Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 647 There Is An Insider, Terminate The Transaction

"Ferris, are you sure you're not crazy?"

A fallen archangel spoke. Although he was dressed in noble clothes and had a noble demeanor, his expression did not match his demeanor at all. His face was full of bewilderment, and he looked at Felice like a ghost.

In fact.

The other fallen angels are not far behind:

"Are you kidding? You said that you were purified by the pope and returned to an angel. I believe it. You said that you were purified by an oriental man?"

"Either I'm crazy, or Phyllis is crazy."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can a dignified oriental human being deal with God's punishment?"

"Although I really don't want to admit it, I don't believe that a human being can solve the 'curse' of that old God guy so easily. Are you sure he is a human being? Is it possible that he is a container for angels to descend into the world?"

"I think so."

Facing the fallen angel's questioning, Felice shook her head and said firmly:

"I'm sure, I'm not crazy, and I can also be sure that he is definitely not a container, carrier, or possessed by an angel descending to the world. He is not even a believer in God. I am absolutely sure."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because... Zhang Wei scolded me, using extremely vulgar words, which is absolutely impossible for an angel to say."

I don't know if it's to prove that I'm not lying, or because I want to give a back, Felice recounted Zhang Wei's insults to her verbatim to the fallen archangel present.


The entire reincarnation pool was silent, and all the fallen angels were silent.

A long time passed.

The fallen archangel who questioned before said:

"It seems that he is really not an angel, or a believer in God, but how did he do it? Speaking of said that when Zhang Wei purified you, what did you say? Let me listen to it again. , I seem to have heard it somewhere."


Phyllis nodded, and then said what Zhang Wei wrote in the decree.

Can't help it.

The other fallen archangels present looked at the former, and one of the fallen archangels asked:

"Wilbur, did you hear something?"

He knew that although Wilbur hadn't appeared in the human world for hundreds of years, he had the experience of going to Great Xia when he was summoned to the human world hundreds of years ago. Compared with other fallen archangels, he knew the most People from Daxia have a certain understanding of the history of Daxia.

as predicted.

Wilbur nodded and said:

"The words read by Zhang Wei, the first two sentences are the special words issued by the ancient emperors of Daxia, which are similar to the holy words issued by the ancient emperors in the West, but..."


Wilbur paused, recalling what Felice said:

"His two sentences did not use the Emperor's edict, but the Jade Emperor's edict. In Daxia, the only person who can be called the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor in Eastern mythology. That is equivalent to the imperial edict of the Jade Emperor. The West is equivalent to the holy words spoken by God, and those who are given must abide by it.”

As soon as his words came out.

The other fallen archangels were stunned:

"You mean... Zhang Wei is a priest from the East? Or a believer in the Jade Emperor?"

For Zhang Wei's behavior, all the fallen archangels thought of the Holy See, and his behavior was no different from priests. Priests also like to talk about God's holy words and execute them, and even punish evil on behalf of God, such as the Knights of Judgment against Fallen angels like to say they represent God.


There are also fallen archangels who hold different opinions.

That was Wilbur, he shook his head and denied their opinion:

"It feels like Zhang Wei is not like a believer, but more like a spokesperson. He directly promulgates the words of the Jade Emperor, similar to the envoys of Western emperors. matter."

"You mean... Zhang Wei is like a spokesman for God? He is the Pope of the East?"

"You can say that."

Words speak.

The faces of the fallen archangels are indescribably weird:

"So Felice was pardoned by God and fell, but the Jade Emperor did it?"

Felice also had a strange expression, and then, she seemed to think of something, and said suddenly:

"Let's quickly tell Master Satan about this matter. Although I don't know whether God will be angry or what when he finds out about this, Lord Satan will definitely be very happy. God's masterpiece for us has been destroyed. This is a slap in the face God, Master Satan likes this kind of thing the most."


The fallen archangels were overjoyed when they heard this, and hurried to report to Satan.

But at this time.


A dark light bloomed.

Suddenly, a dark portal appeared beside Felice. It was a summoning portal from the human world. Felice looked at the portal and the lines on it. Summon her portal:

"Is Master Hill calling me?"

Phyllis said.


the other side.

Italy, in the big manor.

Hill didn't know about Felice's situation, and was still drinking red wine, rubbing it with his arms around a nun from the Dark Church.

Just when it feels like kneading is almost ready to go further.

The door is banging


Hill frowned, showing an unhappy yet elegant look.

"It's me, Lord Hill, I have something urgent to report to you. The archbishop in black we sent to help Lord Felice died, and according to the news from over there... Lord Felice is also... dead too. gone."

Say it for a moment.

The door was also opened. When Hill heard that Felice had died, he didn't bother to rub it. He came to the door in an instant, opened the door, and looked directly at the dark Holy See youth in front of the door.

"Are you sure Phyllis was killed?"

"Yes, yes, I don't know what happened there, but the people from the Dark Vatican who went together couldn't feel the aura of Lord Felice, and there was an extremely pure and holy angelic aura."

"Angel breath? Could it be that the Judgment Knight summoned the Angel down? It shouldn't be, Zhang Wei will let the Judgment Knight pay the price to summon the Angel?"

"I don't know, the situation over there is blocked, and I can't find out for now."

The young man said, hesitated for a while and continued:

"Master Hill, we are ready for the summoning ceremony. We want to re-summon Lord Phyllis or other fallen angels."

"Go and summon Phyllis. I need to know the situation. If it is really an angel, it will be a little troublesome. I will call it myself."


Led by the youth, Hill went to the place where the summoning ceremony was held, and personally presided over the summoning.


Accompanied by the chanting, the summoning portal was opened, and Hill said

"Answer my call, Phyllis."


There was movement at the portal, and a holy radiance that Hill hadn't expected burst out, and a holy figure walked out of it:

"My Cao? What's the situation?"

Including Hill, all the people present at the Dark Church stared wide-eyed. They subconsciously looked at the Dark Summoning Portal, and then at the holy figure. There were a hundred thousand reasons in their minds... The Lord Fallen Archangel summoned an angel ?

this moment.

The people in the Dark Vatican were all dumbfounded, and their expressions were surprisingly the same, and they almost said, 'I Cao? Insider, stop deal' written all over his face.

It is also this moment.

Hill, who was also dumbfounded, looked fiercely at the young man beside him:

"Didn't I summon a fallen angel? Why did an angel come out?! Damn it, the summoning ceremony you prepared is an angel ceremony?!"


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