Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 630: The Jade Emperor Comes To The West

Speaking of which.

The archbishop in red, who spoke earlier, frowned and said doubtfully:

"Could it be that Zhang Wei believes in Satan? It's impossible."

The corners of Matt's mouth twitched when he heard it. If they guessed it blindly, Mr. Zhang Wei must not be fooled. He hurriedly said:

"Mr. Zhang Wei cannot believe in Satan. I can guarantee this. I have met and chatted with Mr. Zhang Wei several times. I have never felt his aversion to God in Mr. Zhang Wei. This point Dan Nock and Frye can all testify."

"And the power used by Mr. Zhang Wei is not the power of Satan, but the power of pure Eastern ghost exorcists."

As soon as his words came out.

"Then it's amazing how he can ignore God's protection."

The archbishops in red all looked curious.

To this.

Matt knew that he would not give an explanation, so he probably couldn't explain clearly, so he quickly responded:

"I think it may be because Mr. Zhang Wei is...a believer of the Jade Emperor, ah, yes, a believer of the Jade Emperor. Mr. Zhang Wei likes the Jade Emperor very much. He has told me about the Jade Emperor many times, and he has told me many times. , so that I now know the Jade Emperor very well.”

"The Jade Emperor?"

"Yes, the Jade Emperor! He is the leader of the gods of Daxia, just like our great God. God is the god of the west, and the Jade Emperor is the god of the east. He is very powerful. It is said that he is located in the thirty-sixth heaven. A heavenly court was established there, and the heavenly court was similar to heaven, and then he commanded the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, as well as many gods..."

Mention the Jade Emperor.

Matt suddenly opened up the chatter box, even in the face of the Pope and the archbishops in red, he couldn't stop talking, like a few treasures, talking about the Jade Emperor's message endlessly.

the other side.

The Pope and the others were stunned. As senior members of the Holy See, they naturally knew about other religions. As one of the biggest myths in the East, the Jade Emperor, they naturally also heard about it, but they were not as detailed as Matt.

When I heard Matt say that the Jade Emperor passed through three thousand eons before becoming the Golden Immortal, and over a billion eons before becoming the Jade Emperor, everyone was surprised and weird.

Surprisingly... the myth of the Jade Emperor is quite astonishing. He actually went through such a catastrophe and became a great saint. This is no worse than God's experience, or even worse.

The weird thing is... Isn't Matt a priest, how can he know the Jade Emperor so well.

They talked for almost twenty minutes.

Matt finally noticed the expressions of the Pope and the others. He was a little embarrassed for a while, and he could see their expressions. He coughed in embarrassment:

"Hey, Mr. Zhang Wei told me these things. Well, yes, that's it. I think Mr. Zhang Wei believes in the Jade Emperor. Is it possible that Mr. Zhang Wei is powerful and believes in the Jade Emperor?"

As he spoke, he looked at the Pope and the others, hesitated for a while before speaking:

"These 'biblical stories' about the Jade Emperor should be as powerful as our great God. In this case, it should be possible to believe in him, as a being who is also a god, and can ignore the protection of God who has fallen into the dead. It's done, isn't it?"

The Pope and the others nodded when they heard the words:


"God is great and the most powerful, but it is undeniable that other religious gods also have powerful stories."

"So that's the case, isn't Zhang Wei our benevolent believer in God?"

Some archbishops in red showed disappointment.

But at this time.

Another cardinal said:

"Hey, although Mr. Zhang Wei is the Jade Emperor of faith, according to what Matt said, the Jade Emperor is quite powerful, but everyone, God is the most powerful. I believe that as long as Zhang Wei comes to our Vatican, he will see the power of God. Great, listening to God's miracle stories and so on, he will definitely follow God."

His words speak out.

The other cardinals all nodded:

"Yes! That's for sure!"

"I agree with this. I heard that Daoism and Buddhism have gradually declined in Daxia. Modern people don't like to worship these, but the glory of our great God has always existed."

"I also think so. If Zhang Wei comes to our Vatican, he must be able to understand how great God is, and become a pursuer and believer of God with us."

"God won't mind letting a heathen fall into his arms. He is merciful and tolerant."

That's all for words.

Many cardinals are a little impatient:

"Hurry up and invite Zhang Wei over earlier, while he is still young, he does not understand the strength and weakness of the Jade Emperor and our great God, so that he can really see it."

Simultaneously with Cong.

Listening to the words of the archbishops in red, Matt didn't intervene. First, he was just a low-level priest and couldn't intervene. Second, the most important point was that he didn't agree with their words.

I saw...

Matt glanced at the red-clothed archbishops present, and muttered in his heart... Yes, I thought so too at the beginning, and now I belong to the Jade Emperor sect, ah! The Jade Emperor's life is as long as the sky! !


Talked to Matt again.

When I learned about Zhang Wei's strength from Matt's mouth, he had grown to the half-step township level in a short period of time, and was able to refine the township-level magic weapon. Many ghost kings died in his hands, even half-step township level. There are national ghosts.

That's all for words.

Matt hesitated for a while, and said something by accident:

"My lord pope and my lord the archbishop in red, do you think Zhang Wei is so powerful because he believes in the Jade Emperor?"


The Pope and the others were all stunned. In the next second, they all shook their heads:

"How is this possible? It must be because of Zhang Wei's extraordinary talent."

"Haha, you really know how to joke, Matt."

"Belief in God is the greatest protection and glory. Only under the Gospel of God is the strongest. You can see that your current strength is the best proof."

in words.

The Pope and the others showed expectant eyes:

"It is a pity that such an outstanding young man does not fall into the embrace of God."

"I agree."


Immediately afterwards.

Under the orders of the Pope and the others, Matt agreed and prepared to set off the next day to steal the country and invite Zhang Wei to the Vatican.

at this time.

Matt came out of the Pope's room and returned to Dannok and the others just now.

Dannock and the others hurriedly gathered around and asked about the situation. When they learned that Zhang Wei was coming to the Vatican, Dannock and the others were all stunned.

"Ah? The Jade Emperor... No, Zhang Wei big brother is coming to the Vatican."

Danock opened his mouth wide, then seemed to think of something, lowered his voice and said:

"By the way, do you think this is...other gods have come to God's house as guests, and the Jade Emperor has come to the West."


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