Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 636 'Bribe' From A Distant Uncle

not long ago.

When Zhang Chao was having dinner, he received a call from his cousin Zhang Mei. She told Zhang Chao that the fairy statue Zhang Chao wanted had already been airlifted. In addition, the fairy statue transported by Wei Daosi did not need Zhang to pay for them. cost.


Zhang Chao said in surprise:

"Ah? No money? Wori, is this the treatment of the strong, and they all serve Zhang Wei for free? No, I'm so envious."

Zhang Mei laughed and said:

"What are you talking about? What I'm talking about is that you don't have to pay for it. I don't mean it's free. Someone paid for you. Guess who it is?"

"Ah? Someone paid for it? Who? It can't be you, old lady, right? Are you secretly in love with Zhang Wei? Tell me earlier, I arranged for Zhang Wei to go on a blind date with you. Although Zhang Wei has Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin, But old lady, you have big breasts, so you are not uncompetitive."

"Riyou Immortal Banban, what are you talking about, it's not me, it's someone else, forget it, let me tell you directly, Xiaoxuan helped pay for it."

Zhang Mei paused, recalling the words passed down from above, and then said:

"Xiaoxuan said that in the last international forum, in order to flatter you and show the outstanding people of Daxia, he exposed the search records of your forum. Afterwards, he felt that he had no scruples about your privacy, so this time the fairy statue paid for you. It is an apology. A wave of bribes, so I can continue to write your reports in international forums..."

"Uh... to send a fairy statue, this bribe is too picky, how much is it worth?"

"It's worth the old nose's money, Zhang Chao, what the hell, listen to me, I haven't finished yet, the statue of the gods in western Zhejiang is not the kind of statues of gods in ordinary people's homes, they have been consecrated, they are legal device, and the level is not low."

in words.

Zhang Chao heard the envy in Zhang Mei's words, and couldn't help asking curiously:

"What level?"

"Half-step town faction level, that is to say, any of those fairy statues can deal with the half-step ghost king."


Zhang Chao's eyes widened, and he was so shocked that he swears:

"Nimma is not so rich and powerful, is it? What is the origin of Xiaoxuan, old lady, are you sure that those statues are of this level?"

Zhang Chao recalled the immortal statues he had given away, and did a rough calculation, let alone a dozen or so, wouldn't it mean that a dozen or so half-step magic weapons were given away at random? Such generosity, even as a descendant of the Maoshan School, Zhang Chao is speechless.

In fact.

Not only Zhang Chao, but also Wu Nian and Lu Lianxue who learned about it afterwards were also shocked:

"Amitabha, this benefactor of Xiaoxuan... is so rich."

"My God, even if it's Longhushan, we don't dare to give gifts so generously. This isn't rich, it's a prodigal."

Lu Lianxue covered her mouth and shouted proudly.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Lianxue looked at Wu Nian and Zhang Chao, hesitated and asked:

"How many magic weapons do you have at the level of Wutai Mountain, Maoshan School, and Banbu Town School?"

As soon as his words came out.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, I don't know very well, I haven't asked the uncles and the others, but think about it, the uncles and the others each have one piece, and the total is probably about thirty pieces."

Zhang Chao said bluntly:

"There are forty-three pieces in my family's Banbu Town School. I counted them when I was a child. I originally wanted to learn from the novel. I carried all the magic weapons on my body, just like Baili Fatty in the novel "I Learned to Kill God in a Mental Hospital". Fat as hell, full of magic weapons, but my dad won’t let them, they’re very precious, and only give me three or four.”

The words did not fall.

Zhang Chao envied and said strangely:

"Xiaoxuan is such a prodigal. He took out more than a dozen pieces in one go. That doesn't mean he took out half of the inventory in Mount Wutai, or over a quarter of my family's inventory. What a prodigal."

Also for this.

Now that Zhang Wei didn't mind seeing Xiaoxuan report that he was going to the Vatican in the first place, he didn't even have time to laugh because he had spent a lot of money to 'bribe' himself.

Think here.

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Chao, and said with a smile:

"I hope Xiaoxuan will report on me more and bribe me more."


the other side.

Da Xia, Zhang Wei's home.

at this time.

Zhang Ping, Zhang Wei's father, was watching the World Cup final, while drinking, cheering from time to time:

"Ah!! Messi!! Messi!! Scored a goal! My wife, come and see, Messi scored in the overtime match against France in the final, now it's 3-2, it's stable, now Argentina I won the championship, haha, a new champion is born, Wuhu!"

Seeing Zhang Ping happy like a child, Zhang Ping's wife, who was cooking in the kitchen, shook her head:

"I said husband, don't patronize watching the game, have you got in touch with timidity?"

"I've contacted you, but I haven't replied to you yet. I'll call and ask."

Zhang Ping said, staring at the TV screen, then picked up the phone, and dialed a phone number in the address book that was noted as 'timid'.


the other side.

In Daxia, there is a lock at the wellhead of Longjing.

at this time.

A young man with a youthful appearance, but with vicissitudes in his eyes that does not match his age, he stood by the mouth of the well, looking at the mouth of the well, wondering what he was thinking.

If there were any senior officials from the Department of Health and Dao here, they would definitely be able to recognize the identity of the young man. He was Daxia's True Dragon Guard, known as the strongest and weakest True Dragon Wei Shengxuan today!

at this time.

Jingle Bell.

His mobile phone rang, and he picked it up to see that the caller showed a call from 'fake boldness'.


Cheng Xuan originally looked at Suo Longjing, but a smile appeared on his frightened face:

"Fake bold, why are you looking for me today? Don't you watch the World Cup?"

"Look, I'm watching, are you watching too?"

"Yes, I'm watching too."

Sheng Xuan replied casually, then changed the topic and said:

"You don't want to chat with me on the phone and watch the game, are you so free?"

"That's not true, I'm here to ask you. I heard you said that you have a lot of amulets and the like on hand. Didn't you ask you to make one for my Zhang Wei? Have you done it? As Zhang Wei's distant house Uncle, you can't be so indifferent to your cute and handsome distant nephew."

"So you told me this, I've already finished it and sent it to Zhang Wei."

"Ah? Did you send it over? When, I don't know why, Zhang Wei didn't even know how to call me."

"It's normal if you don't know, and you can't blame Zhang Wei. He doesn't even know that I sent it to him. I asked a friend to send it. You know, I am well-known in the industry. If others know, I will send it to Zhang Wei. Send it, maybe someone else will spy on it."

"That's right, you're a coward and you're very thoughtful, that's fine, just send it over... My Cao!! France scored a goal, ah!! It's 3 to 3, it's a draft, overtime is gone. , it's going to be a penalty shootout, don't!"

Hearing Zhang Ping's wailing from the phone, Sheng Xuan laughed out loud.


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