Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 643 Jiexiu And Kaili Are Dumbfounded And Can't Hold Back Anymore

Feeling the abundant power of Satan, Felice rushed towards Zhang Wei without saying a word.

To this.

Zhang Wei also went up to meet him.

Seeing this scene, Jiexiu and Kaili's eyelids twitched wildly, and they quickly yelled out a reminder:

"Mr. Zhang Wei be careful!! That is the power of Satan. The current fallen angels are the real form of fallen angels. This is only the earliest batch of fallen angels. At the beginning, fallen angels were punished by God as fallen angels. In terms of form It has also been changed."

"Mr. Zhang Wei, don't go head-to-head with the opponent, the form of the fallen angel is liberated, it's...a gift crab!!!"

The words are not finished yet.

The roar turned into a sharp exclamation.

Jiexiu and Kaili's eyeballs were about to pop out, and they no longer had the dignity and composure of being a judge knight. Their faces were full of surprise, and they were stunned in place.


Felice, who had liberated the original form of the fallen angel, was blessed by the power of Satan, like a fallen god, turning everything it passed into darkness, as if to pull the world into darkness.

Compared to its terrifying momentum.

Zhang Wei, who stepped forward without fear, looked plain, exuding a half-step township-level aura, and his clothes were blown and rattled, that's all.


In terms of momentum, the former crushed the latter. It seemed that the result of the battle was already clear, but at the moment of collision...

boom! ! ! !

Felice's angelic spear pierced straight out.

Zhang Wei raised his fan with his backhand and slapped it on the angel's spear, accompanied by the sound of clanging metal.

next moment.

Felice's entire angel spear trembled violently, as if what she had hit was not a fan, but a mountain. The entire spear trembled, rebounding with huge inertia, bringing Felice and the angel spear together , They all flew out backwards.

Same time.

There is also the power of Satan condensed on the angel's spear, like a dam that has opened its gates to release the flood. The power of Satan overflows and rushes towards Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei waved his fan again, and with a light slap, came the flood The power of Satan is like paper, blown away by a fan.

The power of Satan...not to mention hurting Zhang Wei, he couldn't even get close.

"my Lord!"


Seeing the flying backwards and the defeated Satanic power, Jiexiu and Kaili fell into a daze.

the other side.

【Ding! The Fallen Archangel is confused]

[Host obtains system points +600]

Confused, Felice, who flew upside down, stabilized her figure in the air, and pointed her gaze at Zhang Wei, with an unconcealable shock in her eyes:

"You can even blow away my satanic power?"

As a fallen angel, she knows better than anyone else that her satanic power is different from the satanic power of the previous two fallen angels. Compared with the latter, her satanic power is purified and is the real satanic power. Because he himself was the first batch of fallen angels.

in its view.

The latter's Satanic power has somehow borrowed from Satan, and it is mottled. Zhang Wei is able to resist, and somewhat has the advantage in strength, but now it seems that this is not the case. His magic weapon is really immune to it. Satanic power.

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard this, shook the fan in his hand and said:

"Calm down, the magic weapon I made is like this, except that it can't blow in the direction, my fan can blow anything."

Phyllis: "????"

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... What is that Chaobuki? Damn it, I don’t know how to blow, otherwise I can restrain him]

[Host obtains system points +610]

Living in hell for a long time, Felice didn't know the meaning of the modern word Zhang Wei said.

To this.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"It seems that you don't know how to blow to the wind, do you?"


Felice was taken aback when she heard that, then frowned and said in a choked voice:

"Nonsense, fallen angels are great and noble, there is something we don't know."

"So you can blow toward me? I thought fallen angels wouldn't."

"Big Xia people, are you underestimating our fallen angels?"

Felice's face sank, and she raised the fallen angel spear in her hand:

"I won't blow it to you, I will use the power of Satan to kill it."

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... Horse-riding, what is Chao Chui, damn it, if only I could know Chao Chui]

[Host obtains system points +620]

"Won't it blow towards me? Then I won't be afraid. Originally, I wanted to see how the fallen angel blows towards me."

"Hmph! Great Xia people, put away your provocative methods, and pretend that I can't see that you are provoking me."

Facing Zhang Wei's ridicule, Felice, who didn't know the truth, could only pretend to know and sneered.


She raised the angel spear in her hand to kill again.

at the same time.

The conversation between Zhang Wei and Felice, their voices were unrestrained, was heard by Jiexiu, Kaili and others. For a while, the corners of Jiexiu's mouths and the passers-by twitched... Is this exorcism of fallen angels? It's still in "The Tsundere Fallen Angel Avi Who Came to the World by Chance".

Think about it.

Looking at Felice's sneer, it somehow felt more like being arrogant to Zhang Wei, especially the next conversation with Zhang Wei, even the two trial knights, Jiexiu and Kaili, couldn't hold back.

"I'm sorry to be discovered by you, but are you really not going to blow up, you will be killed by me."

in words.

Zhang Wei slapped Felice wildly, and the wind blew up, making the feathers behind Felice messy, and the angel armor on her body was rattling. She has a town-level magic weapon, and the system can ignore all evil Attack, Zhang Wei is completely fearless.

Felice could only grit her teeth and resist:

"It's just a mere Daxia person, so it's no use for me to blow it up."

"You are such a stubborn fallen angel, then I will see how long you can be stubborn, how long you can last, hahahaha, you see your feathers are messed up by me."

"Shut up! Even if I die, I won't blow it to you"

Felice gritted her teeth and looked at Zhang Wei in embarrassment:

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... This Zhang Wei has been asking me to blow it up, it must be a fraud, maybe even if I blow it up, he has a back-up plan]

[Host obtains system points +630]

the other side.

Watching the conversation between Zhang Wei and Felice, not to mention Jiexiu and Kaili, even the passers-by were stunned. The previous fear of encountering fallen angels and skeletons had long since disappeared. On the contrary, not only was there no fear anymore , some people are a little hyperactive.

Time flies.

Felice was slapped away again, and with a bang, Felice was smashed to the ground, hitting a life hole on the bluestone ground.

Zhang Wei jumped and came to the edge of the pit, looking down at Felice who had been severely injured in the pit:

"Compared to your Satan, am I stronger?"

"Go away! Master Satan is the most powerful."

"Still stubborn? Give me a slap."


"Quickly tell me, it's me, or your Satan. Look at you now, your Satan can't protect you at all."

As soon as his words came out.

Jiexiu and Kaili looked at each other...God, are we dirty? Why does Mr. Zhang Wei say something now, I feel so terrified.


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