Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 631 Zhang Chao Starts Casting Spells

Matt listened and smiled:

"The Jade Emperor has been to the West, but that is to see the Tathagata, and he has not been to the West."

When Danok heard that, those flawless eyes shone brightly:

"I don't know if Zhang Wei big brother is here, will God appear."

As soon as his words came out.

Matt knew that this was the emergence of children's wild ideas. Children always like to imagine some cool situations, so he couldn't help but rubbed his head with a smile:

"What's the matter, do you want to watch the Jade Emperor and God drink coffee, wrong, it should be tea? Haha"

"No, it seems wrong to want to watch the Jade Emperor play chess with God. Does the Jade Emperor know how to play chess? Then it's not right to play Go. God doesn't know how to go, so maybe backgammon."

that's it.

Matt talked and laughed with the little priests of Dannock, and went to the dormitory, preparing to pack his luggage and go to steal the country.


That night.

After packing up until the evening, he arranged the itinerary for Dannok and his party from Sakura Country. After booking the air tickets, Matt murmured:

"Okay, everything that should be prepared is ready, and I will look for Mr. Zhang Wei tomorrow. Oh, yes, I have to call Mr. Zhang Wei first."

in words.

Matt glanced at the time on the table, it is now 6:30 in the evening:

"Mr. Zhang Wei should be eating now, right? Let's call him after dinner."


the other side.

Stealing the country, the cafeteria of Seoul University.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was eating with Lu Lianxue, and when the food was brought, Zhang Wei took a mouthful of the food and asked Zhang Chao and Wu Nian:

"How about it? At the end of today, is there any interesting news from the Defamation Law Association?"

"Haha, Zhang Wei, you don't want to mess with the president again, do you?"

"Nothing, isn't this a matter of concern, after all, I am now in a country of stealing, so I care about the local situation."

"Come on, I still care about it. The current situation is not caused by you, you are the chief culprit."

Zhang Chao raised his middle finger at Zhang Wei, but he continued with a smile on his face as he spoke:

"The Defamation Law Association is very busy right now. I went to inquire about it at noon. Now the Defamation Law Association is busy looking for a new location, and is also busy with personnel adjustments. About Abraham, the president and the others probably want to find you. It's troublesome, but there's no reason, after all, your fan is so good, it's hard to say that you calculated it on purpose."

"Now that Abraham is sealed, but three or four high-level officials have also died, and there are also a few ghost king-level slander masters. The number of talents has dropped a lot at once. The slander association is a headache. I came here to find you, otherwise I would not be able to find you... Uuuuuuuu!!"

I haven't finished the four words to trouble you.

see you...

Wu Nian seemed to have thought of something, and also realized what Zhang Chao was about to say. She covered Zhang Chao's mouth with quick eyesight, and put her hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, you should stop talking, have you forgotten your crow's mouth?"

With Zhang Chao nodding, Wu Nian let go.


Zhang Chao said with a smile:

"Fuck, Wu Nian, you also believe that I have a crow's mouth. I thought only Zhang Wei and I believed it. You, a monk, actually believe this. Aren't you afraid that the Buddha will say you are superstitious?"

Wu Nian shook his head dumbfoundingly when he heard the words:

"Amitabha, I didn't believe it before, but I have done it so many times. I would rather believe it or not. How many times have you been hit? You should be cautious in your words and deeds."

To this.

Zhang Chao laughed and said:

"Hey, I don't believe that I can hit whatever I say. I said the end of the world, so it's the end of the world... Cough, let's not talk about it, it's not impossible. Now that the world is warming, let's change it to something outrageous. Let me think about it... ...had it!"

Zhang Chao seemed to think of something, and said bluntly:

"If I say what I say, I was thinking before, Zhang Wei didn't slap Abraham away, ignoring God's protection, do you think God will lose face as an old man, after all, this is his protection, Zhang Wei This is blasphemy against God, will God trouble Zhang Wei?"

"I can't just think of this, and then say it casually, so that God really came to trouble Zhang Wei, hahahaha."


Wu Nian was stunned for a moment, then clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, it's impossible. Although the little monk doesn't know God, God is as famous as the Buddha anyway. God is famous for his kindness, so he wouldn't be so stingy..."

The words are not finished yet.

Jingle Bell.

Zhang Wei's cell phone rang, and he picked it up to see that the caller showed Father Matt.


Zhang Wei answered the phone:

"Hey, Matt, long time no see, why are you free to call me today?"

"Long time no see, Mr. Zhang Wei, haha."

After a brief exchange of greetings with Zhang Wei, Matt did not go to the ink marks, and told the matter of coming to Zhang Wei tomorrow, and said bluntly:

"Is Mr. Zhang Wei free tomorrow? I have a plane at 11:00 noon tomorrow. If so, I will meet you for lunch. I have something to tell you. That's it. His Holiness the Pope told me today that he has something to look for you." , It’s impolite to say it directly on the phone, I’ll tell you face to face.”

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei was a little surprised:

"You said the Pope is looking for me? The Pope of the Vatican?"

It wasn't loud, but Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, who were sitting at the same table, heard it. Suddenly, they looked at each other and were stunned.

next second.

Zhang Chao stared, swallowed and said:

"Worth, the Pope is looking for Zhang Wei? Why is he looking for Zhang Wei? No...I've hit it. Damn, I know I'm crowed, but I can't hit such an outrageous thing, is God so narrow-minded? ."

Wu Nian's complexion changed strangely, his hands were not folded together, and he said strangely:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, your mouth..."

They didn't dare to say anything more, they quickly looked at Zhang Wei, waiting for Zhang Wei to finish talking with Matt on the phone.


After talking on the phone, Zhang Chao hurriedly moved to Zhang Wei's side, and said nervously:

"I, Cao, Zhang Wei, what did the Pope of the Vatican want you to do? No, the old man is really angry. He sent an oracle to ask the Pope to do you? You can't blame me, I just said it casually, and I dare not talk nonsense in the future .”

Wu Nian put his palms together and replied:

"Amitabha, if Zhang Chao is talking nonsense in the future, the monk must cover his mouth to prevent him from committing crimes and sins."

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard that, waved his hand and said:

"Haha, you don't have to be so afraid. Zhang Chao is a crow's mouth, but it's all about gods. How can this be possible? I think the Pope is looking for me. It shouldn't be God who wants to trouble me. It should be because he is curious about why I am. Can ignore God's protection."

"That's fine, I'm scared to death, I'm really afraid that you will go to the Vatican... and then you will accidentally anger God or something... Crack!"

The words are not finished.

Zhang Chao slapped his mouth lightly and said:

"Sorry, I'm being mean again."


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