Matt was unabashedly surprised.

In his view, the Vatican is the territory of God and the home of other gods. Even Mr. Zhang Wei should not feel it.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know what Matt was thinking. After he said the words, he looked towards Zhang Chao who was on the side, and Zhang Chao also looked over in surprise.


Both spoke at the same time:

"Good guy, you're consecrated again, Chao Zhang."

"Tuigui, I just talked about it casually, and the kid got caught again? Isn't that the Vatican, the place of God, there are ghosts who dare to go here, it's too barren and brave, what kind of ghost is this. "

Zhang Chao opened his mouth wide.

After hearing this, Zhang Wei replied:

"It's not just a hit, the calf has been ripped apart by you."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei asked Matt who didn't know why:

"Speaking of Matt, what's the situation with you at the Vatican? Isn't that the headquarters of the Holy See? Why is there still a major event happening? Is it the same as what Zhang Chao said just now, caused by ghosts?"

He just asked Matt if there was a major event in the Vatican, but he didn't ask about ghosts causing major events. He wanted to know if it was really the work of ghosts as Zhang Chao said.

To this.

Although he didn't know the situation, Matt still responded, nodded and said:

"It's the ghosts who did it, and it happened in the past few days. The Vatican directly dispatched the entire Judgment Knights of the Holy See for this matter."

As soon as his words came out.

Rao is Zhang Wei, they all look sideways.

Although they are not priests of the Holy See, they have never seen a pig running or eaten pork, so they know what a trial knight is.

That is the strongest group of exorcists cultivated by the Vatican. Those who can join the group must be the top-level red-clothed ghosts at the weakest level. They are awarded the title of Judgment Knight by the Pope. .

The fact that the entire Judgment Knights can come out is enough to show that the seriousness of this major event definitely threatens the Vatican, otherwise it would not be the case.

Can't help it.

Zhang Chao couldn't help but ask:

"Wori, the entire Judgment Knights? What happened? Which ghost organization is calling here?"

face inquiries.

Matt didn't make a fool of himself, and replied bluntly with a serious face:

"It's not a ghost organization, it's the Dark Holy See."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei and the others suddenly realized that if it was the Dark Holy See, it would indeed be possible for the Vatican to dispatch the Knights to judge.

well known.

God and Satan are the incarnations of light and darkness. The Holy See of Darkness has always been the deadly enemy of the Vatican. The two have been established almost at the same time since a long time ago, and they have been fighting for thousands of years since their establishment. They have never stopped fighting .

The Dark Vatican is an evil organization that believes in Satan. They hate the Vatican that believes in God and regard it as the biggest obstacle. On the contrary, the Vatican is the same. There have been many wars between the two sides, just like the battle between heaven and hell, which lasts forever.

And go back to history.

The establishment of the Judgment Knights was originally established to deal with the Dark Holy See, to judge the Dark Holy See, to judge the power of hell.

Think here.

Recalling some of the history of the Holy See and the Dark Holy See that I saw in the previous Weidaosi forum.


Zhang Wei couldn't help looking at Matt and said:

"Did the Dark Holy See carry out another large-scale summoning of hell?"

Asked what he said.

Matt nodded straight:

"Yes, Mr. Zhang Wei, you really have a clever plan. Have you figured it out? It is true that the Dark Vatican conducted a large-scale hell summoning ceremony. My other great priests in the Vatican said that it seems that this time the Dark Vatican summoned many fallen angels, The spirits of the dead have come to the world."

"Although I don't know how many, but there must be many, because what happened in the Vatican recently is that some priests died. They were killed by fallen angels. Among them, a cardinal archbishop almost died. He was killed by a dozen fallen angels. under siege."

"Fortunately, it was in the Vatican, and the Knights of Judgment arrived. With the blessing of the angelic power of the Knights of Judgment granted by the Pope, they drove away the fallen angels."

For Matt's words.

Zhang Wei was not surprised. As expected, he knew that the Knights of Judgment was first established to summon fallen angels against the dark church. It is the closest living force to Satan. Ordinary exorcist priests cannot deal with it, but Knights of Judgment can. To contend with this, they were granted the powers of angels by the Pope.

Also at this time.

Zhang Chao, who also knows these basic knowledge, nodded and said with emotion:

"No wonder the Knights of Judgment came out in full force. It turned out to be because of the fallen angels. The fallen angels are the strongest trump card army under Satan. They are difficult to deal with."

"Indeed, fallen angels are quite difficult to deal with."

Zhang Wei echoed.

He remembered the fallen angels he met in the beautiful country before, and they took more effort than other ghosts.


As soon as he said his words, it can be seen that the corners of Zhang Chao and Matt's mouths twitched.

Zhang Chao: "..."

Matt: "..."

No thought: "Amitabha."

next second.

Zhang Chao rolled his eyes at Zhang Wei, raised his middle finger and said:

"Gah, don't say that, you are the least qualified to say that, you've killed a few fallen angels, I've heard it all, I heard that you beat fallen angels like killing chickens, Grass, thinking about it this way, I finally understand why you can beat Abraham so easily, you are probably not the nemesis of hell, Satan's deadly enemy is not God, is it you?"

Matt is also dumbfounded:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I still remember the time you killed the fallen angel."

It is also rare for Wu Nian to complain:

"Amitabha, those fallen angels who were beaten to death by you should be very happy if they heard what you said, at least they will not be aggrieved when they die."


Zhang Wei and the others chatted for a while.

During this time.

Matt told Zhang Wei a lot about the Dark Holy See and the Vatican, including what happened in the Vatican these days.

"The Dark Vatican this time is different from the small fights in the past. It feels like there will be a big move. It will summon a dozen fallen angels to the Vatican to attack the cardinal. Even if the Dark Vatican is against the Vatican, it is too provocative."

At this point in Matt's words, he said seriously:

"So Mr. Zhang Wei, this time you go to the Vatican, you'd better be careful. Although I feel safe in the Vatican, it's better to be careful."

Zhang Chao took the conversation and said:

"Zhang Wei, you should be careful. Don't forget, you have killed several fallen angels. If the fallen angels find you, they will definitely take revenge on you."

Lu Lianxue took Zhang Wei's hand:

"Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao and the others are right. Although fallen angels are also angels, they are not as easy-talking as angels. They hold grudges very much. There have been incidents of fallen angels taking revenge."


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