at the same time.

Felice was still in shock, feeling the changes in herself. She was stunned and looked at Zhang Wei in disbelief. For a moment, she didn't even have time to get angry with Zhang Wei's words, so she couldn't help asking:

"Who the hell are you? Why can you break God's curse."

【Ding! Fallen archangel... Am I dreaming, a human being who broke God's curse on the fall? 】

[Host obtains system points +600]

It's not loud.

But Jiexiu and Kaili who were not far away heard it, and their bodies trembled violently:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, he lifted God's punishment?"

"My God, how did Mr. Zhang Wei do it..."

Seeing the changes in Felice before, they were aware of the situation, but even if they realized it, they were unwilling to believe it. They felt that they might be thinking too much, maybe not what they thought, but when Felice said the words , They knew that their unbelievable idea had been confirmed.

Just when they were confused.

An excited voice sounded.

That's Matt.

He was full of excitement, looking back and forth at Phyllis, looking at the angel form, and couldn't help but look like Zhang Wei again. Jiexiu and Kelly had seen it, and Matt's expression was different from theirs, not shocked, more What is true and excited, said excitedly to himself:

"Haha, I just know, the Jade Emperor... no, Mr. Zhang Wei is very powerful, the Jade Emperor...cough, Mr. Zhang Wei lives as long as the sky! It is worthy of being the Jade Emperor... no, it is worthy of being Mr. Zhang Wei, too strong !too strong!!"


Matt was so excited that he was incoherent. It was really a 'miracle' in front of him. It was too miraculous. This was not a curse punishment from the exorcist, but a punishment from God himself, the helm of heaven, but Zhang Wei did not It is lifted.

in its view.

Zhang Wei proved with his actions that the Jade Emperor is so powerful that even if it is God's punishment, he can take action to solve it. This is the Jade Emperor, the highest existence in the East who commands hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and immortals, and controls the heaven.

this moment.

Matt's heart became firm again. Sure enough, the Jade Emperor is stronger than God! Enjoy the blessing forever! Shou and Tian Qi!

Jiexiu and Carey were stunned, and looked at Matt in surprise. Although Matt spoke incoherently, they still heard some fragments:

"The Jade Emperor? Is Matt talking about the Jade Emperor from the Eastern Taoists?"

"Zhang Wei was able to get rid of God's punishment because he believed in the Jade Emperor? Are you kidding me?"

Before they came, they had heard that Zhang Wei was not a believer in God, but the Jade Emperor. He was said to be the main god of the East, comparable to the God of the West.


They didn't have time to think about it.

see you...

For Phyllis' question, Zhang Wei only replied two words:

"you guess."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei raised the fan in his hand and swung it down. Felice felt the scene in front of her shake in the wind like a knife, and then fell to the ground. Her head was cut off and fell to Zhang Wei's feet.

Accompanied by the moment Felice's head fell to the ground.

There was a burst of shouting.

"don't want!!"

"my Lord!!"


Full of heart-piercing shouts, both Zhang Wei and Jiexiu heard them, and couldn't help it, Zhang Wei followed the sound:

"Judgment Knights?"

In the direction of the sound, a dozen figures ran over. Like Jiexiu and Carey, they were dressed in white suits and carried a suitcase with a cross logo in their hands.

Jiexiu and the others also saw the visitor, and they were all pleasantly surprised:

"It's the leader."

"The captain and the others are here."


They were about to go up to join the leader of the Judgment Knights and others who rushed over, but before they could step out, they were all startled, and suddenly noticed that the expressions of the leader and the others were not right. You are even more angry, all eyes are on Zhang Wei.


the other side.

The head of the Judgment Knights rushed to St. Peter's Square.

Not long ago, they were still investigating the fallen angels, all the way to the neighboring country of Italy, but at this time, they received a message from Jiexiu and Kaili, saying that Zhang Wei was really attacked and killed by the fallen angels, and he was still A very powerful fallen angel, the first batch of fallen angels.

Learn about the situation.

Without further ado, the leader immediately brought a dozen members of the Judgment Knights to support him.


They came to St. Peter's Square, and using the powerful angelic power, they broke through the fallen realm that was cast by the fallen angels, which was similar to the ghost domain, and before they could help them, they saw an unforgettable scene as soon as they entered.

They saw an angel! ! !

in addition.

They also saw the most sacred and supreme angel in their hearts, whose head was cut off by a young man waving his hand.

This scene.

It was deeply imprinted in their eyes and deeply stimulated their nerves.


Together with the head of the group, everyone yelled, trying to prevent this from happening, but it was too late, Zhang Wei didn't wait to hear it at all, under their gaze, Zhang Wei raised his fan, and the angel's head was high It flew high and landed at Zhang Wei's feet.

"No! You god damn blasphemer!!"

The head of the group recovered and roared angrily in an instant, bursting out with a state-level aura, wanting to suppress Zhang Wei.

"Head, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, that is not an angel."

Seeing this, Jiexiu and Kaili were also aware of the situation, and there was no way, if they were not at the scene, they would have thought the same way if they were the team leaders, and hurriedly stood in front of Zhang Wei to explain.

"Huh? Jiexiu! Kaili! What are you doing! You want to betray the Knights of Judgment!"

"No, Commander, listen to us, what Mr. Zhang Wei killed was not an angel, but a fallen angel. Really, if you don't believe me, ask the people present."

"Huh? Do you think I'm blind? That's obviously the legendary Lord Angel. It's not like I haven't killed a fallen angel before, so I won't be able to tell the difference."

"Head, that is a real fallen angel, but it was purified back to an angel by Mr. Zhang Wei."

As soon as his words came out.

The head of the group and the other members of the trial knights were stunned, with "Huh? Are you kidding me?" expressions on their faces.

The leader frowned and said:

"Purify back to angels? Jiexiu, do you think we are fools? Without God's permission, how can fallen angels..."

The words are not finished yet.

Matt came over and showed the picture taken in his hand to the team leader. As a fanatic of Zhang Wei, Matt picked up his mobile phone early when he saw Zhang Wei fighting. The glory of the Jade Emperor was recorded.

Immediately afterwards.

Look at the video screen shot by Matt.

The leader and other members of the Judgment Knights were stunned, and when they came back to their senses, they all stared and shouted:

"my Lord!"


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