Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 651 Attack! Dark Holy See Vs Holy See

Immediately afterwards.

Along with the Pope, the faces of the cardinals all sank:

"This is... a fallen angel?!"


It was outside the palace where the headquarters of the Holy See was located, and there was the breath of fallen angels, and there were quite a few of them, majestic and turbulent, coming like a torrent.

"It hit Zhang Chao again."

Zhang Wei frowned slightly, thinking of the conversation with Zhang Chao yesterday.

the other side.

The Pope and the others didn't have time to care about the meaning of what Zhang Wei said. At this moment, everyone frowned, and some of the irritable ones straightened up and said with an angry look:

"How dare you invade the Holy See, these damned traitors to God."

"This is the greatest blasphemy against God. It is absolutely unacceptable and unforgivable!"


Regardless of entertaining Zhang Wei, the pope and the cardinals all got up, and the pope hurriedly apologized to Zhang Wei:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I'm really sorry to let you see such an embarrassing thing. Today's meal may have to be postponed, but it won't be long. After I go to deal with these fallen people abandoned by God, let's have dinner together. "

in words.

The pope didn't dare to neglect, and led the archbishops in red to the place where the aura of the fallen angels was. From the feeling just now, they all felt that the fallen angels who came were not only numerous, but also had a powerful national-level aura.


This time, the other party did not come to the Holy See simply to make trouble, but came completely for attack and destruction.

Zhang Wei is also aware of this, and can't help but say:

"Xiaoxue, let's go and have a look."

"it is good."

Lu Lianxue nodded. Although the visitor had a terrifying aura, she did not stop Zhang Wei. There was no way, whoever made Zhang Wei offend the fallen angels, for fear that once the fallen angels destroyed the Holy See, the next target would be Zhang Wei, instead of being here Instead of sitting still, it's better to check the situation and see if I can help.


Zhang Wei followed the pope in the direction they were heading.


They came to the gate of the Holy See, and now, Lu Lianxue's pretty face changed.

can be seen.

In the Vatican at this moment, sounds of fighting, singing, roaring, etc. are intertwined. There are vague figures in the sky and on the ground. Hundreds of fallen angels rushed into the Vatican. Under the bombardment of the power of the fallen angels, they came Many exorcist priests were killed instantly.

Just a few blinks.

Hundreds of exorcist priests died at the hands of fallen angels.

Seeing the army of fallen angels rushing into the Vatican, they were about to take advantage of the situation to press into the interior of the Vatican palace, but at this moment, a holy and holy light burst out, and figures in white suits rushed in from outside the Vatican gate.

"Fallen Angel!!!"

"Even God's birthplace came, you blasphemers of God, damn it!"

Those are the knights of the Judgment Knights.

They roared, and the suitcases with the cross printed in their hands were all opened, bursting out with rays of angelic light:


"I swear in the name of the angels, you guys who trampled on the birthplace of God, you will all be punished today!"

Between drinking and roaring.

Fifty Knights of the Judgment Knights arrived, surrounded by the power of angels, with angel wings on their backs, holding the holy angel sword transformed by light, led by the head of the seraphim light with three pairs of wings, the sword Feng pointed directly at the fallen angel.

The sight was spectacular.

Hundreds of fallen angels with black wings looked directly at the sky, and half a hundred angels with clean white wings, as if the holy war in heaven was once again staged here.

next second.

The head of the Judgment Knights shouted angrily:


Hill, who led the fallen angels, also scolded softly:

"Kill them all!"

The fallen angels collided with the Knights of Judgment, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

at the same time.

The exorcist priests were not idle either. Seeing the Judgment Knights coming, they were all re-integrated under the command of a cardinal, and then the cardinal said loudly:

"Sing out and sing the Bible!"


The exorcist priests nodded in unison when they heard the words, and they all picked up the Bible, ready to sing the chapters of the Bible, and set up the magic circle of God to restrain the fallen angels.

at this time.

"Do you think we will chant for you?"

A hoarse voice sounded.


The pope and the cardinals who came with Zhang Wei all saw it. Behind the fallen angel, that is, at the gate of the Holy See, a large group of people in black cloaks appeared at some time, and the one who spoke was It is the old man who is the leader.

"Sure enough, you are playing tricks, Samuel!"

Seeing this, the pope's face darkened, and he recognized the person who came, that was Samuel, the contemporary Dark Pope of the Dark Holy See.

His words speak out.

Dark Pope Samuel, with a smile on his old face, said leisurely:

"Bell Glio, do you still like the gift I gave you today?"

in words.

Samuel lightly raised his hand to signal, and the rows of dark priests dressed in black beside him took out one by one, some were devil's horns, some were werewolf teeth, some were vampire blood, etc. It is an evil and filthy thing.

Samuel also took out something, and Zhang Wei recognized it immediately.

"The Heart of Satan?"

That thing is the heart of Satan. Once in the beautiful country, a dark priest Zhang Wei met had this thing. It is very powerful and has the ability to hide a certain range of perception.

Also at this time.

The pope looked at Samuel's formation, and seemed to think of something, his face changed suddenly, and he immediately picked up the scepter of God to make a move, and shouted to the red-clothed archbishops beside him:

"Quick, stop Samuel."

"Do you think I don't exist?"

Hill appeared in front of the Pope and blocked his way. Not only that, one powerful fallen angel after another also appeared, blocking the way of the cardinals and not giving the Pope a chance to approach them.

The Pope wanted to order the leader to stop him, but he leaned over. Seeing the leader, they were also restrained. It was Wilbur and other fallen angels. The number of fallen angels was much more than expected, especially the high-end angels. In terms of combat power, I actually don't have an advantage here.

at this time.

Samuel sneered:

"Want to stop? It's too late, Belleglio."


Samuel held up the heart of Satan in his hand, and chanted in a devilish whisper:

"In the name of Satan, I will establish a connection with Satan on earth, offer all evil items, and turn this place into hell, the land of fallen angels in hell, great Lord Satan, please listen to the response of your servant."


Hearing Samuel's voice, the Pope yelled loudly.

Seeing that Samuel was about to finish singing.

A cold voice interrupted Samuel's singing, and also attracted the attention of Hill and the others and the fallen angels.

I see.

At some point, Zhang Wei appeared next to Samuel, pointed at Samuel at the side, and asked the Pope in the distance:

"His Excellency, what are they messing with? Is what this person is holding the core?"

at the same time.

There is also a system prompt in Zhang Wei's mind:

[Use the one-time Monkey King figure ability to move instantly]


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