Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 642 Thanks To Lord Satan For The Gift

Zhang Wei's voice echoed in the ears of Jiexiu, Kaili, and Felice.

Jiexiu and Kaili were stunned.

Phyllis also...

【Ding! Fallen Archangel...? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +570]

this moment.

Both Jiexiu and Kaili were in a daze, thinking that they were hallucinating for a while, but when they saw Felice's astonished eyes not far away, they realized that this was not an hallucination, it was real, in other words, Zhang The head and corpse in Wei's hand are real.

realize this.

Jiexiu and the two are not calm anymore:

"My God? Mr. Zhang Wei, you..."

"The archbishop in black was killed by you? So fast?!"

They uttered their voices one after another, and they couldn't care less about singing for a while.

That's the archbishop in black! He is the archbishop in red who is comparable to the Holy See, and he is a real half-step township. Isn't Zhang Wei also a half-step township? Why is it so obvious that even if there is a gap between the two at the national level of Banbu Town? It's only been a few minutes?


Whether Jiexiu, Kaili, or Felice, they all looked at a roadside clock in the square.

can be seen.

From the time they came to the present, the minute hand went from the fifth frame to the sixth frame, less than a minute has passed.

【Ding! Fallen Archangel...killed Banbu Zhenguo in one minute? Are you kidding me? ! No, it's not impossible. 】

[Host obtains system points +570]

Phyllis seemed to have thought of something, her eyes fell on the fan at Zhang Wei's waist, recalling the state-level aura she felt just now, her expression suddenly changed and she said in surprise:

"Your magic weapon hasn't been sealed?! Damn it, what are Lachesi and the others doing! No, they have the power of Lord Satan, and they have to use their power."

It said.

Looking at the corpses of the two fallen angels in Zhang Wei's hands, Felice's face was full of disbelief when she felt the remaining power of Satan.


An idea popped into my mind irresistibly.

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... Can't Satan's power seal his country-level magic weapon? 】

[Host obtains system points +580]

Although the idea is the same as the Arabian Nights, a magic weapon that can ignore God and the power of Satan is absolutely unique in the world, but it can be combined with the current situation, only this possibility can explain it.

Can't help it.

Phyllis looked at Zhang Wei in shock:

"What exactly did you refine?"

at the same time.

Jiexiu and Kaili were also shocked. They both heard Felice's words and felt it. The satanic power in the dead two fallen angels already knew the situation, and Felice used it to deal with Zhang Wei's suppressing power. The method of national-level magic weapon is to use the power of Satan to seal the town-level magic weapon with its power.


Judging from the current situation, Zhang Wei clearly displayed his magic weapon, which was not sealed by Satan's power. He resisted, and used the national level magic weapon to instantly kill the archbishop in black and the two fallen angels.

Get the truth.

Jiexiu and Kaili couldn't calm down anymore, their eyes widened:

"Is he sure that what he refined is a magical weapon? This is not a magical weapon, it is simply a divine weapon."

"Is it really made by him? Humans can make artifacts?"

Also at this time.

Faced with Felice's questioning, Zhang Wei did not choose to ignore it, and looked over and said:

"Want to know? Answer me a question and I'll tell you."

As soon as his words came out.

Felice was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously replied:

"what is the problem?"

【Ding! The fallen archangel is curious... Can human beings refine weapons that ignore the power of God and Satan? What's the situation?】

[Host obtains system points +590]

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei's voice also followed closely:

"That's what I was thinking. Fallen angels can eat, so will you poop? If so, then fallen angels eat dog poop. Is the fallen angel poop or dog poop?"

Phyllis: "????"

Jiexiu and Kaili: "????"

Matt: "????"

Lu Lianxue: "Pfft..."

Even the well-cultivated trial knights Jiexiu, Kaili, and the fallen archangel Phyllis couldn't hold back the sudden content of the question.

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... Damn it, are you just playing philosophy or Russian matryoshka? 】

[Host obtains system points +600]

next second.

"you wanna die!!"

Phyllis felt humiliated. She was a majestic fallen archangel. She participated in the first battle of heaven, but was humiliated by a mere human. For a while, she didn't care about Jiexiu and Kaili, and planned to kill Zhang Wei first. .

Seeing Felice spreading her black wings and coming towards her, Zhang Wei responded calmly:

"I'm not looking for death, I just want you to answer this shit-eating question."

in words.

Zhang Wei raised his hand to pick up his fan, and slammed it towards Felice.

boom! !

Like a level 12 typhoon sweeping through, Felice was blown away as if being hit hard, her black wings were no longer smooth, and black angel feathers fell one after another in the strong wind.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei shouted in fluent English to a passerby holding a poodle not far away:

"Hello, can you understand English, please let your dog shit out, I want to watch angels eat shit in the holy St. Peter's Square."

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... You're on a horse! 】

[Host obtains system points +610]

"I'm going to kill you!!"

Felice, who was blown away, had just stabilized when she heard Zhang Wei's words.

Without the slightest hesitation.

With a wave of Felice's hand, an ancient power of fallen angels surged out in the form of dark light, condensed in front of her, and a pitch-black angel spear appeared, accompanied by a dark light on her body, and the light dissipated , a dark and majestic angel armor appeared on its body.

this moment.

Felice is no longer an elegant woman, but more like a Valkyrie, a battle angel who has conquered heaven!

"O God of Darkness Satan, please grant me the power of evil darkness to tear apart the human beings who blaspheme your majesty. I, Phyllis, offer the name of the fallen archangel, and I swear here that I will not insult your darkness, and will Satan's fears spill over the world again."

Accompanied by a long hell chant.


St. Peter's Square, which was supposed to be full of sacredness, seemed to be connected to hell. Phantoms of hell-like horror emerged sacredly in Felice, and an indescribable dark force surged on her.

"The power of Satan!"

Jiexiu and Kaili changed their colors, and felt the same satanic power from the two fallen angels who died earlier from Felice. No, its power was purer and more terrifying than the latter, as if it was about to descend at this moment.

It is also this moment.

Feeling the Satanic power surging in her body, Felice, transformed into a battle angel, poured the power of Satan into the angel spear in her hand, and forcibly lifted the half-step national-level angel spear in her hand to a higher level. For the national level, it still contains the power of Satan.

"Thank you Lord Satan for the gift."

Phyllis spoke.


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