Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 639 The Fallen Archangel Makes His Move

"Who is it?"

Zhang Wei asked curiously.

Matt did not hide it, and said bluntly:

"Judgment of the Knights."

in words.

Matt looked around, as if he was afraid that the walls might have ears, so he picked up his mobile phone and typed explanations to Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue.


Zhang Wei and the others knew the reason from the information written by Matt. It turned out that it was the previous few games. Zhang Wei told Matt that he suspected to have felt a fallen angel. Although it might be an illusion, for safety's sake, Matt still told the situation to the Holy See.

Immediately afterwards.

When the Holy See received the news, it decided to send two members of the Judgment Knights.

"So that's how it is."

Zhang Wei nodded, not intending to reject the kindness of the Holy See, just because he was also curious about what the most elite exorcist army of the Holy See was like.

"They should be here soon."

Matt glanced around and made a random excuse to confuse the eavesdroppers around him.


the other side.

On the road to the high-end hotel where Zhang Wei is located.

In a black car, there are two men in white suits sitting in the backseat. They are each carrying a silver suitcase. They seem to be no different from ordinary office workers. The only thing that stands out is that their suits are white. , and the sign of the cross printed on the suitcase.

They were sent by the Judgment Knights to help Zhang Wei.

The Judgment Knights are divided into levels, from high to low, they are the leader, the deputy leader, the captain, and the members, and the two people in front of them are the captain level.

Since they don't know whether Zhang Wei is really troubled by the fallen angels, and they are still investigating the whereabouts of the fallen angels, the Knights of Judgment did not make much fanfare to help Zhang Wei, and chose to assign two captains to protect him.

at this time.

The captain of the trial knight on the left side of the car said:

"I don't think it's necessary to send the two of us to protect Zhang Wei. It's a waste. Zhang Wei is powerful, but he doesn't have the power of an angel. How can he feel the breath of a fallen angel?"

The voice did not fall.

He added:

"Maybe he was nervous. After all, he heard that the Vatican was attacked by fallen angels when he came here. He probably thought that he had killed several fallen angels and thought that the fallen angels would take revenge."

Another captain smiled when he heard this:

"I actually think that Zhang Wei should have two tools to kill a few fallen angels. Maybe he really felt it, so I think we should be careful later. I feel that it is not safe to just send the two of us."

The captain on the left shook his head:

"Where it is not safe, I think it is very stable. Although our strength is not as good as Zhang Wei, we are only at the level of the top ghost king, but we have the power of angels. Together, we can deal with the half-step Zhenguo level."

As soon as his words came out.

The other captain was about to say something, but he glanced out of the window from the corner of his eye and couldn't help saying:

"Stop talking, we're here, Carey, whether it's Zhang Wei's illusion or not, we have to protect it carefully."

"Of course, I'm just guessing, and it's not that I don't care. I will never let my guests in the Vatican be harmed. I swear by the Knights of Judgment."

Said the captain known as Carey.


They got out of the car, got out of the car with their suitcases, and joined Zhang Wei and the others:

"Hi, are you Zhang Wei? My name is Jiexiu. This is Kaili. I'm in charge of being your security guard and tour guide this time. Don't think we're not as strong as you, but we're still very good together. Yes, it can protect Mr. Zhang Wei and Miss Lu Lianxue."

Carey also smiled:

"If you have any orders, just tell us."

After a few polite greetings, Zhang Wei took Lu Lianxue, and Kaili and the others set off for the tourist attractions in the Vatican.

at the same time.

On a building one kilometer away from the hotel.

Felice looked at Kaili and Jiexiu, her attention fell on the suitcase in his hand, her brows could not help but frown:

"A member of the Judgment Knights? It's still at the captain level. Did the Holy See find me? Or is it just because of the recent time, I want to act as a security guard for Zhang Wei, a guest? It seems that the difficulty has deepened. It's really troublesome. I thought it was an easy job." coming."

The words fell.

She picked up the phone and called Hill:

"I'm in trouble, send some people over to help me, well, it's not that I'm cautious, it's the people from the Judgment Knights who are here to escort Zhang Wei."


In the manor of Italy.

Hill hung up the phone with Phyllis, and said to a person from the dark church beside him:

"Ferris has encountered a little trouble. You can ask a black-clothed archbishop to help, and take two fallen angels along with you."

"Okay, Lord Hill."

The people from the dark church nodded.

In the Dark Vatican, the archbishop in black is at the same level as the archbishop in red in the Vatican, both of which are at the half-step township level.


for a long time.

Vatican, famous tourist attraction, St. Peter's Square.

at this time.

Although it is noon and it is not the peak tourist season, as a famous tourist attraction in the Vatican, the traffic is still amazing. Looking around, there are groups of tourists coming and going.

Zhang Wei and the others also came here.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, St. Peter's Square was established from 1656 to 1667. It took 11 years to build. As the largest square in the Vatican, now every Sunday, more than ten thousand congregants come here to listen to the broadcast on the radio. The pope delivers the morning prayers, and the place can accommodate up to 200,000 people."

Matt talked on and on.

His words speak out.

Jiexiu and Kaili on the side were also full of piety, crossing their chests towards the square.

But it is at this time.

Without waiting for Matt to continue explaining, Zhang Wei suddenly reached out and interrupted his words, saying bluntly:

"Mr. Jiexiu, Mr. Carey, I heard that the people who judged the Knights were all given angel power by the Pope, so you are very sensitive to the fallen angels, right?"


Carey smiled and nodded:

"We have the Pope's blessing on us, endowed with the power of angels, and the powers of angels and fallen angels are relative, so we can detect the breath of fallen angels that ordinary exorcists cannot detect."

in words.

Carey shook the suitcase with the cross in his hand and said:

"Once the fallen angels are found, we will exercise God's right to judge in the name of the Pope, and execute the judgment on the fallen angels who entered the world without authorization. Why did Mr. Zhang Wei suddenly ask this? Are you also interested in the trial knight?"

Jie Xiu also echoed with a smile:

"With your strength, Mr. Zhang Wei, I want to join our Knights. With the strength of the angels, not only can you directly become the deputy leader, but you will also be invincible at the same level."

As the captain of the Knights of Judgment, they also knew they wanted to win over Zhang Wei when they came. For this reason, Kaili did not forget to win over Zhang Wei through Zhang Wei's words.


Facing their wooing.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said:

"Actually, what I want to say is that since Jiexiu and Mr. Carey are capable of dealing with fallen angels, it's time for you to do so now."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because the fallen angels have come."


As Zhang Wei said, he looked to the side, and at the same time, another system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... Huh? What's going on with Zhang Wei? Does the whole body have eyes or radar? The airport is like this, is it still like this? Didn't I just look at him again, and then I found me again? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +510]

at the same time.

Both Jiexiu and Kaili were taken aback. They were not fools. They could hear the meaning of Zhang Wei's words. Are there fallen angels around? Impossible, we are very vigilant... No!

next moment.

It seems to have a feeling.

The pupils of both of them shrank suddenly, and they looked in the direction Zhang Wei was looking at, and they all cried out in surprise:

"No, there really are fallen angels!"


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