall.

The pope's attendant looked at Matt and said:

"So the Pope asked me to arrange an envoy to invite Zhang Wei, and I thought of you. I remember that you had contact with Zhang Wei and met several times. I heard that you still have Zhang Wei's phone number. I heard other priests say, You often mention him, thinking that you and Zhang Wei should have a good relationship, and if you invite him, there must be nothing wrong."

"So this is ah."

Matt breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately agreed to go to see the Pope with the Pope's attendants. He was a little happy for a while. It was the first time he saw the Pope. Although he was now in love with the Jade Emperor, he was still a member of the Holy See and worshiped the Pope.


Not long.

The door of the Pope's room.

Boom boom boom.

"Your Pope, it's me, I called Matt."

The attendant knocked lightly on the door, and suddenly the pope's leisurely voice came from inside:

"come in."


Immediately afterwards, under the signal of the Pope's attendants, Matt pushed the door open and entered the room, and at a glance he saw the Pope, the highest being of the Holy See. Besides, there were several cardinals beside him.

"I have seen the Pope and the Cardinal."

Matt bowed.

The Pope and the others heard the words and looked over. The Pope didn't remove the ink, and called Matt over:

"Are you Matt, come on, come sit down, don't be afraid, I just asked you to do something, I think Chas has already told you."

"Yes, I have heard from Chas, the Pope, do you want me to invite Mr. Zhang Wei to the Vatican? It's no problem. I can go to the country today to find Mr. Zhang Wei. I want Mr. Zhang Wei Definitely happy to be in the Vatican."

Matt is a little excited... Haha, I can see Mr. Zhang Wei again. Mr. Zhang Wei probably hasn't been to the Vatican yet. This is the residence of God. The Jade Emperor came to God's house. Is this a visit from the Lord God?

at the same time.

Although Matt's expression was well concealed, he was caught by the Pope and the others, but they didn't care, thinking that Matt was excited to see them, after all, many priests saw themselves like this.


The Pope heard the words and said:

"It would be great if Zhang Wei is happy to come, by the way, Matt, I heard that you are very familiar with Zhang Wei?"

"It's okay, I've chatted with Mr. Zhang Wei a few times, what's the matter? His Excellency the Pope."

"It's like this, actually... In addition to inviting Zhang Wei to thank you this time, we also want to know whether Zhang Wei is a believer in God, you should know it, Zhang Wei not only broke my right to God Rod seal, and ignore God's protection in Abraham."

The Pope didn't intend to hide it. After all, Matt was one of his own, and he just knew Zhang Wei from him.

Also at this time.

Matt froze:

"Ah? Mr. Zhang Wei is a believer in God?"

"Yes, we think so. His magic weapon is said to belong to Daxia. It is impossible for a Daxia magic weapon to ignore God's name-given protection. Even if some powerful Daxia magic weapons are powerful, they can be used against those who have God. Those who shelter do harm, but they can't ignore it, Zhang Wei is probably a believer in God."

It was a red-clothed archbishop who spoke, and he guessed himself and others.

As soon as his words came out.

Matt also understood what they meant. It is true that Zhang Wei's magic weapon can ignore God's protection. What he can think of is that his magic weapon also has the blessing of God's faith, but they don't know Zhang Wei's identity, so they can't help it. Matt instinctively replied:

"Impossible, Mr. Zhang Wei is not a believer in God."

Matt said verbally, and added something in his heart... Mr. Zhang Wei is the Jade Emperor, at the same level, he must be able to ignore God's protection.

"Huh? Why are you so sure, Matt?"

The Pope and the others looked over, undisguisedly surprised:

"If Zhang Wei is not a believer in God, why can he ignore it, do you know something?"

"Impossible, there is a high probability that Zhang Wei is a believer in God, but you still have to make sure, Matt, why are you so sure that Mr. Zhang Wei is not a believer in God?"

Thinking back to Zhang Wei saying that he was not the Jade Emperor many times, Matt knew that Zhang Wei did not want to reveal his identity.

Think about it.

Matt scratched his head and said:

"I asked Mr. Zhang Wei before whether he also believes in God. He himself said no, and is it possible... The reason why Mr. Zhang Wei can ignore God's protection is because he is very powerful. I have seen Zhang Wei with my own eyes. Mighty Mister."

The words fell.

next second.

Together with the Pope, the cardinals spoke unanimously:

"Impossible. If you are not a believer in God, how can you ignore God's protection? He should be. Otherwise, unless he belongs to the Dark Church and believes in Satan, how can he ignore it?"


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