Just started.

The young man said that his brother-in-law was killed by the Daxia people. Hill frowned slightly, with a look of surprise. He thought about who killed his brother-in-law, but he never thought that it would be killed by the Daxia people. Thought it was the priest.


Before he could get confused, Hill was stunned by what the young man said later, and almost thought he was hallucinating:

"Big Xia's magic weapon can deal with God's named asylum? Are you sure you didn't get false information?"

in words.

Hill frowned. As a creature of God, he knew very well the power of God's named protection. Unless it was God's magic weapon or an angel, it would be very difficult to deal with it by ordinary methods, even if it was a fallen angel. Same.

"No, it's true. There are videos to testify."

Seeing what Hill was thinking, the young man took out his mobile phone, logged on to the international forum, and showed Hill the video of Zhang Wei dealing with Abraham.

This look.

Not only Hill, but other fallen angels present were also shocked, watching the video in amazement:

"It's unbelievable, how can the Great Xia Magical Artifact be able to deal with it."

"Is this Zhang Wei a believer in God? It doesn't seem right, he doesn't have any symbol of God on him."

"Has the Great Xia Magical Artifact been blessed by the Pope? But the blessing is not enough to deal with it."

"I haven't been to the human world for a hundred years. What happened in the human world? It has changed so much."

at this time.

Hill interrupted the conversation among the fallen angels, and focused on the young man:

"Give me Zhang Wei's information, and arrange a trip to steal the country. He killed my wife's beloved younger brother. No matter who he is, it's better if he is a believer in God. He deserves to die."

As soon as his words came out.

The young man saluted and said:

"Master Hill, there is no need to steal the country."

"Huh? Why? Is it because I'm afraid that I will affect the plan? Don't worry, I will take action and I can solve it in one day. It will not affect the deal with the Vatican this time."

"No, I believe it's easy for Mr. Hill to kill Zhang Wei. Although Zhang Wei is indeed very powerful and one of the most talented young people in the world today, compared with Mr. Hill, his strength is definitely not enough. In my opinion So I say this because Zhang Wei recently came to the Vatican."

The words did not fall.

The young man said with a smile:

"I found out that the Pope invited Zhang Wei to the Vatican to thank Zhang Wei, so Mr. Hill doesn't need to bother to steal the country, and wait for Zhang Wei to come to the Vatican to deliver it to his door."

Hill also smiled when he heard that, with an elegant aristocratic smile on the corner of his mouth, shaking the red wine glass in his hand and saying:

"I have to say, here I should say thank God, the murderer threw himself into the trap, that's okay, I happened to take care of Zhang Wei."

But at this time.

Waiting for the youth to respond.

A female fallen angel beside Hill spoke out first, she opened her red lips and whispered:

"Master Hill, why do you want to make a move? It's just a young man in Daxia. I'll just go and clean it up. That young man is only at the top ghost king level. Let me help you."


Hearing the words, the young man looked over, hesitated for a while, and then spoke:

"Master Felice, Zhang Wei is not a top ghost king, he has reached the half-step township level."

Hill: "????"

Phyllis: "????"

Other fallen angels: "????"

can be seen.

The moment the young man spoke, all the fallen angels looked sideways, their eyes shocked.

"He looks like he's less than 25 years old, right? Banbu Township National Level?"

Phyllis recalled the appearance of Zhang Wei she saw in the video just now. No matter how she looked, she looked like a young man under the age of 25, so she should not be dazzled.

"Yes, Zhang Wei is less than 25 years old, but he has indeed reached the half-step township level."


The whole hall suddenly fell silent.

The faces of the fallen angels did not hide their ghostly expressions, and one of the fallen angels couldn't help but said:

"You seem to have said just now that he has refined a magic weapon of the township level. With such a high talent for refining, he can still reach the half-step township level?"


The fallen angel's expression became strange:

"This Daxia man must not be the illegitimate child of God, otherwise how could he have such talent."

Even the fallen angels were shocked by Zhang Wei's talent. Although they lived in hell, each of them lived for at least hundreds of years. During this period, they were summoned to the world several times, knowing how to drive out ghosts in the world However, it is unheard of to reach the height of Zhang Wei.


Surprise is nothing but surprise, but Hill is not afraid, on the contrary, he is a little happy:

"It's no wonder that De Garp was killed by him. It turns out that he still has some skills. I have decided to kill him so that his soul will not be wiped out. I will bring him to hell and become a dead spirit to serve Lord Satan." , I think Lord Satan would like such a qualified necromancer."

Phyllis nodded noncommittally:

"This kind of talent, perhaps, will be appreciated by Lord Satan in the future, and it may not even be given to the blood of fallen angels."

Hill heard the words and looked over:

"If he can be bestowed with the blood of a fallen angel by Lord Satan, De Garp's death will not be in vain."

Phyllis smiled:

"However, before that, I have to teach him a lesson and let him know how wrong it is to kill a fallen angel. Let me handle this matter. Using the modern language I learned today, I will obey his teachings."

Hill did not refuse. Although Felice is a female fallen angel, fallen angels are not human beings. There is an obvious power gap between men and women in humans, but fallen angels do not.


the other side.

Stealing Country, Seoul City, in a hotel restaurant.

at this time.

Zhang Wei just finished eating with Matt, seeing that it was getting late, he was going to go back:

"It's getting late, Matt, go to bed early, and tomorrow I'll take a leave of absence from the university, then I'll pack my things, and I'll come to the Vatican with you."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Wei."

Matt nodded.


Saying goodbye to Matt, Zhang Wei left with Lu Lianxue and the others.

Back on the road.

Zhang Chao looked down at the phone, and suddenly bluffed:

"Good guy, Zhang Wei, look, you were invited by Matt, and the news that you are going to the Vatican was posted on the Internet. Fuck, Xiaoxuan, can you get information from this?"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei picked up Zhang Chao's mobile phone to look at it, as if he saw that there was a post on the Department of Health Forum that he was going to the Vatican, which was posted by Xiaoxuan.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry:

"This guy is really well-informed."

"It's not well-informed, it cares more about you than your parents. Either this is your relative, or you have a crush on you. I seriously doubt whether Xiaoxuan is gay."

"Haha, whatever, I like women anyway."

As Zhang Wei said, he squeezed Lu Lianxue's little hand, causing Lu Lianxue to stick out her tongue in a rare and cute way.

Same time.

Zhang Wei continued:

"It's okay for him to pay attention. Anyway, didn't you just say that he apologized and bribed me."


Zhang Wei remembered what Zhang Chao said to himself during the meal just now.


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