Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 640 Zhang Wei Vs Black Archbishop, Fallen Angel

A second ago, Jiexiu and Kaili were stunned when they heard Zhang Wei's words. They didn't feel the fallen angel. How could Zhang Wei feel it first? It seems that Zhang Wei is indeed as Kaili said, Too nervous.

However, this thought lasted for less than half a second. In the next second, they were stunned again, not because of Zhang Wei's words, but because they really sensed the breath of the fallen angel. When they realized this, they changed color and looked like a ghost. To Zhang Wei.


Especially Carey, who doubted Zhang Wei before coming here, was the most astonished... How is this possible? Why did Zhang Wei perceive the fallen angels before them? Does he have angelic powers, or do we have them?


It's too late to think about these.

see you...

When Zhang Wei looked in that direction, four figures walked out there, they were Felice and the others.

Also at this time.

With the appearance of Felice, beside her was an old man in black, holding an anti-cross in his hand, and muttering something in his mouth, the anti-cross emitted a dark light.

for a while.

The blue sky, which was originally clear and sunny, suddenly became windy and cloudy, like the change from day to night in the blink of an eye. The dark clouds overwhelmed the top, the sun was covered, and the entire sacred St. Peter's Square fell into darkness. Suddenly, the light-sensitive street lights of St. Peter's Square, Thinking it was night, the lights turned on automatically.

Weird scene.

It amazed the passers-by and tourists in the square.

next second.

Accompanied by the old man in black chanting to the end, he opened his hands and shouted:

"By Satan's command, reveal yourself, my servants."


Demonic ghost roars and ghost cries lingered, and then under the eyes of passers-by who turned from astonishment to panic, black smoke came out from the gaps in the square's neatly covered stone floor, and then the smoke condensed into skeletons and evil spirits. .




In a horrifying scene, passers-by screamed in fright.

the other side.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Wei didn't panic, he took Lu Lianxue into his arms and said:

"Xiaoxue, be careful, come to my arms quickly."

To this.

Both Jiexiu and Kaili twitched the corners of their mouths, a little dumbfounded. It seems that Zhang Wei is still young and energetic, and he is still in the mood to flirt with his little girlfriend at this moment.


Compared with Zhang Wei, Jiexiu's expressions were more solemn than ever. They pointed their eyes at the four Phyllis who were coming, and Kaili said:

"Jesiu, you are right. It is really not safe to send us two, two fallen angel elites, one fallen archangel, and a black-clothed archbishop."

Jiexiu also nodded, and kindly reminded Zhang Wei:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, be careful. The fallen angels have come prepared. They also dispatched a black-clothed archbishop, who is a high-ranking member of the Dark Church comparable to the red-clothed archbishop. His strength is very powerful."

Immediately afterwards.

Without waiting for Zhang Wei to say anything, Jiexiu motioned Zhang Wei to look at Felice, and said again:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, that female fallen angel is the archangel of the fallen. She is much stronger than ordinary fallen angels. I will deal with it with Kaili later. You help us contain the archbishop in black and the other two fallen angels." , we will help you as soon as possible.”


Both Jiexiu and Carey chanted a Bible verse, and picked up the suitcases in their hands.



Two sacred and holy rays of light, like the light of God, burst out from the suitcase, and the light bloomed, illuminating the darkness that shrouded St. Peter's Square, as if the darkness was about to be dispelled at this moment.

at the same time.


The screams continued, and the undead and skeletons that had been summoned in the square before turned into black mist and dispersed under the blooming holy light.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, with us, God will protect you."

Both Jiexiu and Kaili shouted, intending to appease the panicked crowd.

in words.

They didn't stay idle either, and rushed towards Felice:

"Fallen angels, you came to the world from hell without permission. In the name of God, I judge you, go back to hell, and continue to repent for the sin of depravity you committed!"

the other side.

Seeing Jiexiu and Kaili rushing towards Phyllis, Zhang Wei did not follow up and looked at Jiexiu and Kaili curiously:

"Is this the rumored Knights of Judgment? The power of angels is quite interesting."

can be seen.

At this time, Jiexiu and Kaili, after they threw out the suitcase with the cross printed on it, the suitcase burst into light and turned into a bright light, covering them, dyeing their whole bodies with a golden layer. Radiant, looked holy, besides, behind them also grew a pair of angel wings made of light.

"Xiaoxue, I feel that the power of this angel will look good on you and Xiao Mantou."

Zhang Wei said without thinking.

Lu Lian gave Zhang Wei a white look:

"I think you want to see how Xiaolin and I grow wings. I suspect that you are plotting something wrong, but Zhang Wei, are you sure it's time to drive? They are going to attack Mr. Jiexiu and the others."

Lu Lianxue saw that the archbishop in black had no fair intentions when he saw Jiexiu and Kaili rushing towards Felice, and he and the two fallen angels beside him shot to help Felice kill them.


But it was just about to start.

At some point, a figure appeared in front of them, reaching out and grabbing the anti-cross that the archbishop in black had just picked up.

Sudden change.

The archbishop in black and the two fallen angels beside him were stunned, and they looked intently. It was Zhang Wei who stopped them, but said to Lu Lianxue in the distance:

"Xiaoxue, you are right. I shouldn't be driving now. After I solve the problem and they are driving, you should first think about what I just said."

in words.

There was an extra fan in Zhang Wei's hand, and he slapped the archbishop in black directly in the face.

Seeing the fan approaching the face of the archbishop in black, you must know that this is a magic weapon of the township level, not to mention the black-clothed archbishop of the half-step township level, even the ghosts of the township level dare not fight head-on, but unexpectedly expected...

"In the name of Satan, seal it."

Two devilish whispers lingered in my ears.

at the same time.

The archbishop in black did not choose to dodge, and accepted Zhang Wei's fan unbiasedly.

There was a crisp snap.

The archbishop in black was slapped by the fan, and the fan mark was left on his face in an instant, and his cheeks were red, and then nothing, just red, just like the moment he was slapped by an ordinary fan.

"It hurts."

The archbishop in black looked at Zhang Wei and sneered.


Zhang Wei didn't look at the archbishop in black. Instead, he looked at the two fallen angels of the top ghost kings behind them. They were emitting dark light. Looking carefully, his own national-level fan was also stained with a layer of darkness. .

at this time.

The voice of the archbishop in black came:

"Do you think we don't know that you have a national-level magic weapon? We have already prepared for it. With the dark power of Lord Satan invited by the fallen angels, your national-level magic weapon is no different from an ordinary fan."

The voice did not fall.

The two fallen angels behind him also spoke out one after another:

"Your fan has the power to ignore God's protection, so what, it's against God, it's useless against Lord Satan."

"With Lord Satan's dark power, without the town-level magic weapon, I see how arrogant you are."

Facing the words of the archbishop in black.

Zhang Wei raised a smile when he heard the words:


sound up.

Under the gaze of the archbishop in black, he raised his fan again and fanned it towards the archbishop in black. As he raised it, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

【Ding! Blessing the town-level fan system points...]


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