Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 649 Is It Better To Believe In The Jade Emperor Than To Believe In God?

The youth of the Dark Holy See was stunned when he heard this:

"Yes, Master Hill, I'll go get the information right now."

in words.

The young man looked strange, with complex eyes, yesterday he was yelling at Zhang Wei, but today he was desperately trying to protect Zhang Wei.


Before leaving, the young man hesitated and said:

"Master Hill, if you don't attack Zhang Wei, do we need to postpone our plan to deal with the Holy See? After all, Zhang Wei is still in the Vatican."

"No, dealing with the Vatican is dealing with the Vatican. Even if Zhang Wei is in the Vatican, it doesn't matter what he believes in. He doesn't believe in God. When the time comes, he will tell others not to let the dark church and fallen angels attack him."

"Okay, Lord Hill."


Watching the young man off, Hill was not idle and was preparing to continue the Fallen Angel Summoning Ceremony. Now that Felice was summoned and the cause of her death was found out, it was time to proceed with the plan to deal with the Holy See.


At this moment, Phyllis stopped Hill.

"What's wrong?"

Hill looked over.

Phyllis didn't go to the ink, and told Hill:

"Master Hill, the fallen angels you will summon next will also summon Wilbur and the others. By the way, Amy also wants to be summoned. Before I was summoned by you, they all knew about Zhang Wei. I am very interested in the matter, and I want to meet Zhang Wei, and calling them will also make the plan go more smoothly."

As soon as his words came out.

Hill froze for a moment:

"Amy coming?"

Amy is Hill's wife, who is the sister of De Garp who was killed by Zhang Wei. She couldn't help frowning a little, for fear that Amy would attack Zhang Wei because of her younger brother.

Felice saw his thoughts and said bluntly:

"Master Hill, Amy wants to come to the world, not to avenge Zhang Wei, she is interested in Zhang Wei's purification, she wants to see if she can also become an angel, and wants to be a test subject for Satan My lord, do your part."

Unlike Felice and Hill, the fallen angel Amy is not the first batch of angels, but the second generation of fallen angels. "

Hill frowned upon hearing this:

"What is Amy doing nonsense? She is not our original fallen angel. It would be fine if she can be purified into an angel. If she is not purified, once she dies, she is really dead."

"I don't think Amy wants to mess around, but..."

Phyllis hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Master Hill, although I have turned back into an angel, apart from my strength and appearance being the same as an angel's, I am actually a little different, that is... I can still reproduce."


Hill was stunned, and looked over in an instant:

"You still have reproductive organs?"

In order to ensure the number of fallen angels, fallen angels have been given the ability to reproduce by Satan, while angels do not have it. God does not allow heaven to reproduce, and angels are created by himself.

In fact.

This was not done by Zhang Wei on purpose, but because he turned Felice into an angel just to collect system points. He didn't have any spare time or extra thought, or he didn't pay attention to the other party's pen, let alone reform it. The other party's pen, after all, he did not transform Felice for this purpose.

Phyllis nodded and said:


After being confirmed, Hill understood, no wonder Amy wanted to come up, her eyes lit up, and she whispered:

"If Amy can be purified into an angel, if I can reproduce with her, what kind of offspring will be born? Haha, if God knows this, we are combined with angels without His permission, haha, God It must be very angry."

"Yes, Amy thought so too."

"Then let Amy come to the world. Although there are risks, Amy and I are willing to make sacrifices for Lord Satan and the fallen angels."

"Sacrifice? I see that Mr. Hill, you are smiling very happily."

"Hahaha, who wouldn't want to boast about Angel Gallop? Forget it, let's not talk about this. You said just now that Wilbur and the others wanted to come up too? Haha, didn't they disdain being summoned before, and felt that dealing with the Holy See It's laborious, and it's better to be happy in hell."

"That was before, but now that they have learned about Zhang Wei, they are all very curious and want to come up and take a look."

"Okay, then they will be summoned together. With their participation, this time the Dark Holy See's plan to deal with the Holy See will be smoother."


the other side.

Vatican, St. Peter's Square.

at this time.

After the explanations of Matt, Jiexiu and others, the head of the Judgment Knights has figured out the reason, and passed the news back to the Holy See.

for a while.

When the Holy See heard the news, everyone from the pope, the cardinals, down to the priests were all crazy when they heard the news.

"Are you sure you're not joking? Can Zhang Wei purify fallen angels?"

The pope couldn't sit still, staring straight at the pope's attendants who came to report,

"Yes, His Excellency the Pope, this is the Lord Judge. He told me personally. I don't think it was a joke, nor could it be a fake."

"My God, this..."

The pope froze in place when he heard this, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Stay alive.

Without saying a word, the Pope hurriedly asked the Pope's attendants:

"When will I meet Zhang Wei tomorrow?"

"Return to the Pope, it will be 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, just in time for you to finish mass."

"what time is it now?"

"It's 2:00 noon."

"That's more than ten hours, God, it's too long."

In the past, although the pope also wanted to see Zhang Wei, he was not so urgent, but after learning that it can purify fallen angels, the pope only wanted to see Zhang Wei immediately and ask about the situation. He is a fallen angel, yes God has imposed an object of eternal punishment, why Zhang Wei was able to purify.

Think here.

The Pope murmured:

"It seems that what Matt said is not wrong, Zhang Wei is not a believer."

He is very clear that even if he is a believer in God, even if he is a believer who is advocating, for example, as the pope, he is the spokesperson of God, and he has God's blessing, but no matter how much he blesses, he cannot have the right to lift the punishment of the fallen angel.


Not to mention him, even angels can't have it.

at this time.

The pope's attendants were also shocked, and muttered there:

"Zhang Wei's ability to purify fallen angels should be related to his belief in the Jade Emperor... Is it so good to believe in the Jade Emperor? Even the blessing power to purify fallen angels is given."

Words speak.

The Pope on the side was silent, not knowing how to answer.

As the pope, he knew that fallen angels were punished by God.

And this kind of punishment is the punishment of God. As a human being, even a believer, it is impossible to have the power to "change the sentence" of God. His punishment was a challenge to God's will.

Can't help it.

Even the Pope is a bit confused... It is said that the power given by God is very powerful, but the power given by the Jade Emperor seems to be stronger?


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