Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 648 Enemies Turned Into Bodyguards In The Name Of Lord Satan

The young man was taken aback by Hill's ruthless gaze, but at the same time the corners of his mouth twitched. Shouldn't we say this? We also want to ask you, how did you summon an angel.

"Master Hill, it's none of our business. We prepared everything according to the ritual that summoned you before."

"Do you think I'm an idiot? The ritual of summoning fallen angels can summon angels?"

The words fell.

The young man was stunned, and even Hill who said this was also stunned. They all looked at the door and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"It doesn't seem right, isn't that the dark portal?"

The young man grunted.

Although there is an angel figure about to walk out, the dark lines on the portal and the dark light emitted are eye-catching. Even if they are color blind, they can still distinguish black and white.

Hill is the same, as the first batch of fallen angels, he used to be an angel, knowing that angels are summoned, it is absolutely impossible to walk out of the dark portal, that is a kind of blasphemy against God, and a blasphemy against his own holiness, and will never allow do it.

Just when they were confused.

"Master Hill."

Did the holy angel finally come out? As soon as he appeared, he glanced around, his eyes fell on Hill, and he spoke bluntly:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hill, I didn't get the matter you asked me to kill Zhang Wei."

It's not loud.

But Hill heard it clearly, subconsciously, Hill looked at the holy angel, then froze, hesitated and said:

"Ferris? Are you...Ferris?"

The more they look, the more they resemble each other.

Although Phyllis became holy, Hill quickly recognized her face and proud figure, and was stunned in place.

is also at this time.

Phyllis didn't keep her secret, and quickly explained, for fear that Hill would be like other fallen archangels.


With the explanation finished.

Like other fallen angels, Hill looked at Felice with a weird face, but in the end, Felice imitated Zhang Wei and scolded him with vulgar words, confirming that even if Felice became an angel, she would still stand in the fallen world. On the angel side, after all, angels don't swear.

But at the same time.

Hill was also shocked:

"Ferris, you mean... Zhang Wei turned into an angel for you?"

"Yes, but even though he turned me into an angel, I don't know if God didn't find out, or if the light changed my shape and power. The curse of falling may still be there, so after I died, I didn't appear in the Heavenly Reincarnation Pool. It's in Hell's Reincarnation Pool."

"No wonder you came out of the dark portal."

Hill suddenly realized, but the surprise in his eyes did not diminish, as if he had discovered a new world, he looked back and forth at Felice:

"It's too similar, no, it's exactly the same, whether it's breath or appearance, Felice, you are the same now as you were when you were an angel. This is definitely the power of an angel, right?"

"Yes, the power of angels."

Felice nodded, raised her hand and opened it, and a holy flame appeared:

"Look at the flame of the fallen angel I cast, it has now become a flame of angel power. If I go out to the Holy See now, they will definitely think that I am an angel descending."

can be seen.

Although she was killed by Zhang Wei and was purified into an angel by Zhang Wei, as time passed, Felice's anger decreased and turned into happiness. Now she has become an angel with angelic power. Knowing the power of angels, they are very lethal in hell, and they are the nemesis of hell.


Thinking that I have become an angel, it must be very interesting if I let the heaven know, the angels of Michael should be very angry, right?

Just thinking about it.

Felice was in a very happy mood, and whispered:

"Dying this time is a blessing in disguise. I really want the heaven to see that I have turned back into an angel under God's punishment. Will they die of anger?"

Hill nodded dismissively:

"Indeed, I didn't expect to send you to kill Zhang Wei, and there would be unexpected rewards. Although you didn't complete the task, it's okay. If I had known, I would have followed you."

The words did not fall.

Hill stared straight at Felice, and said slowly:

"If you go to heaven now, to be honest, no one in heaven will think you are a fallen angel, and you can definitely be an undercover agent, haha."

That's all for words.

Hill's eyes flickered, with a flash of envy, and some regret, why didn't he go to kill Zhang Wei together at the beginning, if he did, maybe he would turn back into an angel now, which would definitely slap Heaven in the face.

at this time.

When Phyllis heard Hill's words, she quickly slapped her head and said:

"Oh! I almost forgot, Lord Hill, I have a letter from Lord Satan. Before I was summoned by you, I was killed by Zhang Wei and went to the Hell Reincarnation Pool. Lord Satan also knew about my situation. He summoned me Wilbur, let me tell you."


With a serious expression, Felice spread out her holy angel wings, sprinkled down the holy Bai Yu, and said slowly:

"In the name of Lord Satan, Hill, don't kill Zhang Wei for the time being. Before you figure out how Zhang Wei purifies the fallen angel, you can't do it, and even protect his safety. You must not let him have an accident. His purification Fallen angels are very useful, and may be able to inflict unexpected harm on Heaven."

"in addition."

"Go to the fallen angels, find an opportunity for Zhang Wei to perform the Jade Emperor's decree again, and see if you can turn the second generation and other descendants of the fallen angels into angels. If necessary, you, Hill, will also be sacrificed to become the target of purification."

Hill was stunned when he heard the words, and in the next second, he knelt down on one knee, put one hand on his chest, and performed the fallen angel etiquette:

"Follow Lord Satan's wishes."


Hill got up and said:

"It seems that Lord Satan is also interested, but it's still a bit complicated. I didn't expect that it's only one day, and I have to protect my enemy, but for Lord Satan, I am willing to do so."

Phyllis was noncommittal:

"Of course, this will turn us into angels. If we have the power of angels, we fallen angels will be able to defeat angels, start holy wars, and return to heaven!"

Hill nodded when he heard the light in his eyes:

"That damned God punished us to become fallen angels and turned our angelic power into the power of a restrained fallen angel. If we can regain the power of angels, we don't have to be restrained anymore, we can counterattack."

Think here.

Hill couldn't help but look at the youth in the dark Holy See beside him:

"Go, bring me Zhang Wei's information again. I remember that Zhang Wei is not only enmity with our fallen angels, he also seems to be enmity with a very powerful oriental ghost force. I don't care what kind of force it is, let me get it." Be clear, if necessary, erase it for me, I don't like to hear the news that Zhang Wei has been hurt from today on."


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