Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 641 Quick, Accurate And Ruthless Zhang Wei, Come To The Vatican To Buy High-Quality Goods

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei's fan was also waved by his hand, and it slapped the archbishop in black on the face.


A second ago, the archbishop in black who had not been slapped in front of Zhang Wei raised his fan again, with a mocking disdain on his face:

"Hehe, I'm really not afraid...Wait, isn't it!?"

【Ding! The black-clothed archbishop changes color]

[Host obtains system points +530]

In the next second, as the fan fanned out, feeling the bursting out of the terrifying power, the archbishop in black's face stopped abruptly with disdain, and some were startled and panicked.

【Ding! The archbishop in black... His fan was broken? ! How could this happen, how did he do it... Don't! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +540]

"Do not……"

The archbishop in black screamed in horror.


Before he finished speaking, his voice faltered.

The archbishop in black was slapped in the face, accompanied by a bang, and within a blink of an eye, the head of the archbishop in black flickered and disappeared, leaving only the headless body of the archbishop in black.

【Ding! Two fallen angels... I Cao? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

It all happened so fast.

The archbishop in black couldn't react, he was too close to Zhang Wei, so they just faced each other.

As an existence of the same level as Zhang Wei, he also has the "unsealed" magic weapon of the township level. Even though the archbishop in black has realized that the fan has not been sealed by Satan's power, he still can't resist it. They are too close to each other. He was able to raise his hand to subconsciously protect his face, resisting Zhang Wei's fan slapping his face.

And the result...

Not even the hand with which he was covering his face, nor his head.

This scene.

It was clearly seen by the two fallen angels behind them. Although everything happened very quickly, relying on the powerful strength of the fallen angels, they captured the whereabouts of the head of the archbishop in black and subconsciously looked towards the sky.

Look intently.

On the dark cloud-topped sky in the distance, at an altitude of a thousand meters, there is a head with a black hood and a severed hand attached to the head.

The two fallen angels both saw that Zhang Wei was slapped down with a fan, and the head of the black-clothed archbishop with a half-step township level was blown off.

see this.

The two fallen angels looked at Zhang Wei together, their faces full of disbelief:

"What the hell did you do?"

"Impossible, how did your magic weapon unseal?!"

【Ding! Two fallen angels... He can not only ignore God's protection, but also Satan's power? 】

[Host obtains system points +560]

To this.

Zhang Wei looked at the two fallen angels, stretched out his hand and pushed the headless archbishop in front of him, and the headless body of the black-clothed archbishop fell to the ground. He then grinned and said with a smile:

"The power of Satan? That's it?"

【Ding! The two fallen angels feel humiliated]

[Host obtains system points +570]

"you wanna die!"

"Master Satan, how can you blaspheme!"

The two fallen angels roared, and more Satanic power poured out of them. Although they don't know how Zhang Wei ignored the Satanic power, the only thing they can deal with Zhang Wei now is the Satanic power.


Under Zhang Wei's gaze, the bodies of the two fallen angels changed suddenly, their handsome faces became ferocious, the horns of the devil rose from their heads, and two pairs of wings grew out of the fallen angels. They were summoned by paying a price. Satanic power.

They all rushed towards Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei did not retreat but advanced, his eyes were full of light:

"The corpses of the two fallen angels still have the power of Satan after death, so they should be worth a lot of money."


the other side.

When Zhang Wei shot.

Jiexiu and Kaili also confronted Felice, and with the blessing of angel power, the power they wielded together was half a step at the national level.


The two of them are like angels descending to earth, waving the angel wings formed by the condensed light behind them, one after another the feathers flutter down, and then the feathers are piled up in their hands, condensing a bar of angel spears.

"In the name of the angel Michael, grant judgment and punishment!"

Jie Xiu scolded them lightly.

Flying high above the sky, they all threw the feathered angel spears in their hands towards Felice below.

call out!

call out!

In the shock of passers-by, and the worshiping eyes of passers-by who believe in Christianity.

Two angel spears pierced the sky and merged into a huge angel spear, gorgeous and sharp, as if it wanted to penetrate the sky, and shot directly at Felice.


Felice sneered, and the four-winged black wings behind her suddenly moved forward, blocking the four pairs of wings in front of her.

next moment.

The angel's spear collided with the wings, arousing bright and dark sparks of light, as if light and darkness collided.


As soon as Felice drank, the four pairs of black wings spread out vigorously, and the angel spear was blown away, and the angel spear turned into shining light spots in the air as if it had been severely injured.

"If Michael did it himself, I would still be afraid, but the Michael method you used is just an inferior version."

in words.

The four pairs of black wings behind Felice flapped, and the wings flowed with black light without causing any damage.

When Jiexiu and Kaili saw this, their pupils shrank suddenly, and their faces were serious:

"Trouble, this guy is the first batch of fallen angels who participated in the battle of heaven with Satan, not the fallen angels born later."

"The first generation of fallen angels, how did Zhang Wei provoke this level? It seems that the dark church is going to make a big move than expected. Even the first generation of fallen angels has been summoned. We must tell the head of the group and the Pope. .”

Just as they whispered.

A terrifying force erupted, and together with them, Felice was stunned. Although she didn't look back, feeling the power of the township, they all understood that it was the archbishop in black and they followed Zhang. Wei started fighting.

To this.

Jiexiu and Kaili couldn't help but say happily:

"Almost forgot, Mr. Zhang Wei has a town-level magic weapon."

"It seems that we have to change our strategy. Hold this fallen archangel and buy time for Mr. Zhang Wei. When he handles the other side well, come and help us suppress this fallen archangel together."

They didn't lower their voices because it wasn't necessary. Even if the other party listened, it didn't matter. The two of them could temporarily stop Felice, or even deliberately let her hear it, so as to make the other party panic.

It's just a good idea, but the reality is different.

Face their words.

Phyllis laughed out loud, without looking at Zhang Wei, she pointed at Jiexiu and the others and said:

"Want to kill me with a Zhenguo-level magic weapon? Do you think I came to kill Zhang Wei without getting to know him first? Have I thought about how to deal with the Zhenguo-level magic weapon?"

As soon as his words came out.

Both Jiexiu and Kaili's expressions changed. It was indeed as they said, the fallen archangel dared to make a move openly, and he was carrying the archbishop in black, so he definitely couldn't just come here casually.


Now the situation can no longer care about them.

"No matter what, let's stop you first."


Jiexiu and Kaili looked at each other, although they realized that Zhang Wei's state-level magic weapon would definitely be suppressed, and he might not even come to help them, and he might not be able to protect himself, but they didn't plan to run away and made a decision. At the expense of himself, he must summon more angel power to restrain Felice and wait for the support of the Judgment Knights.

However, the next second.

Just as they risked it, they began to chant aloud:

"Great angel Michael, please listen to my heart, I, Jiexiu/Kerry, would like to use myself..."

The words were just half read.

A voice sounded, interrupting Jiexiu and Kaili's singing, and also interrupting Felice's just about to make a move.

"Have you finished solving that Jiexiu, Mr. Carey?"

As soon as his words came out.

Whether it was Jiexiu, Kaili, or Felice, they were all stunned. They subconsciously turned their heads to look, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... I Cao? Just kidding? 】

[Host obtains system points +560]

I saw...

That's not far.

Zhang Wei held the head of the archbishop in black in one hand, and the corpses of two fallen angels whose bones were shattered into soft mud in the other, and said slowly:

"I'm done here, do you need my help?"


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