Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 644 Zhang Wei: Blessed By The Heavens, The Jade Emperor Said

Just when Jiexiu and Kaili looked at each other.

Zhang Wei's voice came again:

"It seems that Satan can't protect you."

in words.

Zhang Wei looked at Felice, who had vomited blood and was seriously injured in the pit.

To this.

Felice gritted her teeth and looked at Zhang Wei. The beautiful face was already stained red with the blood of her own fallen angel, and it was faintly visible. There was a hint of doubt in her eyes:

"Are you a believer in God?"

【Ding! The fallen archangel... can ignore the protection of God and restrain the power of Satan. Except for believers in God, there is no other possibility]

[Host acquisition system +640]

Although she was about to die, she was not afraid of death, because she knew that she was one of the first batch of fallen angels, angels created by God himself. To make them repent.

Also for this.

They, the first batch of fallen angels, will not be killed, and will continue to appear in hell after death, just like the angels are resurrected in the reincarnation pool after being killed, they will be resurrected in hell, in order to eternally pay homage to God repent.

This is God's mercy, but it is also punishment.


Knowing that she can't beat Zhang Wei and will be killed by him, Felice is not afraid, and wants to find out Zhang Wei's situation.

"I'm not a believer in God, do you look like me?"

Zhang Wei is outspoken.


Phyllis didn't believe it. In her view, Zhang Wei was basically a believer in God.

To this.

Zhang Wei also saw his thoughts, and couldn't help but smile:

"It seems that you don't believe me, that's fine, I'll prove it to you..."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath and let it out. The next second, he looked directly at Felice and cursed in fluent English:

"Look straight at me, damn, are you a badass, or your whole family is dead? I've said it all. I'm not a believer in God. Why don't you believe me? Do you want me to force you to scold you? You Sima bastard, drafting, your whole family..."

Immediately afterwards.

Ten full minutes.

Zhang Wei cursed for ten minutes, covering Felice from beginning to end, from brother to sister, using almost all the English words that can be cursed, and greeting the entire genealogy of fallen angels:

"Are you sure now? I'm not a believer in God. After all, people who believe in God are not allowed to swear, right, Mr. Jiexiu, Mr. Carey."

Phyllis: "..."

Jiexiu and Carey: "..."

this moment.

Whether it's Phyllis, Jiexiu or Carey, they are all very sure that Zhang Wei is definitely not a believer in God, and just talking to him just a few minutes ago, if he is a believer in God, he will definitely go to hell.

【Ding! Fallen Archangel wants to curse]

[Host obtains system points +660]

at this time.

Zhang Wei looked at Felice again:

"Look, I'm insulting you crazily now, and the Satan you believe in won't even help you by scolding me a few words, and can't help you, so I'm right, Satan can't give you safety, but, I can, how about it, do you want to change to my name?"

Jiexiu and Kaili: "????"

Matt: "????"


Without waiting for Jiexiu and the others to think.

Zhang Wei looked at Felice, smiled slightly, and said slowly:

"Fallis, the Fallen Archangel, although you were punished by God in hell, I am very moved by your loyal servant to Satan. For this loyal servant, I decided to give you a reward."

It's not loud.

echoed in everyone's ears.


Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Wei casually pointed at the void in front of him, and with half a step of power at the national level, he outlined a piece of paper out of thin air. To be precise, it was more like an ancient edict than a paper.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came out:

"Fortunately, the Jade Emperor ordered that the Fallen Archangel Felice fought fiercely in Da Xia Zhang Wei, and she showed admirable loyalty. I hereby approve and reward the Fallen Archangel and grant purification. I respect you!"

The words fell.

Zhang Wei casually slapped the sketched paper towards Felice:

"The Fallen Archangel Phyllis received the order."

sound up.

Zhang Wei glanced at the system panel in front of him and looked at the system points on the [System Column]. Through the battle with Felice, he knew that the total number of system points he had accumulated over the past few days surpassed Felice in terms of strength. .

Think here.

A system prompt sounded in his mind:

[Exercise the ability to 'do whatever you want'! 】


In the eyes of outsiders, the edict of Zhang Wei fell on Felice, and she yelled in an instant:


at the same time.

Bright light burst out from her body, its light was neither dark nor terrifying, but a brilliant and brilliant light, like the radiance of the sun.


Jiexiu and Kaili changed color upon seeing this:

"What is Mr. Zhang Wei doing?"

"this is?"

Accompanied by the astonishment of Jiexiu and others.

Phyllis' body lay flat and floated up out of thin air, and the dark light continuously overflowed from her whole body, replaced by brilliant light, like the alternation of darkness and light, like washing.

can be seen.

Felice's two pairs of black wings are fading visible to the naked eye. From the root of the wings to the tip of the wings, the black is fading and turning into a holy white. The demon horns on her head are also rapidly dissipating, turning into glistening powder .

Not just visually.

Jiexiu, Kelly, and Matt all felt that Felice, who was full of depraved aura before, was gradually becoming holy.

And that holy...

Jiexiu and Kaili felt the most deeply. They subconsciously looked at the radiant angel wings condensed by the angel power behind them, and their faces changed greatly in shock:

"Is it the breath of an angel?!"

"How is it possible, the fallen archangel has the breath of an angel, no, Jiexiu, look."

Carey glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and he was completely stunned.

I saw...

The angel armor on Felice's body, which he was looking at, was also changing, becoming holy and flawless, and even the clothes on her body changed to holy white, just like the angels in the murals of the Vatican Church.

When everyone comes back to their senses.

Look at Phyllis again.

Everyone, including Jiexiu and Kaili, was stunned, and a passer-by murmured in shock:

"God, angel..."

"My God, angel!"

this moment.

Felice is no longer dark, whether it is clothing, wings, breath, etc., she is exactly the same as the legendary angel.

Even Phyllis was stunned.

【Ding! Fallen Archangel... I was transformed back into an angel, purified? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +670]

Feeling the changes in her body, the surging holy power in her body, which was the power she had only in heaven, was the holy power of an angel, and Felice was absolutely shocked.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"Satan can't give you safety. I'll give it to you and give you purification. Then you can go to die. Speaking of which, if you die in hell in the form of an angel, will you be beaten to death by your Satan?"


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