Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 632 People Fight For One Breath, Buddhas Fight For One Stick Of Incense

Seeing Zhang Chao playing tricks, Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"This slap is good, and another slap makes me happy."

As soon as his words came out.

It was Zhang Chao's middle finger that responded to him.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei smiled and continued:

"Actually, I still quite believe in Zhang Chao's crow's mouth. It's always effective, so in the Vatican, I decided to keep a low profile."

"Low-key? That's not okay, you are the proud son of our big summer, you must give me a high-profile, but I don't recommend you to do it by hand."

Zhang Chao was outspoken, and he laughed when he said it later:

"This is the Vatican, the largest ghost exorcist organization recognized in the world today, with the largest number of ghost exorcists and believers all over the world. Zhang went for you. He should not be a desolate emperor, at least he should be a Void Emperor. He must not be weaker than others."

"So if you encounter ghosts or something this time, don't use anime figures. It looks low-grade. I suggest you get something high-end. Just the one you showed Miss Lu before, I think it's good, or what do you have? The ones at the bottom of the box are also sorted out.”

Not only Zhang Chao.

It is rare to agree without thoughts:

"Amitabha, although there is a saying in Buddhism, fame, wealth and reputation are just a passing cloud, and nothing after death, but this time, the little monk agrees with Zhang Wei's words. After all, Zhang went to the Vatican for you, not only representing himself, but also the facade of Daxia."

That's all for words.

Wu Nian recalled:

"If my memory serves me right, the Pope has never invited a young man from Daxia to the Vatican. This is the first time for you, Zhang Wei. My uncle Jingkong is also the head of Buddha Jingkong. He has always taught the monk, so don't worry about it." Fame and fortune are useless, but if you go abroad, you can't be anonymous, and you can't let outsiders see the whole of Daxia."

The words fell.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said leisurely:

"Buddha says no to fight, not to fight with the world, people fight for breath, Buddha fights for a stick of incense, Namo Amitabha."

"Well said, Wu Nian, you guys, your Buddhist family finally has a sentence that I love to hear."

Zhang Chao gave Wu Nian a thumbs up.

Zhang Wei also nodded:

"I also think Wu Nian's words are good, but well, you may not be able to meet ghosts here. That's the Vatican, the site of the ghost exorcist organization with the most believers in the world. Who dares to go."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei shook his head again:

"That's not right, Zhang Chao, you've already said it all. With your crow's mouth, you might actually meet him, but it's okay. When Matt came to me just now, I had thought about it in my mind."

"Oh? Zhang Wei, how do you plan to exorcise ghosts, tell me quickly."

"Do it by hand."

"Fuck, didn't I say don't do it with your hands."

"No, no, Zhang Chao, wait for me to finish. What I said was that I made it with hands, but I didn't say that I made it with anime hands."

"Huh? What kind of hands do you use?"

Zhang Chao subconsciously asked curiously.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't hold back, feeling the curiosity from Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue, and Wu Nian, he grinned and said:

"Use the figures of Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, don't forget. In terms of the origin of 'figures', our Great Xia has a long history. In ancient times, almost every family had to put some statues of gods to enshrine them. ...It can also be regarded as a figure, a figure of a fairy."

His words speak out.

Zhang Chao's eyes lit up:

"My Cao, this is good! Use it, you must use it, did you bring it? The statue of the fairy, I didn't expect it, I thought you would only invite anime, but I didn't expect you to invite gods."

In his opinion, Zhang Wei's invitation to heavenly soldiers and generals is no longer a hand-made consecration, but the most common exorcism technique in the Great Summer Exorcism - Invite God.

Please God, with a certain medium, please come to the upper body of the gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth, and use the power of gods and Buddhas to drive away evil.

In fact.

The horse immortals in the Northeast are also a kind of invitation to gods, but they invite the Five Immortals in the Northeast.

Regarding Zhang Chao's words, Zhang Wei naturally couldn't expose the system, and said with a casual smile:

"Isn't this nonsense? I'm also a Daxia ghost exorcist. Isn't the ghost exorcism technique of asking God a basic operation, but I didn't bring the fairy statue this time."

"Fuck, why don't you hurry up and buy it? No, this is the country of stealing. You can't buy it. It's okay. With your big brother Zhang Chao here, I'll contact my old lady and ask her to fly it over for you overnight."

Zhang Chao said excitedly, and said:

"Zhang Wei, what fairy statue do you want? Tell me, don't worry, this time you are going to the Vatican. For the sake of our big summer, I will pay for it and force you to pretend."

At this time, Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha is also considered a junior monk. Although he is not as rich as Zhang Wei, the monk can still afford the money."

Words come out.

Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao, and Wu Nian looked at each other, and all three of them smiled for a while.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao picked up the phone and called the elder sister, and asked on the way:

"By the way, Zhang Wei, what fairy sculpture do you want?"

Zhang Wei was also polite, and said slowly:

"Heavenly soldiers and generals, with a bull's head and a horse's face, black and white are impermanent..."


The next day, at noon.

China International Airport, departure hall.

at this time.

Zhang Wei and the others stood at the exit, looking at the passengers coming out one after another. Not long after, their eyes fell on a man in a suit, and he couldn't help waving:


the other side.

Matt, who had just stepped out of the exit gate, heard the words and saw a look of joy on his face, and trotted over with his luggage:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I'm really sorry for your trouble. You still took time to pick me up. I'll treat you later. By the way, who are these?"

"Haha, what a treat? Next time, this time you came from afar to find me, please, let me introduce you."

Zhang Wei introduced Lu Lianxue and the others to Matt.


They got acquainted and drove to the hotel together.

on the way.

Matt didn't keep it secret, and told the reason why the Pope invited Zhang Wei to the past, and whispered:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, let me tell you that the Pope actually invited you this time not only to thank you for helping to suppress Abraham, but also to ask you if you also believe in God, because your magic weapon can ignore God's protection."

Learn about the situation.

Zhang Wei also understood, shook his head and said:

"I don't believe in God."

"Haha, I knew that Mr. Zhang Wei doesn't believe in God. I told the Pope about this, but they didn't believe it. I can just say that you believe in the Jade Emperor, which is blessed by the Jade Emperor's faith."

His words speak out.

Zhang Chao took over the conversation and said:

"That's not true, all of us in Daxia believe in the Jade Emperor."

"Amitabha, no, the little monk believes in the Buddha."

Wu Nian glanced at Zhang Chao and said.

Seeing the two bickering again, Zhang Wei smiled, looked aside Matt and said:

"Matt, do you have anything else to say?"

He noticed Matt's look, and seemed to have something to say.

as predicted.

Asked by Zhang Wei, Matt nodded:

"Mr. Zhang Wei saw it. Well, let me tell you, don't tell anyone. The Pope won't let me tell you. I'm afraid it will make you vigilant. In fact, they wanted to thank you this time, and they also wanted to thank you. If Mr. Zhang Wei doesn't believe in God, he wants to draw you into the Vatican, and believe in God together."

"Oh? Want to win me over?"

"Yeah, because of the potential shown by Mr. Zhang Wei, they feel that if you become a believer in God, God will also be happy and strengthen the Vatican."

"So that's the case, then their hopes are in vain. I'm not interested in God."

"Haha, I know, but Mr. Zhang Wei... Cough, I know Mr. Zhang Wei is definitely not interested, just to remind you."

Matt said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you should take this trip to the Vatican. Although you are not interested in God, you must be interested in the Vatican. Our local customs and food are still very good. Haha, what do you think of the Vatican, Mr. Zhang Wei? If you are interested, you can ask me, I can act as a tour guide for you, haha."

"Not to mention, I'm really interested in the Vatican, but it's not about the customs and food, but I want to ask."

The voice did not fall.

Zhang Wei glanced at Zhang Chao at the side, remembering that he said yesterday that he might encounter a ghost when he went to the Vatican, and he had to exorcise ghosts in a high-profile way, so he couldn't help looking at Matt and said:

"Matt, have you had any ghost troubles in the Vatican recently?"

can be seen.

Following Zhang Wei's question, Matt was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he looked at Zhang Wei in surprise:

"Hey, Mr. Zhang Wei, how do you know that there are major events happening in our Vatican recently? Can you even predict the events in the West?"


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